Is Pong Krell a Jedi Master?

Pong Krell was a Besalisk male Jedi Master who, during the Clone Wars, served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic.
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Was Pong Krell a master?

"You're an agent of Dooku." Pong Krell was a male Besalisk Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. A powerful Jedi and a recognized war hero, he was relentless in his tactics on the battlefield, seeking success at all costs.
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Is Pong Krell good or bad?

Pong Krell is the main antagonist of the Umbara arc of Season 4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He is a very stern Besalisk fallen Jedi general during the Clone Wars who took a no-nonsense approach when it came to commanding a group of clone troopers.
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Why did Krell hate clones?

He's extremely prejudiced and hateful towards clones, believing them to be nothing more than throwaway grunts bred in a laboratory. He also has the highest casualty rates out of any Jedi due to forcing them into suicide runs.
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Is Pong Krell the most hated Jedi?

This was because Pong Krell had already fallen to the Dark Side and sabotaged the Republic. His goal was to become Count Dooku's new apprentice. By this time, he had become one of the most hated Jedis in the franchise and when he died at the hands of Trooper Dogma, fans celebrated.
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We were ROBBED of the BEST Lightsaber fight in Star Wars

Who is the lamest Jedi?

Star Wars' 20 Most Disappointing Jedi, Ranked
  • 6 Pong Krell Was A Disgrace To The Jedi Order. ...
  • 5 Darth Malak Led Many To Fall To The Dark Side. ...
  • 4 Ben Solo Destroyed Luke's Jedi Order. ...
  • 3 Count Dooku Had Good Motives But Was Fooled. ...
  • 2 Kreia Was Worse Than A Sith. ...
  • 1 Anakin Skywalker Became The Jedi's Downfall.
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Who is the weakest Jedi master?

Sha'a Gi lacked Force awareness, physical ability, and an enduring spirit, making him the weakest Jedi in the Star Wars franchise.
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Did Krell become a Sith?

This caused Krell to betray both the Republic and Jedi Order. Outwardly, he maintained his Jedi façade, but secretly he had renounced the Jedi way and became affiliated with the Sith.
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Why did Krell turn evil?

In his eyes, the Jedi were too naive, credulous, and unsuspecting, and the path to true power was through the Sith. As a result of his new beliefs, Krell reveled in the Dark Side of the Force.
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Did Krell know about Sidious?

Naturally, Krell knew nothing about Darth Sidious or the depths of his plans, but he did understand enough to convince himself that both the Jedi and the Republic would fail. Pong Krell's decision to give in to the Dark Side without having to be cajoled or courted was self-serving and traitorous.
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Who killed Pong Krell?

Asshole Victim: Let's face it, Krell really had his death coming. Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: Once Captain Rex captures General Krell, he plans to execute him to prevent him from being freed by the Separatists, but cannot go through with it. Dogma ultimately pulls the trigger for him.
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How skilled was Pong Krell?

In personal combat, he can be ferocious -- his giant arms carry two double-ended lightsabers, making him extremely dangerous in close quarters. Pong Krell's reputation as a successful general is well known but so is the fact that the casualty rates of the clone troopers under his command are the highest.
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Who was Pong Krell's padawan?

ehm — Pong Krells Padawan Sofiti Ree and Commander Quinn...
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Did Pong Krell know about Order 66?

Master Pong Krell Saw Order 66 In A Vision, Explaining His Hatred Of The Clone Troopers.
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Did Rex follow Order 66?

Interestingly enough, Rex seemed to be differently affected by Order 66, as he managed to hold off shooting Ahsoka for a while. Rex was later saved from his programming by Ahsoka and some droids that managed to remove his inhibitor chip, freeing Rex from the orders of Darth Sidious.
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Why does Krell have a lightsaber?

When Krell was exposed as a traitor, he used the lightsabers to slaughter dozens of clones as they attempted to arrest him, though he at one point dispensed with them in favor of dispatching a few troopers with his bare hands.
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Are there any Sith turned Jedi?

Praven was a Sith pureblood male who served the reconstituted Sith Empire as a Sith Lord and later protected the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order.
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What if Dooku trained Pong Krell?

Under Dooku's tutelage, Krell could have killed Jedi and smashed through more clone battalions. His experience as a Jedi Master already made him a better candidate for Dooku's apprentice than the relatively inexperienced Ventress, Grievous, or Savage Opress.
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Did any Sith join the Jedi?

8 Darth Sajar

The fight ends with Braga convincing Darth Sajar to abandon the Dark Side and instead become a part of the Jedi Order. Since then, Sajar had become Braga's Padawan and began his studies of the Light Side.
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Who killed the 4 Jedi Masters?

Vader and the 501st Legion stormed the Temple and proceeded to slaughter nearly every Jedi within its walls, murdering both esteemed Masters and defenseless younglings. The Temple was set ablaze while all of Galactic City watched.
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Who is the most respected Jedi?

Star Wars: 10 Most Respected Jedi, Ranked
  1. 1 Yoda Was The Most Powerful & The Most Respected Jedi Of All.
  2. 2 Luke Skywalker Redeemed His Family Name & Used His Final Moments To Save The Resistance. ...
  3. 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi Earned Respect As 'The Negotiator' ...
  4. 4 Mace Windu Was The Only Jedi To Wield A Purple Lightsaber. ...
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Is there a rank higher than Jedi Master?

Whereas the Master of the Order served as leader of the Jedi High Council, the Grand Master was the head of the Jedi Order. The title was shared by Jedi Masters Xo Lahru, Pra-Tre Veter, and Yoda during the High Republic Era.
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What is the rarest Jedi?

Despite appearing in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith as a member of the Jedi Council, Coleman Kcaj is one of Star Wars' most obscure Jedi. Very little has been revealed about this Ongree Jedi Master, though he appears as a background Council member in several scenes of The Clone Wars.
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Which Jedi hated Anakin?

In those movies, Mace was someone who loved confrontation, with his bullish ways usually winning arguments. However, he rubbed many the wrong way, and as the novel detailed, he was someone vehemently against Anakin joining the Jedi Order.
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Are there any evil Jedi?

Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, is no doubt the most famous Jedi who turned evil in the Star Wars Universe. Anakin was a highly emotional young man with a desire for power and recognition. He was also a Jedi Knight who believed that he deserved to become a Master, but the Jedi Order didn't agree with him.
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