How can Deadpool defeat Thanos?

There's not really much one can do when facing an opponent whose prime ability is to never perish. Hence, Thanos would have no chance against Deadpool if he was facing him without the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos can eradicate entire civilizations and wipe out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Which Avenger can kill Deadpool?

While Thanos ranks far from the top 10 villains in the Marvel Universe, The Mad Titan is powerful enough to effortlessly put down Deadpool. Given the latter ever fights Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet and all the Infinity Stones, The Mad Titan can easily erase Wade from existence, ending the fight in an instant.
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Why is Deadpool immortal Thanos?

Months later, T-Ray, now an agent of Thanos resurrects Deadpool, who has been killed in a fight with Weapon X, using an artifact Thanos gave him to create many copies of Deadpool. Thanos is jealous of Deadpool's relationship with Death and T-Ray is to "curse him with immortality" so that he may never see Death again.
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Would Thanos snap kill Deadpool?

The snap would have no effect on Deadpool. Why? Because Deadpool doesn't just have a regenerative healing factor. He is also literally cursed to never die.
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Deadpool Vs. Thanos - Complete Story | Comicstorian

Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

Deadpool's trap separated Thor from his hammer long enough that he turned back into Olsen and Deadpool then took advantage of the chaos to grab the hammer... Deadpool then transformed into a version of Thor!
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Can Deadpool kill Thor?

Deadpool Killed Thor In The Most Genius Way (With His Own Hammer) - IMDb. As Deadpool killed the Marvel Universe, his murder of Thor with the God of Thunder's own hammer remains one of the Merc with a Mouth's most brutal kills.
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Why Deadpool's face won't heal?

Deadpool's Face & Skin Don't Heal Because Of His Cancer

Similarly to his Marvel Comics counterpart, Wade Wilson was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2016's Deadpool, which spurred him to undergo experimentation in an effort to unlock his latent mutant abilities and cure his cancer.
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Why is Deadpool's face messed up?

Deadpool is a mutant who has an accelerated healing factor. He can re-grow his parts or attach them if cut from his body. He is said to have cancer, which resulted in a deformed face, but he does not die due to his heavy healing factor.
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Who is more powerful Deadpool or Thanos?

With so much power and infinite control over reality, Thanos is unstoppable. That's why Deadpool would certainly bite the dust if he dares face Thanos with his marvelous glove. Thanos could simply wish that Deadpool had never existed and he would win right away.
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Can Deadpool kill the Hulk?

However, Deadpool killed Hulk the same way Punisher did when he killed the Marvel Universe. He waited for Hulk to turn back into Bruce Banner. However, while Punisher just shot him, which never should have worked based on history, Deadpool was more brutal.
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Could Wolverine kill Deadpool?

Origins ended with an all-out battle between Deadpool and Wolverine, who managed to finally defeat his opponent by beheading him (though a post-credit scene later revealed that he had survived his decapitation).
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Who kills Hulk?

The Avengers and Fantastic Four died to stop him. During that ultimate sacrifice, Hulk also died. Jean Grey shut down Bruce Banner's brain, turning Hulk into a savage. The two ended up separated, and Hulk ended up in an irradiated cocoon, one that killed Hulk completely, which led to a new Hulk being horn.
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Who is Deadpool afraid of?

Clowns (coulrophobia)

Deadpool is scared of clowns, and he considers them the greatest threat to Earth, after Galactus.
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Can Deadpool still feel pain?

He can be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers if he is exposed to a large enough dosage. Unlike Wolverine, whose wounds sometimes cause excruciating pain as they heal depending on the severity, Deadpool has some degree of pain insensitivity.
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Who is stronger Wolverine or Deadpool?

Wolverine definitely can beat Deadpool, and is stronger than him, but Deadpool's speed and healing factor have allowed him to get the drop on Wolverine and do a lot of damage.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Behind the jokes and the usual insanity, Deadpool ain't just depressive, but also very bitter. He has a grudge against the world, and has a grudge against himself. But he also has a grudge against Wolverine, and that's where his “hatred" of him comes from, if and when it's shown; It's jealousy.
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Why is Deadpool's mouth shut?

Deadpool's new powers as Apocalypse's Famine manifest through the antihero's mouth, from which Deadpool can conjure a deadly cloud of locusts. In order to control this ability, Deadpool has his mouth sewn shut, and only breaks the stitching when he needs to unleash his disgusting yet incredibly effective new ability.
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Can Deadpool regenerate from a single cell?

The way his healing factor works is that as long as a single cell of Deadpool remains, any and every part of his body is capable of regenerating at an alarming rate. This allows Deadpool to survive everything from a stab through the heart to decapitation.
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What would happen if Deadpool's head was cut off?

Since there was no technical injury, the two guys come out unscathed and fully formed. In Deadpool's Dark Reign storyline, his head had to be sewn back onto his body after it was severed to begin the healing process.
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Can Deadpool heal better than Wolverine?

Ultimately, the Merc with the Mouth became a fan-favorite hero, and in modern stories, his healing outshines even that of Wolverine, with Wade able to survive incredible injury, from decapitation to incineration.
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Would Deadpool's head grow back?

If his head is chopped off and not reattached, the head will grow the body back. The body will die. Once the severed part of Deadpool's whole form begins to heal, the limbs/parts cut off can't be attached to him again, additionally they will begin to rot separate from him.
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Why did Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

In the end, Deadpool wasn't worthy. While he seemingly had control of Mjolnir and the strength of Thor, it was all a mirage put on by Loki to distract Thor. It's a shame because Deadpool looked pretty cool with the enchanted hammer. But, it makes sense that Wade Wilson - of all people - isn't worthy.
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Which Avenger can kill Thor?

Captain America

Cap is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir but wield its full power, making him someone who can beat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is because Thor is possessed or tricked, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.
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Who would win Captain America vs Deadpool?

Captain wins. Captain can win over Deadpool IF he never had such a quick healing factor. Eventually, cap would lose. Unless he has Loki or Thanos to undo the curse he stands no chance.
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