Does Worf ever get a command?

By the time of Star Trek: Picard, Worf has become a subcontractor for Starfleet Intelligence, having attained the rank of Captain and briefly commanded the Enterprise-E beforehand.
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What rank did Worf achieve?

His highest rank in Star Fleet was Lieutenant Commander. While there are alternate timelines, Worf's highest Starfleet rank remains Lieutenant Commander as the highest he ever achieved.
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When did Worf become a commander?

He was promoted once to Lieutenant Commander in 2371; when he transferred to DS9, he moved departments to become strategic operations officer. While he is still in his security gold beforehand, you can see he still has his lieutenant commander insignia.
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What happened to Commander Worf?

He would eventually become the chief tactical officer as well, along with a promotion to lieutenant. After his time on the Enterprise, Worf found himself on Deep Space Nine, a space station near Bajor, as the station's strategic operations officer.
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What rank is Worf in Nemesis?

He was a lieutenant commander when he left DS9 to become the ambassador, and he was a lieutenant commander on the Enterprise in Nemesis (which was 3 years after DS9 ended).
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Data Explains the Role of the Second-In-Command

Does Geordi outrank Worf?

On a basic level, Commodore Geordi La Forge outranks Captains Riker and Worf in the Starfleet hierarchy.
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Does Worf ever become captain?

By the time of Star Trek: Picard, Worf has become a subcontractor for Starfleet Intelligence, having attained the rank of Captain and briefly commanded the Enterprise-E beforehand.
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Does Worf ever regain his honor?

Worf and the arrival of Kurn's fleet dispatch the attackers. Picard completes the rite and installs Gowron as Chancellor; Gowron restores Worf's family honor.
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Does Worf get his own command?

Sisko warned that the black mark on Worf's Starfleet record would forbid from getting his own command. However, it seems that either Worf's Dominion War record, or a good word from Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) made this go away, allowing the Klingon to command the Enterprise.
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Did Troi and Worf date?

In later episodes, Troi has romantic involvements with several others, including a brief relationship with Klingon Starfleet officer Lieutenant Worf. A major exploration of their relationship begins with "Parallels", in which Worf encounters parallel universes where they are married with children.
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What happened to Worf's wife?

Later in the series, she becomes involved with the Klingon character Worf, and they marry during the sixth season of the show. In the sixth-season finale Jadzia dies but the Dax symbiote survives, and in the seventh-season premiere returns with a new host Ezri Dax, played by Nicole de Boer.
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Did Worf ever marry?

Worf, the Klingon character in Star Trek: The Next Generation, was married twice. His first marriage was to K'Ehleyr, and his second was to Jadzia Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
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Did Worf destroy Enterprise-E?

Sisko later heard that Worf's Klingon problems and his thirst for vengeance against the Klingon Empire did indeed lead to the destruction of the - thankfully empty - freighter. It's possible, therefore, that Worf's Klingon bloodlust also played a part in the situation that led to the destruction of the Enterprise-E.
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What happens to Worf's son Alexander?

In Star Trek (IDW), Alexander, frustrated with Worf's seeming ignorance of him, joins Kahless II's god-killing cult and pitting him against his father and other Starfleet members. Ultimately, Worf is able to rescue his son, but is left with a bitter frustration.
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Why is Worf the only Klingon who wears a sash?

The baldric didn't just show that Worf was Klingon. It was also an important celebration of Klingon heritage. While other baldrics might have been used to carry weapons, the Klingon ones were solely for honoring their family or house, something that was important to Worf.
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Why is Worf different from other Klingons?

Worf is an outsider to Klingon society, marked as different both by his positionally — adopted child of humans, member of Star Fleet — and by his unshakeable commitment to the values that Klingons espouse.
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Is Worf 100% Klingon?

Worf is 100% Klingon by birth, although he was adopted by humans at a young age. B'elanna Torres, however was born to a Klingon mother and a Human father, so she is half Klingon, half Human.
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What is the Klingon lifespan?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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Does Lieutenant Worf have a first name?

Worf's name is simply Worf. He can be further identified as Worf, son of Mogh or Worf of the House of Mogh, or later in his story, Worf of the House of Martok.
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Who killed Gowron?

Gowron's final appearance in Star Trek was in the Deep Space Nine seventh season episode "Tacking into the Wind" where he is killed by Worf after the Klingon Chancellor displays some increasingly dishonorable tactics towards Martok.
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What happens to Worf at the end of DS9?

According to DS9, he became the Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire. But according to Star Trek Nemesis (which was set after) he's back on the Enterprise and not just for Riker/Troi wedding but as a tactical officer, likely the first officer after Riker leaves for the Titan and Data's death.
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Did Worf ever clear his family name?

Gowron calls Worf to him and tells him that he and Kurn fought as warriors and proved that their hearts are truly Klingon. Then Gowron restores Worf's family name and honor to him, all while Worf has his hand gripped around Gowron's d'k tahg, his blood covering the blade.
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Why did Worf lose his honor?

To defend his father's honor, Worf challenged the allegations of the House of Duras. However, when it became clear that the influential and powerful Duras could incite a Klingon civil war and kill his brother Kurn, Worf remained silent and was ceremonially stripped of his Klingon honor.
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Why did Worf say it wasn't my fault?

Captain Worf's protest, "That was not my fault!" is all Star Trek: Picard season 3 says about the missing USS Enterprise-E. It's a hilarious joke, and Picard showrunner Terry Matalas deliberately chose to leave the true fate of the Sovereign Class starship up to the viewer's imagination.
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Did Worf leave Starfleet?

Worf left Starfleet in late 2367 to fight in the Klingon civil war on behalf of Gowron. After Gowron was restored as chancellor, his first act was to restore the honor of Worf and the House of Mogh. Due to his actions in the war, Worf would become highly respected.
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