Does Rapunzel's hair not grow after its cut?

Her hair grows back with the power of the moonstone-time is healing. The powers and abilities of a certain girl has nothing to do with her blonde hair. Her healing abilities is her own developed skill and experience.
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Why doesn't Rapunzel's hair grow after its cut?

In the prologue of Tangled, baby Rapunzel's hair is cut by Mother Gothel. It turns brown and remains at this length, confirmed by when she shows that piece to Eugene later on by the campfire. For whatever reason, the magic in her hair allows it to grow; its absence does not.
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Would Rapunzel's hair really grow that long?

The average human hair grows about 15 cm (or 6 inches) per year. At that rate, if Rapunzel were trapped in a tower 10 meters (32.8 feet) tall (about as tall as a four-story building), it would take 66.6 years for her hair to grow long enough to reach the base. That's a long time to wait for a rescue.
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Does Rapunzel lose her hair at the end of the series?

As Disney fans recall, Rapunzel lost her magical swirling hair at the end of the 2010 movie "Tangled." And it remains gone in the 2012 short "Tangled: Ever After."
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Does Rapunzel still have long hair?

Tangled: The Series

It grows back when Rapunzel and her handmaid, Cassandra, discover some mystical rocks with magical properties during a secret adventure. In the series, her new hair is revealed to be indestructible and cannot be cut.
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3 Important Ingredients Her Hair Loves .Helps To Stop Breakage, Moisturise n Promotes Hair Growth

Why does Rapunzel's hair stop growing?

But logically, I explain it like this: Rapunzel's hair is the Sundrop flower. What happens if you cut the petal on a flower? The petal shrivels and dies, but doesn't affect the rest of the flower. It definitely stops growing, though.
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What is Rapunzel syndrome?

The Rapunzel syndrome is an unusual form of trichobezoar found in patients with a history of psychiatric disorders, trichotillomania (habit of hair pulling) and trichophagia (morbid habit of chewing the hair), consequently developing gastric bezoars. The principal symptoms are vomiting and epigastric pain.
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What is the real ending of Rapunzel?

The Grimm's version of "Rapunzel" ends happily, with Rapunzel finding her lost love the prince, curing his blindness with her tears, and the couple riding off towards his kingdom to live happily ever after with their twins.
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Did Mother Gothel love Rapunzel?

Donna Murphy believed that Gothel did really love Rapunzel in her own way. "I also think there is this thread of a kind of love that she does have for Rapunzel. It's not what she set out.
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How heavy is Rapunzel's hair?

We measured and weighed the hair of several team members, and based on averages and ratios we determined that Rapunzel's hair would weigh 20 pounds. Since we couldn't get 70-foot-long strands of human hair, we had to use a material that has a similar strength-to-weight ratio as human hair: aluminum.
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How old is Rapunzel in Tangled?

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

This couple from Tangled are thought to have an eight-year age gap, with Rapunzel being 18 and Flynn being 26.
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Does Rapunzel have kids?

For years, he wanders through the wastelands of the country and eventually comes to the wilderness, where Rapunzel now lives with the twins whom she has given birth to, a boy and girl. One day, as she sings, he hears her voice again, and they are reunited.
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How long is Rapunzel's hair in real life?

Perkova stands at 5-foot-3 while her hair length measures to be 5-foot-6. She said it takes 30 minutes to blow dry.
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What does Rapunzel's hair symbolize in Tangled?

Rapunzel's hair also symbolizes imprisonment. Because she has such long hair, Gothel can hide her away in a place with only one entrance (the hair). The cutting of her hair does not immediately represent freedom; it represents near-certain death, as she is sent into a world she knows nothing about.
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Why didn't Eugene cut Rapunzel's hair longer?

Why doesn't Eugene cut the hair after Rapunzel heals him? Two reasons really. The most logical reason: he had to do it quick and without her knowing so that neither she or Gothel could stop him. If he risked waiting until after she had healed him, Gothel could have yanked her away and he'd miss his chance.
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Why does Gothel hate Rapunzel?

Though this could be attributed to her wishing for Rapunzel never to leave her, Gothel seems to be a misanthrope and has true hatred for people because they took away the magic flower she wanted all to herself, even though it could help the sickness of others.
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Why does Gothel get mad at Rapunzel?

Fearing that she may be losing control over her flower, Mother Gothel uses subtle jabs, over-the-top guilt trips, and refrains of "Mother Knows Best" to keep Rapunzel from leaving, before firmly, and darkly ordering Rapunzel to never ask to leave the tower, again. Heartbroken, Rapunzel accepts.
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What is the darkest Disney story?

The Hunchback of Notre Dame's tragic original ending

When he laughs as Esmeralda is hung, Quasimodo kills Frollo and visits the cemetery where he mourns Esmeralda, eventually dying of starvation on her grave.
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Who is Rapunzel's daughter?

Rapunzel Has Two Daughters Named Anastasia And Drizella

Rapunzel Tremaine has two daughters before she goes into the tower, and she devotes all her energy to them. Tying in with the Cinderella side of her character, the two girls are known as Anastasia and Drizella, the names Disney chose for Cinderella's stepsisters.
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What is the dark story of Ariel?

The original story is dark that included a murder and suicide. When Little Mermaid visits Ursula, the Sea Witch she strikes a deal, swapping her voice and tongue for legs. She will only survive if she wins over the affections of the Prince.
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Does Rapunzel get pregnant?

She asked her lover to bring her linen threads, so she could do a rope out of them and use it to escape. Rapunzel got pregnant, and Gothel noticed this. Either that, or Rapunzel once incautiously exclaimed that the witch was much heavier, thus longer to lift, than her prince.
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What trauma does Rapunzel have?

Being gaslighted by her mother and stolen at birth are some of the traumas that Rapunzel faces in her life. Trauma can cause confusion from constantly being in a fight-or-flight state of mind. That is why Rapunzel is not able to put the pieces together of the lost princess during the movie.
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