How accurate is The Hunger Games movie to the book?

The Hunger Games is actually pretty loyal to the books, so much so that one of the biggest differences from book to film is towards the end of the movie, when Katniss and Peeta rush to the Cornucopia to end the games.
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Does Hunger Games movie match the book?

There are several more differences from the book to the film in The Hunger Games. Most of the differences are very small and don't add much. But there are several moments in the movie that are hard to understand with having read the book because Katniss is able to provide more details about unspoken thoughts.
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Did The Hunger Games movie end like the book?

On a pure plot level, the ending to the movie is quite faithful to the book. After Coin suggests doing another Hunger Games with the children of the Capitol, Katniss kills her instead of Snow, is locked up by the rebels, sent to exile back in 12 where she rehabilitates and eventually marries Peeta and has children.
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Is The Hunger Games Faithful to the books?

Most of the movie is filmed from behind Katniss's shoulder or point of view shots from her perspective. Yet, it fails to deliver the same effect as Katniss's narrations in the book. First, the point of view is inconsistent, constantly switching between Katniss and other characters.
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Why is Katniss confused at the end of the novel?

At the novel's end, Katniss isn't sure who she is now that she's a victor in the Hunger Games. She also doesn't know whom she loves, Gale or Peeta, or where her life will go from here with the Capitol's eyes closely upon her.
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The Hunger Games - Book vs. Movie

Why did Katniss's mother marry her father?

Katniss and Prim's mother is from a wealthier merchant class within District 12, but she moved to the Seam to marry their father for love.
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Why does Katniss not see Peeta in Chapter 19?

Katniss heads toward the stream to find Peeta and discovers a boulder streaked with blood. She calls his name, but only a mockingjay answers. Katniss begins to move on, and then she hears Peeta's voice. It's coming from right underneath her and she can't see him.
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Did Peeta lose his leg in the books?

He is "broad-shouldered and strong." Part of Peeta's left leg was amputated following the 74th Hunger Games, forcing him to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life. In the 2012 film adaptation, his leg is never amputated.
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Why did Peeta not lose his leg in the movies?

To preserve the film's PG-13 rating.

To show the injury would have been too gory for audiences, especially on top of Katniss' burns. Apparently a more serious version of his leg injury made it to production but ended up on the cutting-room floor, according to the film's senior make-up artist Ve Neill.
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How badly was Katniss affected by dehydration?

The dehydration scene: In the book, Katniss spends the first two days in the Arena searching desperately for water, and she comes dangerously close to death by dehydration. In the movie, she finds water pretty much instantly.
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Why did Plutarch smile when Katniss killed coin?

In the Mockingjay - Part 2, Plutarch appears to smile as he looks at Coin's dead body, suggesting that he approved of her death.
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Why did Katniss choose Peeta over Gale?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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What did Peeta do after Katniss killed coin?

Peeta decides, though, that he will go out on his own to act as a diversion in case Katniss and the others need it. Gale gives Peeta his nightlock pill in case Peeta's captured. They leave early in the morning, bundled up and styled by Tigris. Cressida and Pollux go first, leading the way to the City Circle.
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Was Katniss pretty in the books?

How is Katniss Everdeen described in the books? Katniss is first described in The Hunger Games as a thin young woman with dark hair, olive-toned skin, and gray eyes. In the first book, she is 16 years old. She is unremarkable in District 12, and some make fun of her for being scrawny and underfed.
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Did Katniss like Gale in the book?

While Katniss struggles to understand how she feels about Gale, recognizing that she does love him in some way, she can also see that he has changed and that they continue to grow more and more distant as those changes become more apparent. Still, they protect each other and each other's families.
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Is Katniss taller than Peeta?

She stumbles into the snow at first, but then she dusts herself off, rises, and begins waving to the photographers, arm in arm with Peeta. The camera zooms out to a neutral angle, giving audiences a sudden, somewhat startling reminder that oh, that's right—Katniss is slightly taller than Peeta.
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What was Peeta's disability?

Peeta's Leg Amputation

It was so bad, the Capitol deemed his leg unsaleable, hacked it off and replaced it with an artificial one.
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Why does Katniss rarely sing?

Katniss rarely sings because it reminds her of her father, but she now remembers a morbid song that her father taught her: “The Hanging Tree.” This moment in the story is significant in multiple ways.
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Did Katniss go deaf in one ear?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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Why does Cato say I'm dead anyway?

What does he mean by this? It means that during the arena, during his killing spree, he realizes that there's more to life than killing, and he's just a pawn in the whole scheme of things. He realizes that he's a cruel person the capitol created, and he wouldn't mind dying because he wasn't alive on the inside anyways.
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Why did Peeta say Katniss was pregnant?

Biography. During the interviews for the 75th Hunger Games, Peeta lied about Katniss being pregnant to try to protect her from the Games, and Katniss later stated that she miscarried due to an electric shock in the arena to avoid further questioning.
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Who else auditioned for Peeta?

On March 23, 2011, Lionsgate began casting the role of Peeta for the film of The Hunger Games. According to The Hollywood Reporter, contenders for the role included Josh Hutcherson, Alexander Ludwig (later cast as Cato), Hunter Parrish, Lucas Till, and Evan Peters.
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Why does Katniss scream Peeta's name at the end of Chapter 18?

Under the new rule, tributes from the same district will both be declared winners if they are the last two left alive. Katniss, realizing that she and Peeta can both survive, immediately calls out Peeta's name.
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Why does Finnick save Peeta over mags?

Finnick was willing to give up Mags to save Peeta because he needed to, to convince Katniss they were on the same side. He receives a large cut in his leg when he was trying to save Peeta. During the events of Mockingjay, Finnick shows concern for Peeta, and goes out of his way to save Peeta's life again.
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Why did Haymitch give Finnick the bracelet?

In the 75th Hunger Games, Finnick Odair from District 4 had a token that was a gold bangle with a flame pattern. This token was first given to Haymitch Abernathy from Effie Trinket as a sign of them being a team. Haymitch gave it to Finnick to tell Katniss to make him an ally, as he could later help her in the games.
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