Does Tony have a hole in his chest?

In Endgame, when Tony and Cap are arguing, Tony rips off the arc reactor/nano suit, and his chest look pretty normal with no hole.
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Why did Tony have a hole in his chest?

One day, at a weapon demonstration in Afghanistan, the convoy Tony Stark was in was attacked by a terrorist cell called "The Ten Rings" and Tony was injured and kidnapped. In the attack, a cluster of shrapnel was lodged into Tony Stark's chest, nearly killing him, yet he survived thanks to his fellow captive Dr.
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What is the hole in Tony Stark's chest?

Tony Stark has an arc reactor in his chest because it was surgically implanted there to prevent shrapnel from reaching his heart after he was injured in a bomb explosion. This event occurred in the 2008 "Iron Man" film, which marked the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Does Tony still have shrapnel in his chest?

Then in the third movie Tony learns that even if he doesn't have his suits, he is still Iron Man. At that point he decides that he does not require the Arc Reactor on him at all times to still be a hero, so he finally does the smart thing and has the metal removed from his chest.
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What happened to Tony Stark's body?

After a fight for the gauntlet, Stark attached the stones to his armor, before snapping his fingers, disintegrating Thanos and his army, and effectively saving the universe. The action took a huge toll on his body due to the gamma radiation and the power of the stones, zapping him of his remaining life force.
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What Yinsen did to Tony Stark’s body

What does Tony Stark suffer from?

Tony's PTSD symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety attacks, invasive and violent memories, but he is successful at managing his symptoms when he is away from his suits.
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How old was Tony Stark when he died?

On this day, the final encounter between Earth's defenders, The Avengers, and the army of Thanos, took place with industrialist Tony Stark sacrificing himself to undo the damage caused by the aforementioned snap. Stark was 53 at the time of his sacrifice.
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Does Iron Man ever get the shrapnel out?

Tony Stark had the shrapnel removed in Iron Man 3, so his arc reactor was unnecessary. Here's why he was still using one (and if Ironheart does too). Even though Tony Stark had his life-saving arc reactor removed in Iron Man 3, the MCU's Iron Man still uses the technology during his later Marvel Studios appearances.
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How did Tony Stark get rid of the hole in his chest?

Tony actually undergoes surgery at the end of Iron Man 3 to fully remove all the shrapnel. He tossed the chest arc reactor to the sea after ending his dependence on it.
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Why can't Tony remove the shrapnel?

In the beginning he was told that it was too close to his heart and removing it could kill him. So he gets used to the idea of living with the shrapnel and builds the electromagnet to keep it out. Later when there is tech to remove it, he feels safer with it. He removes it only when he's willing to build a new life.
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Is Arc reactor possible in real life?

The concept of the arc reactor doesn't work in real life because it violates the Law of Conservation of Energy. Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred. The arc reactors in the MCU are essentially perpetual motion machines, which don't work.
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Will there be a Iron Man 4?

Robert Downey Jr. confirmed that Iron Man 4 is indeed in the works. While negotiations continue for his return, this would mark his 7th appearance in a standalone Marvel movie and his 9th outing as Tony Stark in total. Disclaimer Statement: This content is authored by a 3rd party.
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Why Iron Man can live without the arc reactor?

In the finale of Iron Man 3, Tony Stark undergoes surgery to remove the shrapnel in his heart which meant that he no longer needed the arc reactor attached to his chest.
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Why did Tony destroy all his suits?

The Battle of New York, his mental health struggles, and almost losing Pepper Potts during the Battle on the Norco in Iron Man 3 led Tony Stark to decide to destroy all of his armors in order to spend more time with Pepper and show her the suits weren't a distraction from her and what's really important, as she used to ...
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Why is Iron Man blood toxic?

The palladium core in the arc reactor that keeps Stark alive and powers the armor is slowly poisoning him, and he cannot find a substitute.
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Does Tony Stark stop being Iron Man?

Stark and Nebula used the Benatar to escape Titan, but were stranded in space as the ship was damaged. They were rescued by Captain Marvel, who brought them back to Earth. In the five years after the Snap, Stark chose to retire from being Iron Man, marrying Potts and having a daughter, Morgan.
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Is palladium poisoning real?

Palladium compounds are encountered relatively rarely by most people. All palladium compounds should be regarded as highly toxic and as carcinogenic. Palladium chloride is toxic, harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. It causes bone marrow, liver and kidney damage in laboratory animals.
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Why Tony Stark has no heart?

Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.
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Could Iron Man return?

In Variety's “Crisis at Marvel” cover story, sources said there have been talks to bring back the original gang for an “Avengers” movie, including reviving Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man and Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow. The two characters were killed off in 2019's “Avengers: Endgame.”
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Does Tony Stark still have the arc reactor in his chest?

Stark had the arc reactor in his chest removed after receiving surgery to remove the shrapnel from his chest. He later removed the element and then threw the decommissioned unit into the ocean. Stark soon returned to building arc reactor technology and used a number of them to power later generations of Iron Man.
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How do we know when Tony Stark died?

While Marvel has not provided an overtly specific date for Tony Stark's death, the most reasonably argued date is October 17, 2023, based on references in the MCU timeline and WandaVision.
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Why didn't Loki's scepter work on Tony?

In The Avengers, Loki tried to mind-control both Hawkeye and Iron Man, but while he succeeded with Hawkeye, his attempts failed on Iron Man due to his arc reactor. Iron Man's arc reactor protected him from Loki's scepter, as the scepter needed to touch organic matter to work, and the arc reactor was not skin.
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Who replaced Tony Stark when he died?

Riri Williams flew onto the screen as the next Iron Man character, Ironheart, complete with a brand new iron suit. After the death of Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark in Avengers Endgame, the thought of a new Iron Man might be a little hard to swallow, but not for the actor himself.
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Does Tony Stark have ADHD?

However, in the words of Tony Stark: The Iron Man suit is just a result of Tony Stark's real superpower: ADHD.
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Who is the strongest in Avengers?

Scarlet Witch

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness showcased Wanda's immense potential for limitless powers. She is undoubtedly the strongest Avenger in the MCU.
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