Does Ezra join Maul?

In "The Holocrons of Fate," Ezra and Maul formed a Force bond with each other after they combined the Sith and the Jedi Holocrons they had. He saw Kanan as a threat to his plans on making Ezra his next apprentice, even trying to kill Kanan twice.
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Why did Ezra join Maul?

Why did Maul want Ezra to be his apprentice? During the time of Star Wars rebels, Maul was basically a very skilled scavenger. He lived all alone in poor conditions hiding from everyone and trying to find ways to get more power, and when he saw Ezra he probably saw an opportunity in him.
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Does Ezra join the Dark Side?

But he overcame that, and in the World Between Worlds, when tempted again by Emperor Palpatine and shown his mother and father, he walked away. That reality was within his grasp, and he chose to let it go. For those reasons, Ezra Bridger will not give way to the Dark Side of the Force.
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Who does Ezra Bridger become?

Training in the ways of the Force under the mentorship of Kanan Jarrus, Ezra became a Jedi Padawan and a part of the emerging rebellion.
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Was Darth Maul Ezra's master?

Introducing himself as an "old master" and seeking revenge against Sidious, Maul wins Ezra's trust by denouncing the Sith. He encourages the boy to use the dark side, and leads him into an ancient Sith temple, where they discover a holocron that Maul claims can give them the knowledge needed to defeat the Sith.
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What If Ezra Bridger JOINED Darth Maul

Did Maul actually care about Ezra?

Maul may have developed a slight fondness for Ezra and still used Ezra to achieve his own goals, it did appear that Maul genuinely wanted Ezra as his apprentice. However, it is made clear by Sam Witwer that Maul does want Ezra as a replacement for his dead brother.
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Does Ezra ever become a Jedi?

Ezra Bridger was human male Bokken Jedi, a freedom fighter and a revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.
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Is Ezra alive in Rise of Skywalker?

Despite being absent from The Rise of Skywalker, Ezra's experience as a Jedi who resisted the dark side could have been useful in navigating Palpatine's ploys. His exclusion from the Jedi voices scene suggests he may be alive during that time.
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Is Ezra Bridger Palpatine's son?

The Bridger family was a human family native to the planet Lothal in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Ezra Bridger, the son of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, became part of the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire during the reign of Emperor Palpatine.
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Is Sabine in love with Ezra?

Several consider Sabine and Ezra as a romantic couple while others consider it strictly platonic. Though they were confirmed to have a sibling dynamic, there are several aspects that they have romantic feelings for another.
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Is Ezra in Ahsoka Sith?

The ex-Sith Lord Maul senses in Ezra a worthy apprentice, though he's never able to turn Ezra to the Dark Side. Following Kanan's heroic sacrifice in Rebels: Season 4, Ezra comes into his own as a Jedi and helps lead the fight to liberate Lothal from the Empire's grip.
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Who does Ezra fall in love with?

Sabine Wren. Ezra and Sabine. As the two youngest members of the crew of the Ghost, Ezra and Sabine were good friends. Ezra instantly developed a crush on Sabine the moment she first revealed her beauty to him.
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Is Ezra ever on the A team?

Ezra Fitz (Ian Harding)

But, “Free Fall” confirms once and for all the teacher isn't actually an “A” or even on the “A Team.” Instead, Ezra was surveilling the Liars to write a tell-all true crime novel about Ali's disappearance, since that's not creepy or anything.
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Is Ezra a Darth Revan?

They were originally led by Darth Maul (who claimed to be the one chosen to seek out Revan's descendant) until he "stepped down" when he took Ezra (who was revealed to be Darth Revan's descendant) as his apprentice and appointed him Mandalore and the offical leader of the Revanchists under the name Keneh Heru (when in ...
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Who turns into Darth Maul?

Maul was a Force-sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak male who established himself as a crime lord during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was known as Darth Maul as the apprentice of Darth Sidious.
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Does Ezra meet Kenobi?

After nightfall, Ezra awoke to find himself and Chopper in the company of Master Kenobi. Ezra conversed with Kenobi, who revealed that Maul had used the holocrons to lure him to Tatooine. After some discussion, Kenobi reassured Ezra that the Jedi Master was able to handle Maul on his own.
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Is Rey Ezra Bridger's daughter?

Rey is Ezra Bridger's Daughter

But that's not to say Del Toro will be playing a new character. I think he's playing an adult Ezra Bridger (from the Rebels TV show). He'd be about the right age, and there have been theories that Rebels will end with Ezra (and Kanan if he's still alive) joining Luke's new Jedi Academy.
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Does Ezra meet Luke Skywalker?

Ezra also met Luke's sister Leia in the Rebels season 2 episode “A Princess on Lothal.” Despite these connections, Luke and Ezra have never met. It's possible the two could connect in Ahsoka season 2, or even in Dave Filoni's The Mandalorian-era movie, where the more powerful Jedi will be determined.
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Is Ezra alive in Ahsoka?

Is Ezra alive in Ahsoka? The short answer is, YES, Ezra Bridger is alive in the events of Star Wars: Ahsoka. After Baylan Skoll, Morgan Elsbeth, and Sabine find Thrawn he puts his next plan into action, finding Ezra by using Sabine.
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Is Ezra a full Jedi?

Ezra Bridger of Lothal is a former thief and Pickpocket tuned Jedi Padawan and the main protagonist of Star Wars Rebels. He is the Padawan of Kanan Jarrus and an orphan from the planet Lothal, joining the Rebellion when he was only fourteen years old.
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How much older is Ezra than Luke?

Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa were born the day after the formation of the Galactic Empire and Ezra Bridger's birth, which makes them a day younger than Ezra Bridger.
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Who is Ezra to Sabine in Ahsoka?

Ezra and Sabine Grew To Be Good Friends in 'Star Wars Rebels' The Sabine Wren we know from Ahsoka is a far cry from the young girl we met in Rebels. Like Ezra, she was a bratty teenager to start with.
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Did Maul train Ezra?

In Rebels, Ezra is introduced as a 14-year old orphaned street urchin and con artist who joins the crew of the Ghost in freeing his home planet of Lothal from the tyranny of the Galactic Empire and is taken under the wing of Kanan Jarrus, who trains him in the Jedi arts, and later former Sith Maul, who trains him in ...
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Why did Ezra Bridger disappear?

In the ensuing campaign to liberate the planet Lothal from the clutches of the Galactic Empire, the Ghost crew's mission ended with Bridger disappearing with Thrawn after the young Jedi used the star whales known as the purrgil to defeat him in the Battle of Lothal, leaving both in exile and presumed dead.
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