How did Count Dooku turn to the Darkside?

Once a Jedi -- trained by Yoda -- he became disillusioned with the Jedi Order and thirsted for greater power. Dooku voluntarily left the light side behind and became Darth Sidious' dark side disciple, taking the secret name Darth Tyranus and leading the Separatist army.
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Why did Palpatine betray Count Dooku?

Palpatine ordered Anakin to kill Count Dooku because all along, this was the moment he had been waiting for. He wanted to eliminate Dooku and take in his new apprentice—aka Darth Vader. The first step was seeing if Anakin (future Vader) would be worthy enough.
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Did Dooku consider himself a Sith?

On more than one occasion, he even offered his hand to Obi-Wan and told him outright who the Sith Lord was that the Jedi have been searching for. Bottom line, Dooku never considered himself a Sith. And he wasn't; he was a man looking to change the galaxy in a way the Jedi were unwilling to try.
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Why is Count Dooku not a Darth?

He was: Darth Tyrannus. His persona as Count Dooku was better suited to his role as leader of the Separatist faction. If he revealed himself as a Sith publicly, rather than just a former Jedi who left the order because of its supposed corruption, that would have damaged his credibility to most of the Separatists.
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Why did Revan turn to the dark side?

However, the torture that he experienced at the hands of the Emperor had splintered Revan's mind, and while part of him attempted to become one with the Force, the rest rejected death and clung to life, embracing the dark side.
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[NEW Footage] Dooku VS Yoda was almost 10X CRAZIER

Who was Darth Revan's apprentice before he was turned to the light side?

Darth Malak, voiced by Rafael Ferrer, is the old Sith apprentice of Revan and the main antagonist of the first game. As Jedi, Malak and Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council and helped the Republic defend against the Mandalorians.
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Was Revan a Skywalker?

Revan is not a Skywalker.
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What was Count Dooku's Jedi name?

Count Dooku's real name, Dooku, was more fitting than his Sith title, Darth Tyranus, as it speaks to his manipulative nature. Dooku played a crucial role in weakening the Jedi and the Republic from within, planting doubt and eroding trust.
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Did Dooku know Palpatine was Sith?

Indeed he did. Dooku (aka Darth Tyrannus) knew his master's identity. At this point the Jedi thought Dooku was the Sith Master. The kidnapping was planned to reinforce public support for Palpatine while further confusing the Jedi about his true identity.
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Why did Count Dooku never have Sith eyes?

While Dooku may be powerful enough to hide his Sith eyes, there is another reason for his unusual appearance. Dooku's eyes were never yellow because he did not have the same motivation and emotions as other Sith. Dooku was an idealist who left the Jedi because he thought they had lost their way.
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Did Palpatine prefer Maul or Dooku?

Indeed, Palpatine seems to have seen Maul as an ideal apprentice, admitting he was "a loss" compared to Dooku in Darth Vader #20.
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Who taught Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Why did Palpatine tell Anakin he killed Padmé?

With Anakin's mother dead, his padawan Ahsoka estranged and his faith in Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi council fading, Padmé was all he had left by the climax of Revenge of the Sith. By eliminating her, Palpatine would be the only one left for Anakin to turn to and therefore would have complete control over him.
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Did Dooku think he could beat Palpatine?

But from Count Dooku's point of view, he believed that the cycle would continue and that one day he would dethrone Palpatine and take his spot. That only happens when an apprentice feels strong enough to challenge their master, and it's possible Dooku felt this during Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.
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Why does Anakin hate Count Dooku?

Meanwhile, Anakin developed a grudge against the ex-Jedi Master/Sith Lord for cutting off his right arm.
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What is Darth Maul's real name?

As the son of Mother Talzin, the Zabrak male was taken from a young age by Sidious to act as his impressionable apprentice. The boy was raised as Darth Maul, a name he carried throughout his life. In Legends, it was insinuated that he was born "Maul" before attaining the honor of the "Darth" title.
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Why is Count Dooku's lightsaber curved?

Studying Jedi Archive records, Dooku based his new weapon design after the curved hilts that were standard during the heyday of Form II lightsaber combat. The curve allowed the hilt to fit better into his hand, allowing for superior finesse and precise blade control.
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Why wasn t Dooku called Darth?

Sidious may have given Dooku the title of Darth Tyranus, but because the Jedi Order knew him as Count Dooku, greatly preferring to not indulge his role as a Sith, they continued to call him by that name.
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Is KYLO ren based off of Revan?

Disney used Revan as an inspiration to create Kylo. His armor, inner conflict between Light and Dark and his use of the Force. Snoke considers Kylo to be the ideal embodiment of the Light and Dark sides of the Force, much like Revan, who was a master at both sides of the Force.
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Did Revan know Anakin was Vader?

Her knowledge of the fact that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader are one and the same naturally raised some big questions about her character, especially since his identity was supposed to be a secret. In Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 5, what she knew about Anakin turned into a major plot point.
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What is Darth Revan's real name?

His name is Revan. He was taken from his original parents who we dont know the family name of, by the jedi as a child, thus he has no last name.
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