Does Jack Harkness need to sleep?

We see that he can die of a sickness that any mortal man can die from, including starvation. Since sleep deprivation is actually lethal (what was the record, 6 days?), we can assume, although it is not documented, that Captain Jack can die of lack of sleep, and thus regularly needs some.
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How does Jack Harkness live forever?

Jack was shot by a Dalek and then brought back to life by Rose, Rose couldn't control what she was doing so she brought him back to life forever, Jack is now immortal. The Doctor wasn't comfortable with what had happened so he ran from the scene leaving Jack behind on Satellite 5.
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Does Jack stay immortal?

After he was shot and killed by a Dalek, Jack was revived by Rose Tyler, who at the time was transformed into a nearly omnipotent being. Unable to control her powers, she accidentally turned him into an immortal being.
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How much sleep do timelords need?

It's thought that they only need about an hour of sleep a night to function properly. However, there are also some facts that imply they need even less than that.
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Who has Jack Harkness slept with?

Jack recruits policewoman Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) to his team; there are hints of romantic feelings between them, while Jack begins a sexual relationship with existing employee Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd).
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DO NOT WATCH THIS! | Sleep No More | Doctor Who

Did Gwen and Jack sleep together?

She eventually chose to restart Torchwood, rebuilding the Hub and working with Jack and Colchester. Gwen left to start a new life with Rhys and Anwen after her possession by Ng, having totally lost control and killed her mother and slept with Jack.
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Is Jack in love with Gwen Torchwood?

Ahead of the fourth series Myles explains that Gwen and Jack's relationship is a "love-hate-love relationship", which she believes to be reminiscent of, concurrently, a sibling relationship, a husband and wife relationship and "the best friendship known to mankind".
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Can Time Lords get drunk?

Depending on what story you are reading/watching/listening to, Time Lords can either get drunk or alcohol has no effect on them ;) The kingmaker is a good example. The 8th doctor has a much higher tolerance than many of his predecessors.
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Do Time Lords have to eat?

Time Lords do still have real, squishy human-like bodies, so clearly still require sustainable links to the biological world as we know it. Given that Time Lords eat and breathe like we do, they should have similar metabolisms.
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Can Time Lords refuse to regenerate?

In “Twice Upon A Time” the First and Twelfth Doctors demonstrated that, if Time Lords are reluctant to the upcoming change, they can temporarily suppress it and enter a “state of grace” where they are healed and remain in the same form for an extended interval.
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Why does Jack not age?

The fifth season of the series takes place fifty years after the original four seasons, although Jack himself has stopped aging as a side effect of time travel. Aku has destroyed all existing time portals but is distressed over the prospect of battling Jack forever, so he has stopped pursuing him directly.
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How does Jack not age?

As of Season 5, it's revealed that Jack cannot age as a side-effect of Aku's time travel curse. He has grown a large beard while wearing full Samurai armor with a mask resembling a Japanese Oni and a holster across his torso.
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How did Jack Harkness become a giant head?

The show never officially confirms how Jack transforms, but it can be traced back to the season 1 finale when Rose Tyler saves him from death. Jack's transformation into the Face of Boe suggests that extreme aging and evolution could result in becoming just a giant head, unique to his Boekind heritage.
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How old is Captain Jack Harkness in the empty child?

When we first meet the man calling himself 'Captain Jack Harkness' in S01(27)E09 'The Empty Child' he had already quit being a time Agent and had become a con man. So given your numbers he would be 35+.
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Why is Captain Jack Sparrow immortal?

Right before the film's climactic battle with the pirates at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow swipes a cursed coin from the treasure chest, making himself immortal and capable of dueling Barbossa. He shoots his nemesis with the pistol he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa.
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Do Time Lords have periods?

Apparently, Time Lords can only regenerate a maximum of twelve times in a single regenerative cycle. After that, they die. However, the Time Lords have been able to give certain members of their society additional regenerative cycles.
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Are Time Lords infertile?

The colonists there speak of evolution "with each regeneration, with each new child born on Kreb." It seems to confirm the Time Lords do indeed reproduce biologically - and, therefore, that there really are Time Lord children.
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Do Time Lords need oxygen?

He can survive without oxygen for a while longer than humans. The 10th outlasted the humans in the hospital transported by the Judoon Platoon to the Moon. How many other people go through 'The Cycle of Regeneration' with Doctor Who?
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What is the body temperature of the Time Lord?

Physiological differences from humans include two hearts which normally beat at 170 beats per minute, three brain stems [S10E06 Extremis], an internal body temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) and a "respiratory bypass system" that allows them to survive strangulation.
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What kills a Time Lord?

The most effective way to kill a Time Lord is to stab them in both hearts before the regeneration starts. It was in some audio story but I don't remember the name. As shown in The Deadly Assassin the timelords had weapons capable of killing fellow timelords without them regenerating.
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Are Time Lords physically stronger than humans?

Time Lords have been said on a few occasions to be considerably stronger than humans. That said, they don't seem much tougher than humans, since the Doctor has a tendancy to go down in a single punch. Yeah but ten also jumped out of a spaceship being shot at by missiles and then at least a mile through some glass.
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Did Jack Harkness kiss the doctor?

Captain Jack Harkness is one of the most popular companions. He was very open about his desires, and he didn't hide the fact that he liked both the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler. So when the time came to say goodbye, Jack, in his typical fashion, didn't discriminate. He shared a brief kiss both with Rose and the Doctor.
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Did Gwen sleep with Owen?

In his private life, Owen is a narcissistic womanizer with a long history of sexual partners, including colleagues Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) and Suzie Costello (Indira Varma), but remained indifferent to the affections of colleague Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori).
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Is Torchwood darker than Doctor Who?

Torchwood is a darker side of Doctor Who

Some scenes may disturb some viewers or even upset viewers as well, due to some characters die.
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