Does Loki have to stay at the end of time forever?

This decision means that the TVA no longer needs a Temporal Loom to keep timelines from branching out uncontrollably, but it also means that Loki has sacrificed his freedom in order to stay at the end of time, seemingly forever.
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Does Loki have to hold the timeline forever?

Loki takes his place as the God of Stories and holds the timelines together, forming a tree-like time structure (AKA Yggdrasil). This also means that for the rest of time, Loki will be alone, but also will oversee his family and friends forever.
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Is Loki stuck at the end of time forever?

Here, holding on to all of the timelines, he became a kind of tree god, physically representing the Norse tree of life, Yggdrasil. It was a poignant and painful ending for Loki, who now seems to be sentenced to being alone for eternity as he watches over the timelines.
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Can Loki ever leave his throne?

He destroyed the temporal loom and took the strands of raw temporal energy in his grasp to become a living temporal loom. While he's not dead, Loki can't leave his throne at the center of the multiverse, or he risks the collapse of all reality, including the sacred timeline.
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Is Loki holding time forever?

Loki, as it turns out, was the only one who could save the TVA—and so from the moment Sylvie killed He Who Remains, he was destined to need to hold the timelines in place. He's now Loki Who Remains, possibly for the rest of time.
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LOKI: Trapped Forever or Returning in Avengers Secret Wars?

Can Loki go back to his timeline?

Without the Temporal Loom around to organize branches into the Sacred Timeline the entire multiverse appeared doomed. Loki was the multiverse's only hope thanks to his time slipping. Once Loki learned to control his movement through time he was able to go back to before the Loom's failure.
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How many years can Loki live?

"Loki Is About 16 Years Old In The MCU In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU."
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Could Loki have survived Thanos?

It turns out Loki had a real chance to survive Thanos, and it's possible that he did. Though Classic Loki made it past the Mad Titan, it's less likely that Hiddleston's Loki did. In the Loki premiere, the God of Mischief sees images of his entire timeline at the TVA, and the film ends shortly after Thanos kills him.
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Is Loki a time god now?

By saving and organizing every existing timeline, Loki has become the God of Time — a higher being who keeps the past, present, and future of every universe from being erased by outside forces. However, Loki has also become the God of Stories, as he has placed everybody's personal journey above his own.
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Is Loki powerful than Thor?

Is Loki more powerful than Thor? Loki isn't more powerful than Thor ,that's why he seeks mjolnir. I will say he is more powerful without bringing mjolnir to the question. Although he is more versatile having powers Thor doesn't,Thor is far stronger physically though and mjolnir can dispel magic spells.
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How come Loki never dies?

But if you're wondering how he's even alive, we have the details you need to know. Loki is a Trickster, and he's very good at what he does. From his first MCU appearance in 2011's Thor, Loki revealed his ability to create duplicates of himself and fake his death.
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Why are timelines dying Loki?

Timelines need power to keep them alive and Temporal Loom acted as a generator to power them. Since Loki destroyed the Temporal Loom, the timelines were dying. The Temporal Loom was designed by He Who Remains in a way that it could only power the Sacred Timeline.
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Is Loki going to be in Avengers 5?

The events of Loki led audiences to believe that, should Loki abandon his post, the multiverse would collapse and the branches would begin to die. As such, Loki is unlikely to take an active role in the fight against Kang for Avengers 5.
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Is Sylvie a variant of Loki?

She is an alternate version of Loki who helps him fight to overthrow the Time Variance Authority (TVA). She hopes to destroy the TVA and He Who Remains for stealing away her life, viewing herself as an agent of the universe itself. She is later forced to ally with a variant of Loki from 2012.
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How old is Loki in human years?

Loki's age equals what would be 17-20 years for humans.
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Did Loki become Yggdrasil?

In the Loki season 2 finale, Loki becomes a living embodiment of Yggdrasil. In Norse mythology, the tree holds all Nine Realms together, controlling all life and death. In the MCU, this is redefined to hold all of the multiverse, with Loki now at its center – making him the literal God of Time.
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What kind of god did Loki become?

What is Loki the god of? Loki is considered a trickster god, known for being neither fully good nor evil since his main aim was always to create chaos.
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Is Loki worthy of Mjolnir?

This added confusion to an already spirited debate regarding Loki's worthiness in and out of comics. It is in The Immortal Thor #5 by Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo, Matthew Wilson, and VC's Joe Sabino that the confusion is cleared up with a simple answer: Loki is worthy of lifting Mjolnir!
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Is Loki more powerful than Thor after Loki Season 2?

Thor's predetermined destiny as the successor to Odin was relinquished as he passed on the role of king to Valkyrie, who now rules New Asgard. Loki's jealousy of Thor's destiny led him to search for his own throne, and in the Loki Season 2 finale, he becomes the all-powerful God of Stories.
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Who is more powerful, Thanos or Loki?

By far, Loki is now the strongest MCU character. It was shown in season 1 of Loki that Timelines=the universe. Loki held infinity of them with his strength.
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Why did Thanos let Thor live?

So while he essentially killed half of life in the universe with the snap, he saw those deaths as necessary for the galaxy to thrive. This is ultimately the reason why he didn't go out of his way to kill Thor (or any other character) at the beginning of Infinity War.
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Who killed Loki in Ragnarok?

During the events of Ragnarok, which led to the ultimate destruction of the cosmos, Loki, along with all the gods and goddesses, met his final end. His demise came in a battle with the Aesir god Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, in which they fought each other to the death.
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How old was Loki in Human Years when he died?

In the MCU, it is confirmed that Loki was 1,054 years old when he was killed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The Asgardians are far older in the comics than they are in the movies, so Loki is likely thousands if not tens of thousands of years old.
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How much older is Thor than Loki?

So they are at least separated by 13 months. Thus, Thor was born on 964 A.D. Check the wiki page: Before 20th century article. Marvelus has explained it (he means "Thor confirms they overlapped in age so are separated by no more than 12 months").
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How old is Thor physically?

Thor is around 1500 years old. Loki was born around the end of the Asgard Jouten War.
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