Does Ra's al Ghul care about Damian?

Helped Raise Damian Wayne Though Batman didn't know it for many years, he had a son with Talia al Ghul named Damian. The boy was raised among the League of Assassins, which helped build him into the most dangerous warrior in his age bracket. But Ra's took an incredibly active role in raising his grandson.
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Does Talia al Ghul care for Damien?

Ultimately, Damian chose to side with his father and became Robin. This drove a wedge between Talia and her son, but deep down, she still loved him.
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Does Talia al Ghul love her son?

She is too much of a perfectionist to love her son after he has defied her in such a manner, and is no longer welcome in the House of al Ghul.
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What does Ra's al Ghul want?

Ra's al Ghul is an international terrorist and assassin whose ultimate goal is a world in perfect environmental balance. He believes that the best method by which this can be achieved is to eliminate most of humanity.
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Does Bruce care about Damian?

The fact that Bruce loves Damian isn't put into question: it makes the sacrifice more significant. And that's kinda my problem. First we're told that Bruce wants to provide for Damian, but then whatever affection he feels for the boy is sidelined or even sacrificed to other narrative considerations.
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Ra's al Ghul tells Oliver about Damien Darhk.

Who has crush on Damian?

Due to his upbringing as a child of an important and powerful man, Damian gained a highly respected status among his peers by default, making him grow incredibly arrogant, assuming Anya gained a crush on him when she stared at him.
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Is Damian better than Bruce?

Adult Damian Wayne is stronger and has more skill than Peak Batman (Bruce). Adult Damian Wayne defeated Batman beyond the AI suit, which was designed to fight any opponent and win.
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Did Ra's al Ghul love Damian?

Damian is, in many ways, vindication for Ra's. As much as he cares for his grandson, there is also a part of Ra's that sees Damian as the culmination of his life's work. Batman was his only true equal, but their ideological differences have set an impossible rift between the two.
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Is Ra's al Ghul a good guy?

Ra's al Ghul is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the superhero Batman.
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Why didn't Bruce save Ra's al Ghul?

Now, some have interpreted Batman leaving Ra's on the train as a crucial point in the character's development as it represents him realizing he can't be a perfect hero and stepping away from his father's shadow (Ra's had previously told him that he lacked courage, like his father).
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Why did Talia give up Damian?

He becomes a talented martial artist by the time he is a pre-teen; at which point Talia reveals Damian's existence to his father, Bruce and leaves him in Bruce's custody in an effort to disrupt his work.
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Who is Bane's love interest?

While searching for the Swiss man in Rome, Bane encounters Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins and eventually impresses Ra's al Ghul so much that he chooses Bane to marry Talia and become his heir. Ra's also has discovered Bane's father's identity, but did not reveal this information to him.
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Who does Batman love the most?

Unsurprisingly, Batman's most popular love interest is the antihero and occasional villain Catwoman. Even though they often stand on opposite sides of the law, Batman and Catwoman still understand each other.
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Does Damian get revived?

Fortunately, Damian was eventually resurrected in a globe-trotting story called Robin Rises. How that happened was complicated. Probably best to read the comic, if you're curious. One of Damian's most significant relationships outside of the Bat-Family is his friendship with the son of the world's most powerful hero.
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Does Damian Wayne love his mother?

Both Batman and Talia's parenting skills leave much to be desired, and although Damian undoubtedly loves both his father and mother he is not naive enough to believe that either were truly suited to be parents.
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Why did Talia sleep with Jason Todd?

Did Jason Todd sleep with Talia al Ghul? Yes, in Red Hood: Lost Days #6 Jason did sleep with her. mostly because Talia wanted Jason to punish Batman and make him suffer, and in return she slept with him.
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Why did Ras let Oliver go?

Ra's recognizes that he let his old life creep into his current one, and spares him. He then tells Oliver that he must now leave his life behind and become someone else. Ra's brands Oliver, and calls him heir to the demon.
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Is it better to save Ra's al Ghul?

Allowing Ra's al Ghul to die also saves Nyssa's life, and gives her the opportunity to gather the rest of the League and leave Gotham forever. This decision gives Batman the safety of knowing that he won't have to deal with the League of Assassins again.
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Who can beat Ra's al Ghul?

5 Nightwing Has Been Able To Beat Ra's al Ghul As His Own

Nightwing has had some tremendous fights over the years and his battle against Ra's al Ghul was no different. Nightwing proved to Ra's al Ghul that he was more than just a sidekick to be used against Batman.
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Did Batman disown Damian?

It also proved that no hero is truly safe from the plot in this universe. Batman disowns Damian Wayne as Superman recruits him to join the One Earth Regime. After Nightwing's death, a part of Batman never truly heals. The loss of Batman's adopted son validates that Superman's One Earth Regime must end.
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Who is the strongest Robin?

Warning! Contains Spoilers For Lazarus Planet: Omega! Batman has trained many young heroes as Robin, and while they have all been impressive on their own, DC just confirmed that one stands above the others in terms of power: Damian Wayne is the most powerful Robin.
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Who is Damian Wayne's girlfriend?

After the death of Alfred Pennyworth, Damian went on a journey to find himself, a journey that took him to Lazarus Island where he met his current love interest, Flatline.
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Who is Damian Wayne's best friend?

Almost everyone who is familiar with DC Comics knows that Damian Wayne's best friend is Jon Kent, but before the Super Sons teamed up, Robin had a friend who fit his personality and worldview just a bit more.
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What is Damian Wayne's worst fear?

Damian Wayne's Robin is Afraid of Failing His Family

While wandering through a hall of mirrors, Damian envisioned reflections of his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, his mother Talia al Ghul, and his father Bruce Wayne, all of whom dismissed the Boy Wonder as a failure.
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Is Damian the most powerful Robin?

There have been many Robins over the course of Batman's history, but DC just confirmed which one of them is the most powerful: Damian.
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