Does Neo become blind?

Knowledge prevails over blind faith. This overcoming of blindness is explicitly rendered in The Matrix Revolutions when Bane/Smith burns Neo's eyes, rendering him physically blind.
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Does Neo get his sight back?

While his powers allow him to regain a type of sight, Neo remains physically blinded for the rest of the film, still wearing bloodied bandages over his eyes at the time of his death.
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Is Neo permanently blind?

By going blind, Neo obtains a "third eye" through which he can perceive the true nature of things, instead of being fooled by their external appearances. It is this true sight that guides him through the climax of the series and allows him to defeat Agent Smith.
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How does Neo lose his eyes?

Neo and Trinity are ambushed by the stowaway Bane/Smith, who blinds Neo with an electric cable, but is killed when Neo discovers an ability to "see" programs and machines independently without his eyesight.
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How can Neo see while blind?

The connection between Neo and the machines was wireless, so to speak, which was why he could “see” them even after being blinded in The Matrix Revolutions. Considering the Matrix to be part of a greater machine network – a wireless hive mind – Neo's abilities don't seem as far-fetched.
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I can see you | The Matrix Revolutions [Open Matte]

Why does Neo always wear sunglasses?

When Neo enters his new world, his sunglasses serve as protection for him, keeping him invulnerable to the dangers and surprises he encounters. Mirrors reveal how we see the outside world, but also, crucially, how we see ourselves and our own world.
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Why is Neo so powerful?

In The Matrix, being The One meant that Neo could perceive the Matrix simulation in a way that no other human could. Not only that, but The One would also have the ability to bend the Matrix simulation code, meaning that The One would not have to answer to any of the rules inside the Matrix, such as gravity.
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Why does Neo have no hair?

The purpose of showing Neo dropping bald and naked in his pod is to liken him to a newborn. Neo's life only truly begins after being unplugged from the Matrix, and this is represented by his clinical, hairless appearance at the start.
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Who is Neo a reincarnation of?

Morpheus is driven by an unrelenting belief that Neo is a reincarnation of the first "One," a man who had the ability to control every aspect of the computer simulation and who freed the first humans. Morpheus reveals that after the original "One" died, the Oracle "prophesied his return," he says.
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How old is Neo supposed to be?

While it is technically true that Neo is 97 years old in The Matrix Resurrections, he does not age traditionally in those 60 years. Instead, The Analyst rebuilt both Neo and Trinity at great expense several times in order to power his new Matrix during that period.
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Which pill did Neo take?

Because he chose the red pill, Neo became aware for the first time of the oppressive, parasitic nature of the Matrix. We too live inside a matrix, and the hegemonic power of the matrix has only strengthened since September 11, 2001.
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How fast can Neo fly?

Force, space and magnitude are all illusions in the Matrix. Neo is flying, but not propelling himself per se so much as choosing where to exist. Thus there is no more limit on his speed than on his ability to pass through Agent Smith or stop bullets in motion.
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Why couldn't Neo fly in Matrix 4?

Essentially, the process of being resurrected and reuploaded into the Matrix (and coded all over again whenever he tried to escape) has quashed Neo's One powers.
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Who betrays Neo?

The Matrix star Joe Pantoliano defends Cypher's decision to betray Neo and work with the Machines in the hit 1999 film.
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Is Neo alive in Matrix 4?

They both died in the real world, so there didn't seem to be any loophole that would bring them back. Death was a mere inconvenience, however, and the duo are back in the new movie. Pre-release theories included Resurrections taking place in an earlier Matrix iteration, meaning they weren't our Neo and Trinity.
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How does Caillou have no hair?

Why is Caillou bald? Caillou was first conceived as a young baby, who usually have very little hair. When it came time to age Caillou for situations more appropriate for a two or four-year-old, the addition of hair would have made him unrecognizable.
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Do the humans ever escape the Matrix?

The Animatrix confirms that only two people have ever achieved self-substantiation: an Olympic track athlete named Dan Davis and a teenager known as The Kid. The Animatrix segment "World Record" revealed Dan accidentally unplugged himself from The Matrix by pushing himself beyond his physical limitations during a race.
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Can Neo beat John Wick?

Even if Neo retains his hand-to-hand combat skills in a true reality, he's no match for Wick's deadly precision or his ability to use whatever's on hand to do some serious damage. But beyond that, Neo isn't used to fighting real people.
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Why is Smith stronger than Neo?

Before being reborn, Smith was the perfect antithesis to Neo; where Neo freed minds, Smith took them over, adding them to his web and taking their abilities. He even gained the power of flight and proved he could do almost anything Neo could. As a result, his return in Resurrections showed him at more of an advantage.
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Who kissed Neo?

Evicted Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate, Uriel Oputa, has revealed that she and Neo kissed every weekend during the three weeks she spent on the reality show.
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Why did they let Neo touch the mirror?

Since the mirror's silvery goo seems similar to the liquid in Neo's pod, the mirror plays a crucial role in transitioning Neo and the movie's audience from one perceived reality to another. Put simply, in technical terms, the mirror creates a seamless graphic match that links the two scenes.
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Does Neo fall in love?

Neo and Trinity's love story may be lovers in a hopeless place – a trope common in science fiction- but they embody the power of love, which is the ability to believe In your partner when they simply can't see it.
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