How did Anakin get the gash on his head?

Always a canny foe, Ventress baited Anakin by threatening to kill Padme Amidala, before striking him across the face. The scar became another symbol of Anakin's journey to the dark side when he punishes Ventress by binding her in cables and flinging her from the top of a skyscraper.
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How did Darth Vader get the wound on his head?

You've probably noticed the wound on his head dozens of times too. How did the Sith Lord (then played by Sebastian Shaw) get the battle scar? The smart money may have been during the events of Revenge of the Sith on Mustafar which left Anakin broken and beaten on the lava banks of the fiery planet.
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What movie did Anakin get his scar in?

Anakin Skywalker's scar is one of the biggest mysteries in the Star Wars franchise. One of the biggest changes Anakin undergoes between Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is the appearance of a brand-new scar over his right eye.
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How did Anakin get his injuries?

Kenobi bested Anakin, severing his limbs, and leaving him to die, burning on the shores of a lava river. Darth Sidious recovered Anakin's broken body and returned with him to Coruscant. Medical droids rebuilt Anakin with cybernetic parts, encasing him in dark armor to complete his transformation into Darth Vader.
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Who gave Anakin his face scar?

Always a canny foe, Ventress baited Anakin by threatening to kill Padme Amidala, before striking him across the face. The scar became another symbol of Anakin's journey to the dark side when he punishes Ventress by binding her in cables and flinging her from the top of a skyscraper.
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How did Anakin get the scar over his eye?

Was Darth Vader's suit painful?

Inside his suit and mask, Vader has a series of needles in his skin. Unfortunately, these needles, which transmit neurological data throughout his body and allow him to control his limbs, also cause him constant pain.
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Why did Anakin's face change?

An older Dark Horse Comics story provides the best explanation for Anakin getting his scar from Asajj Ventress. George Lucas stated the scar symbolizes Anakin's growth as a Jedi Knight and first steps towards the dark side.
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Do all sith have yellow eyes?

Some Sith Lords have yellow eyes all the time, some only at certain moments, and others never have them at all. The same goes for dark-side villains who are similar to the Sith but don't have yellow eyes, while some non-Sith do have them occasionally.
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What does Darth Vader look like without his helmet?

Originally Answered: What does Darth Vader look like without the mask? In Return of the Jedi, Luke unmasks Vader (Anakin at this point because he had already gone back into the light): He is shriveled up with scars from his burns on Mustafar, and pale because of the lack of sunlight he gets from being in the suit.
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Why can Vader take off his mask?

To escape the armor's claustrophobic nature, Vader had several pressurized meditation chambers built where he could remove his mask and suit and still survive. Vader longed to be less dependent on his armor and tried at times to function without it, but he labored in vain.
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Why did Anakin have yellow eyes?

Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia says that as "windows to the soul, eyes reflect the emotions harnessed by the Sith. When rage and anger seethe inside a dark side user, their eyes may burn yellow with a fiery-red rim." What that means is a Sith's emotions will be shown through their eyes.
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Why was Anakin awake during surgery?

As an addendum to what Infantry said: Sidious didn't ask to the med droids to put anesthesia in Anakin on purpose. He wanted him awake in order to feel the pain during the whole procedure, since pain is part of the Sith philosophy of life.
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Why doesn't Kylo have Sith eyes?

he had no way of knowing how to tap into his rage. This has proven even further in The Last Jedi, where we see him struggle with his connection. to both sides of the force, showing that he wasn't consumed by his hatred. So even if he completed his Sith training, he would have never gotten the yellow eyes.
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Why is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

The most agreed upon theory, started by Reddit user Lumparoo in 2016, is that Jar-Jar is a powerful Force-user conspiring with Darth Sidious. In addition to this, some believe he either trained, or was supposed to become Supreme Leader Snoke, or that he is a reincarnation of Darth Plagueis.
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Why isn t Kylo Ren a Darth?

Even though Kylo Ren uses a red lightsaber, harnesses the dark side of the Force, and wears a cape, he is not a Sith. Because of that, he can never hold the title of Darth. Instead, he was just a chaotic mess of the dark side (until he eventually found his way back to the light).
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What was Anakin's mental illness?

(2015). Darth Vulcan? In support of Anakin Skywalker suffering from borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 1(229), 625-626.
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Why Anakin's lightsaber didn't turn red?

So, that's the real reason Anakin's saber didn't change color -- because the process of lightsabers changing colors (after bleeding) didn't exist as a concept when Revenge of the Sith came out. At the end of the film, Darth Vader loses his lightsaber during his duel with Obi-Wan.
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Why did Anakin's body not disappear when he died?

When Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, or countless Jedi during Order 66 perished, their bodies simply fell because they didn't consciously become one with the Force as Obi-Wan, Yoda, or Palpatine did. As Anakin died, he was guided into the Force by Obi-Wan.
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Why does Kylo Ren wear a mask?

The helmet was designed to look sinister; as a Knight of Ren, Ren was part of an enclave of dark side warriors who wore masks to induce fear in their prey. Ren's helmet was a symbolic reminder of his lineage as Darth Vader's grandson, serving no practical use in his life.
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Why is Vader's suit weak to lightning?

Could be any number of reasons ranging from faulty surge protection anodes, to Starkiller and Palpatine having vastly different current frequencies and voltages in their force lightening.
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