Does Sansa get pregnant?

She is not. It's virtually impossible that there is a fetus in Sansa's uterus. Her oblique references to the damage Ramsay has done to her and his insistence that he will always be “a part” of her likely refer to the mental and physical effects of his abuse on her body and mind.
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Who does Sansa have a baby with?

Following the defeat of the Night King, it is revealed that Sansa became pregnant with Daveth's child. She gives birth to the twins Lyonel and Cassana, with Daveth present. Three years later, Sansa and Daveth are seen together watching their children playing in the courtyard.
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Who does Sansa fall in love with?

Sansa's affection for Loras grows; she is unaware that Loras is gay and, while he likes her and enjoys spending time with her, he can never love her. Margaery proposes the idea that Loras will marry Sansa, meaning Sansa can leave King's Landing, which delights Sansa.
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Who kills Ramsay Bolton?

That night, Ramsay is visited by Sansa, who watches as his hungry hounds eat Ramsay alive. Ramsay's death marks the end of House Bolton and its rule in the North.
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What exactly did Ramsay do to Sansa?

At Winterfell

Before her wedding to Ramsay, Sansa is visited by Myranda claiming she was ordered to bathe her. While doing so, Myranda tries to intimidate Sansa by telling her not to bore Ramsay like "all the other girls". After his wedding to Sansa, Ramsay takes her to his chambers and rapes her.
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Does Sansa Stark become pregnant?

Who kills Theon Greyjoy?

Theon defends Bran against the undead until he is the last survivor, but the Night King arrives. Bran thanks Theon, and Theon charges at the Night King, but he is killed after the Night King impales him with his own spear. In the aftermath of the Long Night, Theon is cremated along with those slain in battle.
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Was Sansa in love with Theon?

He hadn't entirely shaken his brainwashing and was deeply traumatized. He and Sansa might have a lot of love for one another, but they aren't in love. They just haven't spent enough time together (outside of shared torture) for romance to be possible.
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Do Tyrion and Sansa fall in love?

But these two are not, and will likely never be, in love. They're just two smart people who were once forced into marriage, and are now sort of friends because of it (which still makes the duo completely stannable in a platonic way). Sansa is a character who's learned not to trust most people.
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What happens to Arya Stark in the end?

Who won the Game of Thrones — and why it matters — explained. Arya Stark: Arya tells Jon, Sansa, and Bran she's not going to stay in the North, nor is she going to stay in King's Landing. She wants to go west — past where all the maps stop — and is last seen on a boat on some kind of seafaring adventure.
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Did Jon Snow love Sansa?

Both in the show and the books its known that they arent close but there were some hints in the books that Jon may had subconscious feelings for Sansa (could be his Targ genes).
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Who did Arya Stark love?

until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night's Watch, sworn to celibacy. Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon's true parentage is finally revealed in the last book.
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Is Joffrey In love With Sansa?

Joffrey showed no love to Sansa or her family members throughout Game Of Thrones. Had Arya remained in King's Landing then it is likely she would have been killed by the cruel king in retaliation for her direwolf's actions.
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Is Sansa pregnant with Ramsay's baby?

Some fans took this line to mean that Ramsay knew Sansa was pregnant with his child — that there was a literal part of him inside her. But actor Iwan Rheon, who plays Ramsay on "Game of Thrones," debunked this guess in an interview with Bustle.
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Did Bolton get Sansa pregnant?

Some "Game of Thrones" fans speculated that Sansa Stark was pregnant with Ramsay Bolton's baby after being raped numerous times during season five, but the actress who plays her has debunked this particularly nasty theory.
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Did Sansa adopt Lady in real life?

“Growing up I always wanted a dog, but my parents never wanted one,” Turner tells the Coventry Telegraph. “We kind of fell in love with my character's dire wolf, Lady, on set,” she says. “We knew Lady died [on the show] and they wanted to re-home her,” and thus the Northern Inuit dog came to live with the Turners.
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Does Tyrion fall in love with daenerys?

After the Season 7 finale, dedicated Game of Thrones scholars pointed to the original letter that George R.R. Martin sent to his publisher in 1993 as evidence that Tyrion does, in fact, love Dany.
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Why did Tyrion kiss Sansa hand?

It's a gesture that can be seen as either revealing or simply innocent, either him quietly professing his feelings for her with nothing to lose, or just an act of kindness to make her feel comforted in what is likely their last seconds.
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Did Sansa divorce Tyrion?

They were never fully married, even though Littlefinger told Roose Bolton that Sansa and Tyrion's union was invalid because it was never consummated.
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Why did Sansa cry for Theon?

Her emotional response, which cracks her frequently stoic resolve, is a recognition of what they've been through together. Theon's return to Winterfell, where he spent his childhood as a hostage, suggests he views House Stark's keep as his true home, not the Iron Islands.
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Do Sansa and Theon sleep together?

And in the books, Ramsay actually makes Theon have sex with Jeyne/Arya while he watches. The TV version is both more and less disturbing -- no, Theon didn't have sex with Sansa, but forcing him to watch her humiliation is still devastating to them both.
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Did Jon forgive Sansa?

The finale saw Jon forced to kill Daenerys after her murderous actions - which partially came about through her increasing paranoia due to Jon's lineage being revealed. Now the script shows that Jon didn't forgive Sansa's betrayal when he is reunited with her before departing King's Landing for exile at the Wall.
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How many fingers did Theon lose?

Soon or late, the victim would scream, 'Please, no more, no more, stop it hurting, cut it off,' and Lord Ramsay would oblige.” Theon had lost the little toe off his right foot, three from his left foot. He was reduced to seven fingers, having lost two fingers off his left hand and the pinky off his right.
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Why is Ramsay torturing Theon?

The motive behind Theon's torture was Ramsay's sadistic nature, as he took pleasure in inflicting pain and turning Theon into his own broken servant. Theon's redemption arc in Game of Thrones was one of the best, as he went from a minor annoyance to a villain to a hero who sacrificed his life to protect Bran Stark.
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What happened to Yara Greyjoy?

In the final season, Yara was freed by her brother Theon, and she eventually presided in the Great Council where Bran Stark was declared the new King of the Andals and the First Men.
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