How did Boba Fett age so fast?

Boba Fett is technically a Clone, one whom Jango specifically requested as a part of his deal to serve as the Clones' genetic base. Unlike the other Clones, he ages at a normal rate, which is part of what makes his actual age hard to pin down.
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Why did Boba Fett get so old?

Boba Fett looks so old because of his battle scars and because he was exposed and severely burned by the sun in the Tatooine desert. He is also a bounty hunter, so the stress and battles in his line of work greatly affected his look.
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How old is Boba Fett canonically?

In the current canon, Boba Fett is 10 in "Clones," 35 in "Empire," and 36 in "Jedi." As of 2023, in Star Wars Insider #217, "The Mandalorian" Season 1 and Season 2 plus "The Book of Boba Fett" are all 9 ABY, which makes Boba Fett 41 years old in those seasons. Last revised March 9, 2023.
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What happened to Boba Fett's skin?

Then, after he escaped and his armor was stolen by Jawas, he was left for dead in the harsh Tatooine desert for an unspecified amount of time, during which sandstorms and the sun did even more damage to his skin. In other words: Boba Fett's entire body is basically scar tissue.
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Does Boba Fett have a normal lifespan?

But unlike his "brothers," Boba ages at a normal rate. So while most of the surviving clones have probably died of old age by the time of The Mandalorian, Boba Fett is only just entering his 40s.
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The Evolution Of Boba Fett (ANIMATED)

Is Boba Fett canonically dead?

While seemingly killed in Return of the Jedi after falling into a sarlacc, he has since appeared in Star Wars media set after the film, confirming his survival within the new canon, portrayed by Temuera Morrison.
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Why does Boba Fett have to sleep in water?

This bounty hunter chooses to sleep in a bacta tank to heal the injuries he got from the Sarlacc and Tusken Raiders, who later befriended him [1]. This sealed water bath relieves his body, and the tank helps ease the pain of his internal and external wounds.
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What happened to Boba Fett's kid?

When Ailyn was just a baby, her father, Boba, was forced to leave her and her mother. By the time she was sixteen, her mother disappeared, leaving her alone. She became a very successful bounty hunter, like her father, and devoted many years to hunting her father down to avenge her mother's death.
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Why didn't Bacta heal Vader?

Darth Vader was actually in a Bacta Tank during the flight from Mustafar to Coruscant to help with his more treatable injuries. His Hatred kept him alive more than anything else. His pain and his Hatred helped fuel him until he received his new limbs, but his injuries were so severe that no amount of Bacta would help.
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Who killed Boba Fett?

Although Fett seemingly met his demise in the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine after falling into the Great Pit of Carkoon, Boba survived the beast and lived to reclaim his armor, taking over the throne at Jabba's Palace.
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How much older is Sabine than Ezra?

Sabine is believed to be two years older than Ezra. Although, during the first season, Ezra's birthday occurred on Empire day making him fifteen while Sabine was still sixteen. Outside of Ezra, no other character's age is confirmed beyond when they are first introduced.
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Who is Boba Fett's wife?

It was during her career as a bounty hunter that Sintas would meet fellow bounty hunter, Boba Fett. The two fell in love and were married in 16 BBY, when Sintas was eighteen and Fett sixteen years old.
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Why was Boba Fett cancelled?

Mangold knew his darker approach would probably scare off Lucasfilm executives, but it was the eventual box office failure of “Solo” that put a pin in his Boba Fett movie.
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What was Boba Fett eaten by?

The bounty hunter Boba Fett was also knocked into the mouth of the sarlacc by Han Solo. Unable to move quickly, the creature was wounded when Jabba's sail barge, Khetanna, exploded. Sometime after, Boba Fett awoke within the creature's stomach.
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Can a non-Mandalorian become a Mandalorian?

Though Mandalorians were usually distinctly human, one did not need to be human to become one. Instead, what one needed to do was follow the Mandalorian Creed. Thus, some individuals, non-humans included, could be adopted into the Mandalorian creed as foundlings, children raised to become Mandalorian warriors.
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Who is better, Jango or Boba?

In terms of combat skills, Jango has the upper hand. He has undergone rigorous training under bounty hunters like Hondo Ohnaka, Duros Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, and Zam Wesell. Boba may seem cooler in fighting, but his father is more skillful than him in hand-to-hand combat.
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Who is Boba Fett's daughter?

Boba Fett's Daughter

Ailyn felt bitter towards her bounty hunter father for a long time and spent many of her early years hunting him down. At one point Ailyn thought she had succeeded in killing her father but the man she murdered was actually one of Jango Fett's clones from the Clone Wars named Spar.
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Why is Boba Fett bald?

Based on the heavy scarring on his face, likely from his tumble in the Sarlacc pit, there's a chance that he got so injured that he can no longer grow hair. Kinda like Deadpool's bald, scarred head.
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How does Darth Vader bathe?

He doesn't bathe in the conventional sense, as he spends the majority of time in a Bacta Tank which affects his default body odor. And the fact that he has no sweat glands. Does Darth Vader shower?
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Why does Boba Fett hate Jedi?

as someone who hates the Jedi and what they stand for, mostly because he worked by Vader side for many years. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. You see, Boba did have his reasons. for hating one Jedi in particular, Mace Windu, as he watched him kill his father.
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Did Disney ruin Boba Fett?

George Lucas had his share of missteps before selling the Star Wars franchise, but Disney has managed to do what he couldn't by killing any interest in Boba Fett. The legendary bounty hunter became one of Star Wars' most popular characters, despite minimal screen time and an admittedly silly "death" scene.
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Is Boba Fett The Last Clone alive?

And thanks to a fun little retcon, Boba Fett wasn't even the last living clone of Jango Fett. Rex, one of the clone commanders during the Clone Wars, lived long enough to participate in the Battle of Endor, which took place shortly after Boba became Sarlacc poodoo.
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Who betrayed Boba Fett?

Naturally, there's a lot of treachery going around. The most significant person to betray Boba Fett is likely Bib Fortuna.
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