Does Joker have yellow teeth?

They know that his teeth would appear yellow and grimy under all that makeup in real life, so he's drawn that way.
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What happened to Joker's teeth?

A fan asked Ayer on Twitter about the strange plot hole that Joker's teeth are at the center of. Batman only knocked out Joker's teeth after the Clown Prince of Crime murdered Robin. He has the resulting grill while he's locked in Arkham Asylum, the place he'd first meet Harleen Quinzel.
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What color is the Joker's mouth?

The Joker's hair is stringy, unkempt, and dyed green. His face is covered by a cracked, smeared and runny layer of white clown makeup, while his sunken eyes are thickly rimmed in black and his teeth are yellowed. A red grin is sloppily painted across his mouth and cheeks, covering the facial scars of a Glasgow smile.
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Why does the Joker have a permanent smile?

Narratively, he got a permanent smile scarred into his face just by being born, which is tragic. But cinematically, the idea came from the 1928 silent movie that inspired the character's creation in the first place, The Man Who Laughs (the link to The Batman Who Laughs is clear).
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Why did Joker have grills?

In an interview with Empire, Ayer noted that while Joker's tattoo is sort of a "personal thing" and not necessarily part of an overarching connection, it originates from when Batman smashes out Joker's teeth and locks him away in Arkham Asylum after discovering that he murdered Robin.
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Why did the Joker have to be skinny?

A few months before filming began, the 45-year-old actor read through the script and met with writer and director Todd Phillips. It was decided that he needed to “look hungry and unhealthy” to do the part justice.
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Is the Joker A Smoker?

Joker of the comics and earlier movies didn't smoke at all, it's not what you would call “canon” for the character. But in the recent film, Joaquin Phoenix plays the character as a heavy smoker.
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Why does the Joker lick his lips a lot?

In the documentary I Am Heath Ledger (via Digital Spy) it's revealed that, in order to keep the prosthetics in their place as they got loose when he spoke, Ledger had to lick his makeup to keep it in place, and it ended up becoming part of the Joker's manic personality, as well as his most memorable mannerism.
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What is the illness of Joker?

In Joker's case, pseudobulbar affect probably occurred secondary to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). A number of studies have established that TBI increases the risk of mood disorders, personality changes and substance use disorders.
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Who is Joker's wife?

History. Jeanie was married to the man who would become the Joker when he worked as a chemist at the Ace Chemical Processing Plant. He eventually quit his job in order to pursue his dream of being a stand-up comedian but failed miserably.
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Who gave Joker his scars?

According to the Joker, his wife (who often mentioned that he needed to "smile more") found herself in trouble with gambling sharks who "carved her face." As the pair couldn't afford surgery, and in an effort to reassure his wife that he didn't care about her scars, the Joker disfigured himself in solidarity.
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Does Joker brush his teeth?

He has no time for hygiene, he doesn't get the point of hygiene. The Joker in the Dark Knight was supposed to be dirty in order to add to the charismatic discomfort you get watching him.
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What is on Joker's forehead?

Suicide Squad director David Ayer has expressed regret over his decision to have Jared Leto's Joker brazenly sport a forehead tattoo. In the 2016 DC Comics movie, Leto's version of the green-haired, pale-faced villain had the word “damaged” tattooed across his forehead.
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Why is Joker missing his face?

Origins. When the Joker became obsessing over destroying the Bat-Family, he decided to arrange for his face to be surgically removed. According to the Joker, he did this to symbolize how even without his, "Mask" he was still the joker where-as Batman's Robins and Bat-Girls' identities were only mask-deep.
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Why is Joker missing an eye?

The shot actually comes from Harley Quinn who, in Batman #99, showed that she was willing to put the Joker down -- permanently. Her shot doesn't kill Joker, but it does take out his right eye, and it's no accident.
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Is Joker's illness real?

Fleck (aka the Joker) did indeed suffer from PBA. That said, however, Hollywood definitely embellished his presentation. For example, his hyperbolic ballet dance after a trauma would not seem to be explained solely or at all by PBA. Additionally, while it would appear Mr.
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Who is Joker's dad?

In Joker, Thomas Wayne (Batman's father) and Penny Fleck (Joker's mother) are key characters. Penny claims that Thomas is actually Arthur's father.
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What is Harley Quinn's mental illness?

Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn's life. People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are “pervasive and excessive emotionally and display attention-seeking behavior” (Bornstein 1998).
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Why did Batman hate the Joker?

While it's not a perspective fans are used to seeing, it's a fascinating look at a Batman who is more vigilante than superhero, and whose hatred for Joker isn't rooted in awestruck disbelief at his depravity, but frustration at having to lose another night of his crusade to a villainous clown.
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Does Joker have any fear?

In 2009's Superman/Batman #65, the Joker's greatest fear is losing control of the joke—being perceived by his audience not as the master, but as its subject. The Joker claims it's all in fun, but being laughed at is the worst fate he can imagine.
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Does Joker feel love?

The Joker admits to being in love with Batman and feeling a constant longing for Gotham's protector to beat him and call him a “horror.” He adds that he can't understand why his counterpart always chooses to love Catwoman over him.
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What does it mean when the Jokers laugh?

According to the Mayo Clinic, "Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a condition that's characterized by episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing or crying." Echoing the language on the Joker's laminated card, PBA can indeed occur in people with brain injuries, stroke, or certain neurological conditions such ...
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Is the Joker A sociopath?

Batman stories are as much about madness and sanity as good and evil; what other superhero world features the local mental asylum as a key location? But Langley hesitates to diagnose the Joker. “His behaviour does not neatly fit into any condition. The Joker is clearly a psychopath.
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Is Batman a smoker?

I'm sure he did in the Golden Age era of comics, but not in the modern age. Smoking, as I'm sure you know, does not help your health at all, and Batman knows this, so in the modern era of comics, no, he doesn't smoke.
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What is the Jokers real name reveal?

Martha reveals that she forced Psycho-Pirate, a villain capable of knowing all of DC's timelines, to tell her everything she knew about the main DC. It is at this point that Psycho-Pirate revealed that the Joker's real name is Jack Oswald White.
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