Does Kylo Ren have borderline personality disorder?

As a central villainous figure in the saga, Kylo Ren's tumultuous journey is marked by a series of behaviors and emotional struggles that closely align with the diagnostic criteria of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
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What is the BPD life expectancy?

The effects of untreated borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be devastating. For example, the physical and mental health impact of this disorder is so severe that life expectancy among people who have BPD is about 20 years less than the national average.
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Can a person with BPD ever be normal?

A BPD diagnosis doesn't mean that someone will live with symptoms forever. With treatment, the symptoms ebb and flow. Many people with the condition can have high-functioning lives.
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What does a BPD episode look like?

Recognising a BPD episode

Intense outbursts of anger are indicative of an episode of BPD as are bouts of depression and anxiety. 80% of those presenting with BPD experience suicidal thoughts and behavior while in the throes of an episode as well.
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What is KYLO Ren's personality?

Personality… hot-headed, conflicted, and erratic. Kylo Ren is filled with a great deal of rage and angst, making him unstable. That lack of stability, though, when paired with his powerful use of the Force, makes him a dangerous and formidable foe.
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What disorder does Kylo Ren have?

I suggest that when Ren's emotional outbursts, impulsivity, and unstable self-concept are looked at more closely, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that he suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and that perhaps he is simply not just a cold-hearted villain after all.
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Why is Kylo Ren always angry?

Both Jedi and Sith blood flowed within the veins of Kylo Ren, causing the conflicted young man to suffer deep psychological torment. Unlike his emotionally restrained grandpapa Darth Vader, Ren's shame-based anguish drove him to petulant temper tantrums and fits of rage.
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What is the hardest mental illness to live with?

Borderline personality disorder is one of the most painful mental illnesses since individuals struggling with this disorder are constantly trying to cope with volatile and overwhelming emotions.
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What triggers BPD rage?

Rage in an individual with BPD can occur suddenly and unpredictably. BPD anger triggers can include an intense fear of being alone. Two other BPD anger triggers include a fear of rejection and quickly changing views.
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What does high functioning BPD look like?

People with high-functioning BPD experience frequent negative thoughts, fear of rejection, and regret about expressing their feelings. Individuals with quiet BPD may oscillate between clinging to people around them in need of validation and them pushing them away to avoid criticism.
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Will my child be taken away if I have BPD?

Although your mental illness may influence the judge's decision, it may not disqualify you from getting or retaining custody. However, the court does have the authority to terminate parental rights if the illness is serious enough to affect the children's overall well-being.
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What can untreated BPD turn into?

About 8% to 10% of people with BPD die by suicide. Many people with untreated BPD also experience unstable or chaotic personal relationships and have trouble keeping a job. They have an increased risk of divorce, estrangement from family members and rocky friendships. Legal and financial problems are also common.
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Why is BPD life expectancy 27?

The reality is that Borderline Personality Disorder itself does not directly reduce life expectancy to 27 years. However, the intense emotional turmoil associated with BPD can lead to high-risk behaviors and substance use, which might increase the risk of life-threatening situations.
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Does BPD get worse with age?

Mood swings, anger and impulsiveness often get better with age. But the main issues of self-image and fear of being abandoned, as well as relationship issues, go on. If you have borderline personality disorder, know that many people with this condition get better with treatment.
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What famous people have borderline personality disorder?

Celebrities and Famous People With Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Brandon Marshall. ...
  • Doug Ferrari. ...
  • Jim Carrey. ...
  • Amy Winehouse. ...
  • Robbie Williams. ...
  • Elizabeth Wurtzel. ...
  • Britney Spears.
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Does BPD ever fully go away?

While BPD can't be cured and won't go away, Gatlin said the prognosis can be good for those who are going to therapy and taking medication, if needed, to manage their symptoms. She noted that a key milestone is when a young adult reaches their mid to late 20s, as that's when the brain finishes developing.
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What happens when you ignore a borderline?

In some cases, the individual with BPD may isolate themselves or avoid the person they have devalued. They may withdraw from social interactions, cancel plans, or create distance to protect themselves from potential rejection or abandonment.
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What does a BPD meltdown look like?

BPD Meltdown

These episodes involve intense emotional reactions that can be triggered by stress, rejection, or perceived abandonment. During a meltdown, people may experience extreme mood swings, impulsivity, and difficulty calming down.
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How to tell if someone has BPD?

Symptoms - Borderline personality disorder
  1. emotional instability – the psychological term for this is "affective dysregulation"
  2. disturbed patterns of thinking or perception – "cognitive distortions" or "perceptual distortions"
  3. impulsive behaviour.
  4. intense but unstable relationships with others.
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What is the Joker's mental disorder?

The psychopathology Arthur exhibits is unclear, preventing diagnosis of psychotic disorder or schizophrenia; the unusual combination of symptoms suggests a complex mix of features of certain personality traits, namely psychopathy and narcissism (he meets DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder).
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What are some rarely known signs for BPD?

For example, a person with the condition may:
  • Have food habits that strongly resemble those found in a person with bulimia or anorexia.
  • Experience mood alterations that closely mimic major depression or less severe forms of depression.
  • Experience the potentially extreme manic episodes found in people with bipolar disorder.
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Why is Kylo Ren so obsessed with Rey?

He saw her as a useful tool for his rise to power. He was intrigued by the mystery surrounding her. He wanted closure for his defeat at her hands. He had a genuine emotional connection to her.
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Why did Rey beat Kylo Ren so easily?

Summary. Rey gained knowledge and skills through her connection with Kylo Ren, allowing her to tap into his training and skills. Kylo Ren was wounded by Chewbacca's bowcaster, which he believed inhibited his ability to defeat Rey.
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Why does Rey love Kylo?

The dyad is an unbreakable Force-bond that makes them one in the Force, despite being born as two physically separated individuals. Thus, despite not being related by blood, Rey is Ben's other half, making her his "soulmate" or "twin of the Force". As such, they were connected before they even met.
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