Does Spock end up with Uhura?

At the beginning of the third movie, we learn that Spock and Uhura decided to break up, after Spock mentioned his dilemma about going back to New Vulcan, getting married and helping to rebuild instead of going through his Starfleet carrier.
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Do Spock and Uhura have a relationship?

Although Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) occasionally flirted with Spock on Star Trek: TOS, their relationship was never anything more than colleagues. Star Trek (2009) chose to make Spock and Uhura a couple, however, a decision that was somewhat controversial for a variety of reasons and ultimately handled badly.
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Who was Uhura in love with?

The intersectionality of Uhura as a Black woman was considered important when discussing her romance with Spock, because romances between Black women and white men are largely portrayed as cautionary tales in Hollywood films.
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What happened between Spock and Uhura?

In 2263, Spock and Uhura had ended their relationship after Spock began considering leaving Starfleet to help his endangered species.
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Who does Spock marry?

As Spock explained to Kirk in Star Trek: TOS, his union with T'Pring was "less than a marriage but more than a bethrothal." Indeed, Spock was meant to finally undergo the koon-ut-kal-if-fee marriage ritual with T'Pring in "Amok Time" before she invoked her right to have Spock fight to the death for her.
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The Search for Spock (1984) "Ending Scene"

Did Spock fall in love?

Over the course of Buffy, Spike falls in love with the Slayer, reacquires his soul to prove himself to Buffy and dies a hero in the show's series finale.
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Who did Spock have a child with?

T'Val (mirror), daughter of Spock and Saavik.
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Did Kirk kiss Uhura?

Each character tries to resist, but eventually Kirk tilts Uhura back and the two kiss as the aliens lasciviously look on. The smooch is not a romantic one. But in 1968 to show a Black woman kissing a white man was a daring move.
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Why was Spock killed off?

Spock Died in Every Version of the Star Trek II Script

The filming of the first movie was a disaster, and so Nimoy wanted no more to do with Spock or Star Trek. Jack B. Sowards wrote his first draft for Wrath of Khan with Spock in the story -- and killed him at the end of the first act.
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Were Scotty and Uhura dating?

There is some debate whether Scotty and Uhura had a romantic relationship in canon, there were some scenes in the fifth movie, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, that fans think indicated that Scotty and Uhura were in a relationship, but it is never stated explicitly in canon.
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How old is Uhura?

Uhura on the original “Star Trek” television series, has died at the age of 89. Her son Kyle Johnson said Nichols died Saturday in Silver City, New Mexico. “Last night, my mother, Nichelle Nichols, succumbed to natural causes and passed away.
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Did Spock and Zarabeth have a child?

Spock realizes that his involvement with Zarabeth in the episode "All Our Yesterdays" resulted in the birth of a child. Along with Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy, he uses the Guardian of Forever (featured in the episode "The City on the Edge of Forever") to journey back into Sarpeidon's past and rescue his son.
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Why does Uhura wear gold?

Later that year, Uhura permanently transferred to the operations division. As shown in the picture to the right, Uhura initially wore the gold command uniform in "The Corbomite Maneuver" and "Mudd's Women". Thereafter, she was outfitted in the more familiar red uniform of engineering and support services.
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Are Spock and Kirk in love?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Does Spock have a daughter?

Sadly, Spock died without ever siring an heir, and in Star Trek canon, neither Kirk nor Spock got to have descendants to carry on their adventures and save the galaxy.
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Does Spock love Christine?

Spock (Ethan Peck) is in love with her character, Nurse Christine Chapel.
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How many years did Spock live?

He entered the alternate reality at age 157 and stayed alive for 5 years ( and he died due to natural causes.
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What did Spock say before he died?

Spock quickly perishes, and, with his final breaths, says to Kirk, “Don't grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh . . .” Kirk finishes for him, “The needs of the few.” Spock replies, “Or the one.”
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Did Spock ever cry?

Spock “got his emotions back” several times in ST:TOS. In the episode, The Naked Time, the crew was infected by a virus that caused intense emotions. We saw Spock crying because he'd never told his mother he loved her.
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Did Uhura kiss Spock?

At one point during negotiations, the idea was brought up of having Spock kiss Uhura instead (as Spock was half Vulcan), but William Shatner insisted that they stick with the original script. NBC finally ordered that two versions of the scene be shot—one in which Kirk and Uhura kissed and one in which they did not.
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Did Captain Kirk and Uhura get together?

Also, despite the infamous "first interracial kiss" moment, Star Trek never put those two characters together romantically. Even though he probably was "hitting on her" when introducing himself, Kirk quickly shifted his approach to being her friend and a good Starfleet officer.
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What is Spock's girlfriend name?

Later life. In 2267, when Spock began suffering from pon farr, he returned to Vulcan to mate with T'Pring.
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How old is Spock?

Ambassador Spock was born in 2230 and lived until 2387 in the alternate timeline, he was cast back in time to 2258 and lived an additional five years until 2263. 2387–2230=157, 157+5 = 162. He died at approximately age 161 and 361 days.
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Did Spock and Saavik get married?

In the novel Vulcan's Heart, which takes place some years after Undiscovered Country, an older Saavik marries Spock.
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