Does religion still exist in Star Trek?

While multiple alien species still abide by varying religious practices — the Bajorans on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" leap immediately to mind — none of the franchise's human characters ever make reference to their Christianity, their Hinduism, their Judaism, their Buddhism, or their being a Muslim.
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Are there still Christians in Star Trek?

In the Star Trek: Vanguard novel Harbinger, the series' titular station has a non-denominational Christian chapel presided over by Father McKee (β), while the Pocket TNG novel Guises of the Mind portrays Catholicism as still being practiced by the 24th century.
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What happened to religion in Star Trek?

The concept of religion was largely done away with during the Cochrane Movement of the late 21st century. By the time the Federation came into being, atheistic humanism dominated as the moral and philosophic belief system of humanity.
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Does Earth have religion in Star Trek?

We can't tell how many humans still believe in someone like a god or like gods in the 22nd to 24th century. At least priests still perform wedding ceremonies, as Kasidy suggests in DS9: "Penumbra". Aside from that, human religion has almost no place in Star Trek except for subtle and mostly insignificant side notes.
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Does Star Trek believe in God?

Religion in Star Trek

For example, Kirk seems to declare himself (or at least some Humans) as monotheist by saying "Mankind has no need for gods.
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What Does Star Trek Actually Say About Religion?

What religion is Spock?

One of my favorite characters is Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy was also Jewish and he played Spock as a Jewish character and was very vocal about how Judaism influenced his portrayal of Spock. The famous Vulcan hand salute was taken from a ritual he witnessed in synagogue as a child.
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What is Captain Kirk's religion?

Kirk's religious views have never been expressly stated. He seems fairly atheistic when he talks about how if God exists he exists within the human heart. But he also has some lines within the original series suggesting a more Christian outlook, particularly when they encountered Apollo.
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Does America exist in Star Trek?

As a subdivision of United Earth, and later of the United Federation of Planets, the United States remained a distinct political entity into the 24th century.
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Do Klingons have religion?

This, combined with the Klingons' strong religious tradition, could suggest that religious beliefs might have been a driving force behind early Klingon space travel.
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Does NASA exist in Star Trek?

NASA is featured heavily in the opening credits for Star Trek: Enterprise, including a diagram of the Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle, the space shuttle orbiter Enterprise, the Apollo program, a Saturn V rocket, and the Mars Pathfinder rover Sojourner.
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What was the banned Star Trek episode?

TOS episodes "The Empath," "Whom Gods Destroy," "Plato's Stepchildren," and "Miri" were all banned. Although TNG's "Conspiracy" may be the most well-known episode to have been banned, this kind of censoring wasn't new to Star Trek.
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Is William Shatner a religious man?

William Shatner grew up in a Jewish household. “My father and mother had an observant religious life,” he once said. “They went to temple every Sabbath, prayed to God, and I was dragged along. I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual.
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Who do Klingons worship?

Formal worship

A minority of Klingons continued to identify as Followers of Molor, a sworn enemy of Kahless, in the 23rd century.
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What is the most controversial Star Trek episode?

  1. 1 Tuvix — VOY, Season 2, Episode 24.
  2. 2 Plato's Stepchildren — TOS, Season 3, Episode 12. ...
  3. 3 Patterns of Force — TOS, Season 2, Episode 21. ...
  4. 4 The High Ground — TNG, Season 3, Episode 12. ...
  5. 5 Up the Long Ladder — TNG, Season 2, Episode 18. ...
  6. 6 Miri — TOS, Season 1, Episode 8. ...
  7. 7 The Enemy Within — TOS, Season 1, Episode 4. ...
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Why did they cancel Star Trek?

The cancelation machine NBC's biggest concerns were ratings, but it was also concerned with demographics. Star Trek actually performed well with what would now be considered key demographics; however, these were not considered quality demographics of the era, resulting in less faith in the network.
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Did Netflix dump Star Trek?

Three Star Trek Series Leaving Netflix | Fandom. I read an article on Daily Star Trek News that stated that Star Trek- The Orginal Series, Star Trek- Voyager and Star Trek- Enterprise are leaving Netflix at the end of September.
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Do Romulans have a religion?

Romulan religion was once a pantheistic form of spirit-and-nature worship, but the original belief system has long since been superseded and incorporated into the cult of the Imperial Family, each of whose seven members (Father-Emperor, Mother-Empress, Grandmother, Grandfather, Son, Daughter, and Demon Child) has a ...
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Is Picard Religious?

I think Jean Luc Picard the character was at least agnostic if not an atheist.
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Who are the Romulans based on?

Physiologically, Romulans are similar to Vulcans, another species in the Star Trek universe. In fact, Romulans share a common ancestry with Vulcans and are considered an offshoot of the same species. They have pointed ears and arched eyebrows, and possess great strength, intelligence, and longevity.
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What state has the most Star Trek fans?

Where is Star Trek most popular? It's an interesting question and one that the folks over at the Movoto recently attempted to answer. In the United States, it appears that Oregon has the highest percentage of Star Trek fans.
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Does Earth have a military in Star Trek?

The United Earth Military (UE Military) was the first military force maintained by United Earth. The Military Assault Command Operations was a branch of this agency.
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Is there a military in Star Trek?

Not only do Starfleet's operational similarities point to them being a military organization, but the entire way they are built displays it. They use military ranks such as Captain, Vice Admiral, and Lieutenant, and follow military styled regulations.
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What does Kirk mean in Scotland?

Kirk is a Scottish and former Northern English word meaning 'church'. The term the Kirk is often used informally to refer specifically to the Church of Scotland, the Scottish national church which developed from the 16th-century Reformation. Many place names and personal names are derived from kirk.
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What was Captain Kirk's last words before he died?

Shatner explained that the iconic character was curious, courageous, and filled with awe and wonder, leaving the actor to regret not hitting the right note when he uttered Kirk's last words, 'Oh my,' at the point of his demise.
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Who was the youngest Captain in Starfleet history?

Kirk became Starfleet's youngest starship captain after receiving command of the USS Enterprise for a five-year mission, three years of which are depicted in the original Star Trek series.
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