Does Tarzan ever speak?

Tarzan can learn a new language in days, ultimately speaking many languages, including that of the great apes, French, Finnish, English, Dutch, German, Swahili, many other Bantu languages, Arabic, Ancient Greek, Ancient Latin, and Mayan, as well as the languages of the Ant Men and of Pellucidar.
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Does Tarzan learn to speak?

Therefore, he does not speak and has no language at all until he meets other humans. Tarzan begins his language acquisition after he meets Jane, the one who teaches him language and humans' habit. Jane realized that he was with a wild man.
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Why can't Tarzan speak English?

He was first discovered by a Frenchman who taught him how to speak French, so for some time, although he could write in English, which he had learned through the picture books in his father's cabin, he could not make the sounds. So for some time, he could speak only in French, but could read and write in English.
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What language is spoken in Tarzan?

We know that Tarzan speaks Mangani, the language of the great apes, but he is supposedly also able to understand other species, and even converse with some.
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Why does Tarzan speak with an American accent?

Tarzan was supposed to speak with both an English accent and an American accent depending on whether he was speaking to humans or gorillas but Tony Goldwyn's English accent was so bad, he just stuck to American for the entire movie.
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Did you know that Tarzan

How did Tarzan learn English so quickly?

Tarzan is literate in English before he first encounters other English-speaking people. His literacy is self-taught after several years in his early teens by visiting the log cabin of his infancy and looking at children's primer/picture books.
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Why does Tarzan yell like that?

The yell was a creation of the movies based on what Burroughs described in his books as simply "the victory cry of the bull ape."
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What part of Africa is Tarzan from?

While Burroughs never said exactly where Tarzan was set, Cameroon's sandy beaches, imposing jungle and ape sanctuaries seem like a good bet – so much so that the West African country was chosen as the setting for the 1984 film Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes.
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What culture is Tarzan based on?

“Tarzan of the Apes” was the creation of Edgar Rice Burroughs, but he may have gotten his inspiration for the character from the Fourteenth Earl of Streatham. In 1868, a young English nobleman named William Mildin was shipwrecked off the African Coast. The 11-year-old boy was apparently adopted by monkeys (apes?).
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Is Tarzan based off a true story?

"William Mildin, 14th Earl of Streatham, was the real-life inspiration for Tarzan of the Apes. In 1868 he was shipwrecked off West Africa at the age of 11, and spent 15 years living in the jungle, after which he lived in Thrale Road (not much difference there, then)."
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Why was Tarzan banned in Germany?

In March 1934, the Berlin Film Control Board banned Tarzan of the Apes since it was deemed "dangerous to Nazi principles of race-consciousness and offensive to Nazi ideals of matrimony and womanly dignity (a foreshadowing of the banning of Tarzan books by a librarian in the United States 30 years later -- an event that ...
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Why did Disney lose rights to Tarzan?

Licensing and Rights: The rights to Tarzan and related characters are not wholly owned by Disney. The character Tarzan is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' literary works, and the rights to those works are held by the Burroughs estate.
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What was Tarzan's real name?

Tarzan (White-skin) is his ape name; his English name is John Clayton, Lord Greystoke (the formal title is Viscount Greystoke according to Burroughs in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; Earl of Greystoke in later, non-canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke).
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How old is Tarzan age?

Tarzan and Jane

When Jane Porter travelled with her father, she was thought to be about 20-years-old, whereas Tarzan was 18 - however, there's no way to know his actual age since he was raised by gorillas.
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What happened to the real Tarzan?

A real-life "Tarzan" who lived in the Vietnamese jungle for four decades has died of liver cancer at the age of 52, The Times reported. Ho Van Lang returned to civilization in 2013 after he spent his entire life in the dense Vietnamese jungle with his father, Ho Van Than.
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Who does Tarzan love the most?

Jane, an American from Baltimore, Maryland, is the daughter of professor Archimedes Q. Porter. She becomes the love interest and later the wife of Tarzan, and subsequently the mother of their son Korak.
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Why did Tarzan reject civilization?

Only the "civilized” races can display true masculinity and triumph over those who are "uncivilized" -- white dominates black - but "civilization" also corrupts man, leaving him in a weakened physical state, having lost, to a degree, his "primal" energy. Tarzan reconciles this paradox.
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How did Tarzan get rid of Sabor?

Sabor is finally killed as she is impaled on the head of Tarzan's spear tip when the ape man raises it against the ferocious leopard, thus killing the animal.
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What kind of ape raised Tarzan?

In the invented language, Mangani (meaning "great-ape") is the apes' word for their own kind, although the term is also applied (with modifications) to humans. The Mangani are represented as the apes who foster and raise Tarzan.
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Where is Tarzan supposed to have lived?

Although Burroughs never named a specific location for Tarzan's home, it was somewhere in West Africa, in a country with varied geography that includes a coastline and verdant jungles, in a country like Cameroon.
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Was the legend of Tarzan shot in Africa?

Making Africa seem authentic was especially important to the filmmakers, since the film was shot in England, except for six weeks in Gabon, filming background by helicopter without the cast. A working waterfall and a 100-foot-long collapsible pier were assembled at Warner Bros. ' Leavesden studios.
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What tribe is in Tarzan?

The Waziri are a fictional African tribe created by Edgar Rice Burroughs in his Tarzan novels. Burroughs characterizes the Waziri as the greatest warriors in Africa, though small in numbers.
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What did Tarzan call his elephant?

In the Walt Disney produced animated movie Tarzan (1999), Tantor is the personal name of this original elephant companion of Tarzan's rather than a term designating all elephants. In this version, Tantor is a sweet-natured yet highly phobic elephant afraid of many things, such as germs and frightening sounds.
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What is the irony in Tarzan?

Irony in literature comes in many forms, perhaps the supreme irony within the Tarzan story, is that he grows up with nothing in the wild and comes to be lord of the jungle, while upon suddenly returning to civilization, despite being already an aristocratic lord with everything a man can want, he rejects it, and ...
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What is the bad animal in Tarzan?

Sabor is the overarching antagonist of the 1999 Disney animated movie Tarzan. Sabor is a leopard that is a threat towards the gorillas of Africa.
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