Does Harry Potter actually wear glasses?

Throughout all seven of the books, the hero of the story, Harry Potter himself, wears glasses, and it is well know in the story that he suffers from very bad eyesight without them (something that cannot be cured by magic).
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Does Daniel Radcliffe actually wear glasses?

Since his departure from the Harry Potter franchise, Radcliffe has taken on multiple roles. Some of his notable credits include in The F Word, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, and more. But, he continues to be closely linked with Harry Potter, and the decision to not wear glasses comes as a countermeasure.
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Is Harry Potter the only student that wears glasses?

Other characters described as bespectacled in the books such as Arthur Weasley, Percy Weasley, Aberforth Dumbledore, Rufus Scrimgeour, Mafalda Hopkirk, or James Potter as a first-year in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 flashbacks are not wearing any in the films.
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Why does Harry keep wearing glasses?

It is also evident that his eyesight is quite poor, since even the close-by outlines of two people appeared to be blurry. The same is true for many myopic people and fictional characters. The fact that he wears his glasses to see things throughout the day is also an indicator of nearsightedness.
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Does Harry Potter tape his glasses?

Yes, yes he does. In fact, in the first book, a few paragraphs are dedicated to describing just how badly Dudley and his cronies have screwed up Harry's glasses that they're literally held together by masking tape and good wishes.
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Is Harry Really the ONLY Student with Glasses? - Harry Potter Explained

Can Harry Potter see without his glasses?

Throughout all seven of the books, the hero of the story, Harry Potter himself, wears glasses, and it is well know in the story that he suffers from very bad eyesight without them (something that cannot be cured by magic).
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Are Harry Potter's glasses real?

The Specific model of Harry Potter's Round Glasses worn by Daniel Radcliffe in the Harry Potter Films is called Savile Row Warwick. They are perfectly round glasses in Black and Silver, basically, a replica of Windsor Glasses invented in Windsor, England 100 years ago. They are handmade in London and coated in Rhodium.
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Why was Harry Potter wearing a bra?

During Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One, Hermione transforms into a replica version of Harry to confuse his enemies and Harry is seen wearing a bra. The actor revealed that he was simply relieved producers didn't make him wear certain other female items of clothing.
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Why can mad eyes eye see through Harry's cloak?

The device was a round, electric-blue eye that he placed into his empty eye socket. It could rotate 360 degrees in Moody's head and allowed him to see through anything, whether it be wood, Invisibility Cloaks, or even the back of his own head.
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Why does Harry Potter have a scar?

A scar on Harry Potter's forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt is the result of a failed murder attempt by Lord Voldemort on October 31, 1981, when he struck 15-month-old Harry with the Killing Curse.
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Who is blind in Hogwarts?

Ominis Gaunt was a pure-blood blind wizard alive during the late 19th century, and he used a sentient wand that guided him around and allowed him to duel. His blindness could not be cured by any means. This likely involved some magical cause, because mundane nature could easily be corrected.
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Does Percy Weasley wear glasses?

Physical description. Percy was tall and thin, like his father and brothers Bill and Ron, and with the vivid red hair and freckles characteristic of the Weasley family. He wore horn-rimmed glasses, and also tried to carry himself in a dignified manner, although he usually came off looking pretentious and silly.
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Who has a glass eye in Harry Potter?

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is a former Auror. His profession has apparently been rather hard on him, as he has a wooden leg, a magical artificial eye, and a large chunk taken out of his nose.
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How many glasses did Harry Potter break?

He asked if it was true whether or not he ended up breaking 160 pairs of glasses on set and 60-70 wands. "I would definitely say they are exaggerated. The glasses one massively so. I definitely didn't break the glasses that often at all, I don't think.
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Does anyone else wear glasses in Harry Potter?

Glasses in the wizarding world

Many wizards and witches wear glasses, so it seems that magic is unable to cure myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism in the same way that Muggle laser surgery can.
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Does McGonagall wear glasses?

Though McGonagall does wear her hat and glasses at various points throughout the series, she isn't wearing either of them with her last outfit.
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Does Harry know he has the Cloak of Invisibility?

It was not until 1998, that Harry learned the true nature of his own Invisibility Cloak and its true identity as the Cloak of Invisibility, as spoken of in the legend of the Deathly Hallows. As Ignotus's last remaining descendant, the Cloak was rightfully Harry's and was kept by him after Lord Voldemort's defeat.
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Did Snape know Harry was under the Invisibility Cloak?

Dumbledore was doing James a favour by helping him pass down the Invisibility Cloak to his son Harry. Snape definitely knew because in book 4 when Harry sees crouch in Snapes office, he's in his invisibility cloak. As soon as snape sees the golden egg and the map he says 'potters here' to mad eye. Potters here.
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Why did fake mad eye help Harry?

disguised as Mad-Eye Moody put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire using a Confundus Charm, allowing Voldemort to manipulate him through the Triwizard Tournament. Many believed Harry put his own name in the Goblet due to his ego and desire for glory, straining his relationships and causing conflict at Hogwarts.
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Why did Malfoy kiss Hermione?

Original question: Can you share the clip where Draco Malfoy kisses Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies? Sadly, they never kiss because Ron blackmailed Draco Malfoy and used a love potion on Hermione. Which kind of stinks considering how abusive Ron is and how romantic Draco is.
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Did girls wear pants at Hogwarts?

The boys could wear grey trousers or breeches while the girls wore a gymslip with a pleated skirt. Tom Riddle and his gang can be seen wearing blazers in the sixth film. In the second film, students wore a cloak as the outer of the blazer.
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Why did Harry follow Draco in the bathroom?

In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry instead chased after Draco after the latter fled upon mistaking Katie Bell was incriminating him, and when Snape was healing Draco, a horrified Harry fled the bathroom and returned to Gryffindor Tower.
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Did Hermione fix Harry's glasses?

Hermione never fixed Harry's glasses in the "Sorcerer's Stone" book. The scene was added to the movie despite the underage magic laws. Warner Bros. In "Sorcerer's Stone" Hermione uses the "Oculus Reparo" spell to fix Harry's glasses on the Hogwarts Express.
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Who gave Harry his glasses?

The Dursleys of course. However grudgingly, they took care of Harry, at least in his growing years. It was only when he showed signs of the connection that he had with the world they liked to pretend did not exist, did they try to stamp it out of him. Why did the Dursleys give Harry Potter glasses?
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How many people wear glasses in Harry Potter?

Well Harry was the only living student with glasses. Others are: Moaning Myrtle and James Potter. Some teachers with glasses are: Minerva Mcgonagall and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
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