How accurate is Temple of Doom?

However, while Temple Of Doom got some aspects of Thuggee culture correct, the Indiana Jones movie took many liberties with its historical inspiration, leading to a controversial depiction of its Thuggee villains.
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Why is Temple of Doom banned?

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull fell short of expectations, but it wasn't as controversial as its predecessor, Temple of Doom. Temple of Doom was banned in India and criticized for its racially insensitive portrayal of Indian culture and its "white savior" narrative.
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Are the Sankara stones real?

The actual Sankara Stone that Indy is searching for may not be real, but the use of similar stones called Lingam or Shiva-Linga in the Hindu religion is quite common. A lingam is a representation of Shiva and used for worship in Hindu temples.
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What do Indians think of the Temple of Doom?

The film made use of an antiquated stereotype of foreign people engaging in philistine-like acts, more akin to our primitive ancestors. Pictured as uncivilized savages, it's rather unsurprising that the majority of Indians, as it turns out, didn't support such depictions.
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Does Indiana Jones accurately represent the field of archaeology?

Critics often bemoan the unrealistic representation of archaeology and the mystification of historical facts. Some find it demeaning to the serious research undertaken in the field. But at the same time, many archaeologists appreciate that Indy raises the profile of archaeology in the popular imagination.
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Why Temple of Doom is the BEST Indiana Jones Movie | Analysis and Review

Why was Indiana Jones controversial?

Despite all their fun and flamboyant action sequences, the Indiana Jones franchise isn't without its more problematic elements. Temple of Doom was criticized for its downright racism, even in the '80s, and Indiana Jones as a character would not be looked upon fondly in modern academia for his literal theft.
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How realistic is Indiana Jones?

Indiana Jones' place in real history

There is a link back from Indiana Jones into the stories of real discovery and real archaeology, although we have to understand that he is a completely fictional character and as far distant from what we would want a modern archaeologist to be as is possible.
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Why was Temple of Doom so controversial?

In impact Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was absolutely racist, in intent however I don't think it was. Even at its release the film was controversial and denounced for having an inaccurate and offensive portrayal of Indian culture.
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Is the dinner scene in Temple of Doom accurate?

According to Roshan Seth (Chattar Lal), director Steven Spielberg intended for the scene to be a joke that the Indians knew that the Westerns thought that they ate insects like cockroaches, so they served them such unpleasant dishes to serve them what they expected.
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Is any of the food in Temple of Doom real?

On the set of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Harrison Ford and his costars did not actually have to eat real monkey brains during filming. In fact, the entire dining scene was made up of props. Per the Prop Gallery, the beetles were plastic, with a detachable body that was stuffed with an edible filling.
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Is the dial of destiny real?

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is based around the antikythera mechanism: an actual ancient Greek object that tracked the cycles of the sun, the moon, and the planets against the stars. The antikythera mechanism and its bronze gearwheels totally reconfigured the study of ancient technology.
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Why did the stones burn in Temple of Doom?

In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, while fighting with Mola Ram for the possession of the Sankara Stones, Indiana Jones gets the stones to turn red hot by uttering "Tum Shiva ke vishwaas-ghati ho!", which is Hindi for "You are a betrayer of Shiva".
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What does Indy say to Mola Ram?

Indiana Jones: Mola Ram! Prepare to meet Kali... in hell! Mola Ram: NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
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Was Temple of Doom a flop?

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was released on May 23, 1984, to financial success, grossing $333.1 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 1984. Initial critical reviews were mixed, criticism was aimed at its strong violence, as well as some of its darker story elements.
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Why wasn't Temple of Doom filmed in India?

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Locations

Teaser: All the scenes depicting India are filmed in Sri Lanka since the Indian government did not give the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom production team permission to film the inaccuracies in the plot.
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Why is Temple of Doom so good?

Temple Of Doom is pulpier, funnier, sillier, scarier than Raiders. Each Indy outing is tonally different from the last; this one actually becomes a whole other film halfway through, switching unapologetically from knockabout farce to traumatic nightmare.
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Were the bugs in Temple of Doom real?

The production team gathered around 30,000 beetles and 50,000 cockroaches, not to mention the other strange and large insects we see in the scene!
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Are the bats real in Temple of Doom?

Indy points to some bats and says that they're vampire bats. Although true vampire bats are indigenous to South America and are entirely nocturnal, the bats he is pointing at are Large Flying Foxes, binomially called Pteropus Vampyrus.
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What was inside the snake in Temple of Doom?

One of the Indian men is excited that they have been served "snake surprise." When the snake is cut open it is full of live eels crawling around. Willie and Short Round are too disgusted to eat anything, but we see an Indian man swallowing some of the eels whole.
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Why was Dan Aykroyd in Temple of Doom?

Turns out that Aykroyd was friends with Spielberg, going back to working on 1941. Even harder to spot is the blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameos of George Lucas, Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy, and Steven Spielberg as a group of missionaries in the background of the same airport scene.
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Why did Spielberg make Temple of Doom a prequel?

Spielberg and Lucas aimed to make Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom much darker, because of their personal moods following their respective breakups and divorces. Lucas made the film a prequel because he did not want the Nazis to be the villains again.
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What happened to Short Round after Temple of Doom?

According to the "Trail of the Golden Guns" arc found within The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones comic book, Short Round returned with Indy to the U.S. in 1936. Dr. Jones enrolled his sidekick into boarding school, but that doesn't mean Short Round never accompanied him on any further adventures.
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What do archaeologists think of Indiana Jones?

Indiana Jones' methods — which often involve the use of a bullwhip and pistol — are obviously not by the book, but the "more serious issue is that he is a white guy exoticizing, brutalizing and patronizing local and Indigenous people and stealing their cultural heritage," Pyburn said.
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Is the fridge scene in Indiana Jones realistic?

What Indiana Jones' Nuke Explosion Actually Gets Right. While the notion of surviving the explosion in a fridge is wildly unrealistic, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull does get some things right in its depiction of the explosion itself.
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Which Indiana Jones movie is bad?

Senior Contributor. I write about TV shows, movies, video games, entertainment & culture. I've always been a big fan of the Indiana Jones films which were wonderful vehicles for Harrison Ford to be grouchy and charming and roguish.
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