How did Beast turn blue?

Quasimodo tried to drain Hank's life force, wanting to gain his healing factor. With Beast's metabolism, Quasimodo reasoned that he might become human. Beast was almost completely drained, an event that physically altered him once again. Hank's healing factor was gone, plus his fur changed color.
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How does Beast turn into Beast?

In order to disguise his appearance, Hank took the extract and underwent radical physical changes that enhanced his agility and strength, as well as causing him to grow fangs, pointed ears, and fur all over his body. When he stayed too long in this state, Hank found he could not return to his original form.
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What is Beast mutation?

Born with an enhanced physique, strength, and muscular structure, he has adopted by the name Beast. McCoy's mutation further developed when he worked at the Brand Corporation and developed a serum that triggered his transformation into a blue-furred creature with sharp fangs and claws.
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Why did Beast turn evil?

Beast's descent into darkness began with his desire to develop a cure for the Legacy Virus. Believing that he should be able to solve any solution with time and effort, Beast's pursuit of a cure became an unhealthy obsession.
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Why is Hank not blue in Days of Future Past?

Hoult explained to JoBlo (during a set visit) that Hank's figured out a way around his mutation: What's happened up to this point is between the time of the last movie and this movie my character has created a serum which basically controls his mutation so his appearance is normal as long as he doesn't get worked up.
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Beast - Origins | Comicstorian

Is Beast stronger than Wolverine?

It would be an incredibly close fight but Wolverine would win simply because of his claws and enhanced healing factor however Beast is much, much stronger and more agile. His greatest feats of strength are: Caused a minor earthquake by slapping the ground.
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Is Beast a villain now?

Lately Beast has been acting less like a superhero, and more like a mad scientist. Now things have hit the fan, with Beast embracing full villainy in Wolverine #31 (written by Benjamin Percy and penciled by Juan Jose Ryp).
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Who is the god of all mutants?

An original member of the X-Men has taken on his darkest ultimate form, as Hank McCoy (Beast) becomes “the God of All Mutants.” In X-Force #40, Old Man Omega (Quentin Quire) sends the team forward in time, to a dark and dystopian future, ruled over by a founding member of the X-Men, who has declared themselves a god– ...
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How did Beast lose his eye?

With little hesitation, Beast rips out and crushes his own eye to kill the last remaining Doll. Beast's willingness to harm another mutant and mutilate himself highlights how far he is willing to go to protect Krakoa.
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What did Beast do to Omega Red?

Beast also murdered Omega Red and had him resurrected to defeat the Vampire Nation, which led directly to X LIVES OF WOLVERINE (2022) and the near end of Krakoa.
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What is Hank McCoy's mutation?

In the Mutant X universe, Hank McCoy is a member of the Six, a team of mutant heroes led by Havok. Instead of a furry simian-like form, McCoy's experiments mutated him into a green, amphibious form with childlike intelligence, codenamed the Brute.
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How old is Hank McCoy in first class?

The next two oldest mutants include Hank McCoy/Beast (Nicholas Hoult), the only other survivor of the original 'first class' of X-Men. He was born sometime in the 1940s and looked to be in his early-20s during First Class; this means Beast is somewhere in his early 50's during Dark Phoenix.
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Who would win Beast or Hulk?

3 Doesn't Stand A Chance: Beast

His super strength and agility have served him pretty well over the years but he's just not strong enough to really do anything to the Hulk. His acrobatic fighting style would allow him to keep ahead of the Hulk for a time but it just wouldn't be enough.
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Why is Beast Boy green?

Garfield contracted a rare illness called Sakutia, which is lethal to every species except the West African green monkey. To save his life, his father used an untested science experiment to change him into a West African green monkey for 24 hours so that the virus could die out.
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Did Beast make himself blue?

While McCoy famously didn't have his fur when he debuted in Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's X-Men #1 in 1963, an experimental formula radically transformed Beast, bestowing the mutant scientist with gray fur which later became blue before changing in even stranger ways.
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Does the beast ever become human?

In both versions of Beauty and the Beast, the pesky curse that trapped the Beast in his animal form is eventually broken. When Belle sobs over his injured body, her tears deactivate the spell. With proof that he can love and be loved in return, the Beast is magically returned to the human race.
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Why is the Beast so thin?

The Beast revealed his secret to losing weight: he had been “eating less and drinking more” and putting his energy into being healthy. A large factor in his diet change was his battle with diabetes.
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Why does Beast look different?

In that run, Beast started off in his blue furry form, but after he is captured by Tower, an experimented cure was used on him. With his new human form, Beast donned a new costume that was similar to his old red and blue costume, only now it had a red X on it, which he wore for a little while.
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Why does Beast Boy have an eye patch?

When Deathstroke shot Gar in Dark Crisis #1, most fans assumed it was the first true casualty of this major event. Though Beast Boy is clearly still alive and kicking, his head and eye injury, as marked by the new eye-patch, makes him a visual echo of his enemy and almost-killer, Deathstroke.
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Who is the strongest mutant of all?

Whether heroes, villains, or those who care little for such labels, these are twenty-five of the most powerful mutants around.
  • 8 Apocalypse. ...
  • 7 Quentin Quire. ...
  • 6 Professor X. ...
  • 5 Jean Grey. ...
  • 4 Franklin Richards. ...
  • 3 Scarlet Witch. ...
  • 2 Legion. ...
  • 1 Onslaught. No other mutant in the Marvel universe is as feared as the terrifying Onslaught.
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Which mutant is immortal?

Selene is the oldest known human mutant. Functionally immortal, her millennia-long life is attributed to her ability to drain the life essence from other beings to extend her own existence indefinitely. Her name derives from the ancient lunar goddess Selene, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia.
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Who is the scariest mutant Marvel?

Fans are well aware of Magneto's power, but perhaps not all of them as Magneto has a secret ability that makes him X-Men's all-time scariest mutant.
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Why did Beast clone Wolverine?

Not only did Beast choose to clone Wolverine in order to create a new army, but narration in Wolverine #32 (by Benjamin Percy, Juan Jose Ryp, and Frank D'Armata) gives readers Beast's inner monologue revealing his thoughts on his actions.
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What level mutant is Beast?

The difference between Beta Mutants and Alpha Mutants is that the Beta Mutants have flaws, albeit very small flaws. The Beta mutants are also believed to be about 10% of the mutant population. Some examples of Beta mutants are Beast, Angel, Wolverine, Mystique and Sabretooth.
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Why was Beast locked up?

In the second episode of the show, Beast is arrested and thrown in jail for infiltrating the Mutant Control Agency and is only seen in brief cameos throughout the rest of the season as he languishes in prison.
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