Does venom 2 say the f-word?

Like its 2018 predecessor that grossed more than $850 million worldwide, the Sony Pictures sequel weighed an R-rating but received a more tame PG-13 for "intense sequences of violence and action, some strong language, disturbing material and suggestive references." That "strong language" is in part to a final fight "F- ...
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Is there an F word in Venom?

The F-word is dropped once in the movie, very briefly. This is one of the few Marvel movies that have the f-bomb in it and remain PG-13. There is one use of "turd" at the end of the film.
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Does Venom 2 have curse words?

Sexual Content: Brief posterior nudity in a bathing context is seen in an animated scene. Profanity: There are 13 scatological curses and one extreme profanity. There are infrequent mild curses and terms of deity.
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What Marvel movie says the F word?

Improvised by Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 features the first F-bomb to be uttered in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The new film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is definitely a film that's earned its PG-13 rating, pushing the boundaries of it by introducing the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first F-bomb.
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What are the cuss words in Venom?

Crude or Profane Language

I counted two f-words, too, along with loads of other profanities (including “a–,” “h—,” “d–n,” “p-ss,” “d–k” and “p—y.”) God's name is misused about 10 times, including three times with “d–n.” Jesus' name is abused four times.
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Venom: Let There Be Carnage - Fuck this guy ( Subtitle ) - C L I P S

Is Venom 2 kid appropriate?

Children aged 8-13 years are likely to be scared or disturbed by the violent scenes and scary visual images from Venom: Let There Be Carnage mentioned above. Other than the scenes noted above, there's nothing of concern in Venom: Let There Be Carnage for children in this age group.
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Is Venom 2 ok for 11 year olds?

There is one time a character gets stabbed in the chest once, which was a bit more graphic, but again there was zero gore and wasnt graphic, just a bit violent. Overall should be fine for a mature 11 year old, especially if theyve seen the first venom.
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What is the F word in end game?

Several uses of "hell", "damn", "ass", "shit", and "crap" among other mild-moderate profanity. 1 mouthed f-word at the film's climax. A few blasphemies.
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Which avenger swears the most?

See below for our full tabulation of every time an Avenger swears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, counted up through Avengers: Infinity War. There are almost no surprises on this list. The Avenger with the worst potty mouth, by far, is Tony Stark. He clocks in at 44 swear words, mostly of the “ass” variety.
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Does Deadpool say the F word?

Irreverent jokes about sex, pedophilia, homosexuality, and suicide throughout. 'Fuck' is said 87 times. 'Shit' is said 35 times. 'ass' is said several times.
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Why Venom 2 should be Rated R?

The Andy Serkis-directed sequel will apparently contain… “intense sequences of violence and action, some strong language, disturbing material, and suggestive references.” For reference the first Venom flick snagged a PG-13 for “intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and for language.” So, yeah, my two older ...
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Why is venom 2 not rated r?

Two big reasons go into Venom 2's PG-13 rather than R rating: a lack of blood and quick cuts. Make no mistake, both serial killer Cletus Kasady and the red symbiote that bonds with him are savage killers and that plays out on screen.
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Was venom 2 supposed to be rated r?

Venom 2 Team 100% Considered Making an R-Rated Sequel, Here's Why They Didn't. Venom: Let There Be Carnage will have a PG-13 rating, but a darker version of the movie was a consideration.
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Is Venom a queer?

Surprised? Shocked? I'm not lying, the fan-favorite symbiote is not only canonically queer, but Venom's relationship with Eddie Brock is heavily coded as such, not only in the comics, but the movies as well.
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Can Venom be a girl?

She-Venom (Anne Weying) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is the ex-wife of Eddie Brock. She is the first character who goes by the She-Venom identity, and she is also colloquially referred to as the Bride of Venom.
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Was Venom ever a girl?

Although this isn't exactly new information for Venom fans, people are still pretty shocked to learn that Venom was originally going to be a female character, instead of Eddie Brock.
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Who is the most hot in Marvel?

10 Most Attractive Marvel Heroes
  • 4 Emma Frost Is The Ultimate Blonde Bombshell.
  • 5 Wolverine Has An Animal Magnetism. ...
  • 6 Storm Is An Ebony Goddess. ...
  • 7 Daredevil Is Known For Being A Ladykiller. ...
  • 8 She-Hulk Is A Statuesque Jade Beauty. ...
  • 9 Northstar Has The Build Of An Athlete. ...
  • 10 Scarlet Witch Is A Romani Beauty. ...
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Does Spider Man ever swear?

Profanity (2)

"Suck," "god," "hell," "damn," "ass," and "shit" respectively. Peter's WTF line from the end of Far From Home is finished here towards the beginning, but it ends up getting drowned out by a nearby car horn. Peter says "What the f...", but gets cut off by a car horn.
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Who is the least famous avenger?

However, sitting bottom of the pack as the least popular Avenger of the five is Captain America, who managed to be most searched for in a total of zero of the countries researched.
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Who said the F-word first?

The year 1310 would be a couple of centuries before a monk reportedly scrawled the word on a manuscript by Cicero, which has commonly been considered the first appearance of the F-word in English writings. Paul Booth says he has alerted the Oxford English Dictionary.
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How do I stop saying the F-word?

So if you're trying to cut back on cussing, here are a few tactics you can try.
  1. Ask a friend for help. ...
  2. Find some replacement words. ...
  3. Pretend like your grandma is listening. ...
  4. Train your brain to think differently. ...
  5. Get out the good old-fashioned swear jar.
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How long has the F-word been?

The F-word in the dictionary

The F-word was recorded in a dictionary in 1598 (John Florio's A Worlde of Wordes, London: Arnold Hatfield for Edw. Blount). It is remotely derived from the Latin futuere and Old German ficken/fucken meaning 'to strike or penetrate', which had the slang meaning to copulate.
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Will there be a venom 3?

Sony's Spider-Man Universe will continue with Venom 3, following the success of Venom: Let There Be Carnage and Venom's crossover with the MCU timeline. Venom 3 is confirmed to have a release date of July 11, 2024, and will likely tie up loose ends in the Venom trilogy.
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What age is Deadpool?

Strong language is permissible within a 12A but the frequency of use in Deadpool puts it firmly at 15. There is no upper limit on the number of uses of strong language at 15. The BBFC ratings info, then called BBFC Insight, noted the film contains strong bloody violence, strong language and sex references.
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Who is carnage mom?

Cletus' mother, Louise Kasady, was an inmate at Ravencroft when she gave birth. Because no one helped Louise during her child's birth, Cletus died after choking on his umbilical cord.
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