Does Maleficent hate Aurora?

In the live-action remake, Maleficent, she meets and befriends both Maleficent and Diaval. She was called "Beastie" by Maleficent. At first, Maleficent hated Aurora, but Maleficent soon had developed a close bond with her, so she now calls Aurora "Beastie" as a nickname and a sign of affection towards her.
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Why did Maleficent hate Aurora?

Maleficent confirms that Aurora will grow in grace and beauty, "beloved by all who know her", but as revenge for not being invited by the kingdom, she curses Aurora so that before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle and die.
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What is Maleficent's relationship to Aurora?

Princess Aurora is not actually a blood relative of Maleficent – in fact the Princess is the daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leila. However she is the adopted daughter of Maleficent – who is protector of the Moors in the franchise, and is portrayed as a tragic, rather than evil, character.
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Why is Maleficent so evil in Sleeping Beauty?

Maleficent is soft-spoken, proper, and elegant and has two possible motivations for her crimes, either out of pride, considering she curses Aurora because Stefan didn't invite her to the christening, or she is simply a monster who enjoys being evil.
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Why does Maleficent not like children?

In Maleficent it isn't about the baby being a baby.. but about humans showing themselves to be a threat to what she's protecting and a human she trusted betraying her. … It was said human's daughter (who had become king) she cursed during her christening.
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Maleficent's Curse Scene (Maleficent)

Does Maleficent love anyone?

Maleficent and Diaval

After saving his life, Diaval promises Maleficent he will be her humble servant as a gratitude. Maleficent and Diaval have been together for twenty-one years now.
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Who got Maleficent pregnant?

Background. In the Enchanted Forest, presumably, Maleficent's dragon form mates with another dragon which results in her becoming pregnant and eventually having a daughter named Lilith, or "Lily".
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Does Maleficent regret cursing Aurora?

She tearfully apologizes to her sleeping goddaughter and gives her a farewell kiss on the forehead. However, just before she can walk away, a miracle happens: Aurora wakes up. Maleficent's strong and genuine motherly love for Aurora was enough to break the curse that she herself had cast.
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What mental illness does Maleficent have?

Maleficent. Maleficent, the evil lady from Sleeping Beauty is one of the evilest characters of Dinsey. She suffered from Borderline personality disorder (BPD) which means a person has inappropriate or extreme emotional reactions, is highly impulsive and has a history of unstable relationships.
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Why does Maleficent hide her hair?

But once she is betrayed, “her heart begins to turn to stone and she becomes a more malevolent Maleficent, she hides her hair and horns under wraps,” designed and made by members of Team Maleficent from leather and other materials meant to look like snake and animal skins.
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Does Maleficent care for Aurora?

As Aurora grows up, Maleficent finds herself looking after the girl from a distance and protecting her so that she survives to her 16th birthday. In fact, she becomes very fond of the girl and seeks to undo her curse.
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Who was Aurora's love interest?

Prince Phillip. Prince Phillip is Aurora's true love, voiced by Bill Shirley. Phillip is based on the prince from the original French fairy tale that appears a hundred years after the princess is put to sleep by Maleficent's curse, having heard the story of the sleeping princess, and entered the castle.
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Will there be a Maleficent 3?

This means the earliest likely release date for Maleficent 3 would be 2026 or 2027. This comes down to the franchise's rather ambitious production scope. The second film came with all the thrills of an epic fantasy, and it's likely that Disney would want to top this—and that takes time to achieve.
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Who does Aurora love in Maleficent?

Her love for Phillip makes sense in terms of stereotypical teenage horniness — she's had no other humans in the vicinity for years, and then suddenly a boy her age comes along — but not necessarily in terms of the kind of fantasy that Maleficent is.
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Why was Maleficent jealous of Aurora?

Essentially, it boils down to the fact that when Aurora's parents excluded Maleficent but invited the other fairies, they had made a passive-aggressive statement that they saw her as an enemy.
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Why does Sleeping Beauty get cursed?

The evil fairy is very angry about having been forgotten, and as her gift, curses the infant princess so that she will one day prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel and die. The seventh fairy, who has not yet given her gift, attempts to reverse the evil fairy's curse.
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Is Maleficent a good or bad person?

Maleficent is a well known villain in sleeping beauty. Little do most people know, she wasn't always like this. In the earliest versions of the story, Maleficent was married to the King who cheats on her with the younger princess Talia.
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What mental illness does Tinkerbell have?

Based on our clinical evidence, Ms. Bell's history best matched the complex criteria for Schizoaffective Disorder.
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Which Disney character has schizophrenia?

Finally, let's consider Alice from Alice in Wonderland (Geronimi et al., 1951), who has symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
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Why did Maleficent curse a baby?

Maleficent, holding a grudge for not being invited to the christening, takes out her frustrations by cursing the child.
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Who cursed Aurora?

An evil fairy named Maleficent seeks revenge for not being invited to Aurora's christening and curses the newborn princess, foretelling that she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle and die before sunset on her sixteenth birthday.
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What is the famous line from Maleficent?

Maleficent: This curse will last till the end of time! No power on Earth can change it!
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Does Aurora call Maleficent mother?

Maleficent and Aurora have a close relationship, like a mother-daughter relationship. Even after learning Maleficent's identity and going away from her, after realizing that her father, Stefan, does not show any love or genuine care for her, Aurora sees Maleficent as her fairy godmother.
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Did Maleficent give birth to Aurora?

The irony is that Aurora was taken from her mother to protect her from Maleficent, but, to Aurora, Leila is simply the woman who gave birth to her while she refers to Maleficent as her Fairy Godmother.
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Where is Maleficent's baby?

Cruella and Ursula are then accidentally sucked into the portal along with the baby. In the Land Without Magic, the child is found and placed into an orphanage. Some time later, she is adopted by a man who names her Lilith.
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