How did Deadpool lose his face?

It has been revealed that at the time his healing ability was given to him, Deadpool suffered from some form of cancer; after the healing factor was given to him, it made his normal cells as well as his cancerous cells unable to die, giving him a heavily scarred appearance beneath his suit.
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How did Deadpool's face get ruined?

This question is answered by the fact that Deadpool's cancer hasn't actually been cured but simply put on pause, meaning it is constantly battling with his healing factor, causing his severe disfigurement, which will assumedly still be in place when Deadpool joins the MCU in Phase 5.
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Why is Deadpool disfigured if he can heal?

These "super-cancer" cells persistently destroy his healthy cells while his healing abilities rapidly regenerate them. This endless conflict between the healing factor and the cancer cells results in Wilson's disfigured appearance. His inability to heal his skin lies in his failure to cure his cancer.
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Why did Deadpool have no mouth?

Along with his extra mutant powers, one of the things Stryker did to Wilson was have his mouth surgically shut, making him the perfect soldier in Stryker's eyes. In the post-credits scene his mouth is partially open.
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How does Deadpool get his head back?

In Deadpool's Dark Reign storyline, his head had to be sewn back onto his body after it was severed to begin the healing process.
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How NOT To Introduce Deadpool

What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Who is inside Deadpool's head?

Though it initially seems that only Deadpool regenerates and survives, he eventually realizes the two actually regenerated as one being, with Madcap becoming one of the "voices" within Deadpool's head (explaining the appearance of a new, "extra" voice in Deadpool's appearances in Wolverine: Origins and Deadpool vol.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Wolverine is a killer, but one who managed to become a hero. Deadpool is not, he knows it and he hates it.
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Why can't Deadpool feel pain?

Yes, Deadpool feels every bit of pain as normal humans do. However, his regenerative ability allows him to heal from all injuries. While Deadpool can heal quickly, he isn't indestructible.
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Why does Deadpool look different in Wolverine?

There's a reason for that. The Merc with the Mouth has an advanced healing factor derived from Wolverine's powers, but that's where those similarities end. When William Stryker pooled a bunch of mutants' powers into Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he went ahead and gave Deadpool an adamantium skeleton.
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What is the age of Deadpool?

Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him. In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should "consider yourself cursed ... with life!"
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Can Deadpool heal like Wolverine?

So, Deadpool's main superpower is his healing factor, and what a healing factor it is. In multiple comics over the years, it's been established that Deadpool's healing factor is more powerful than Wolverine's. Deadpool can survive anything. If his head is cut off, he'll regrow his body over a few weeks.
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How does Deadpool speak?

deadpool has sort of a raspy gravelly voice. okay so a little bit more like a smoker. sort of a whiskey voice sort of. ras okay that makes sense but that's not the end of the story because later.
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What would happen if Deadpool's head was cut off?

Most likely, Deadpool would have to place his head back onto his neck, and it will then Regenerate in that location. This is also seen possible because of this, yes I know this is just epic cover art to build suspense, but it shows us that Deadpool can actively hold his head rather than it just regenerating instantly.
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Why doesn't Lady Deadpool have scars?

When the Awareness trapped them in individual illusions, Lady Deadpool's scars somehow disappeared permanently, which she chose to conceal from her scarred Corps teammates.
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Does Deadpool's skin ever get fixed?

But unlike the films, Deadpool does eventually receive his old face back in the Marvel Comics... and it's absolutely stunning. In the first Deadpool film - shortly after Deadpool escapes the Weapon X program and Ajax's grasp, he meets with his buddy Weasel and reveals his scarred face.
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Why can't Deadpool get drunk?

As his healing factor is derived from Wolverine, Deadpool's (Marvel Comics) can drink large amounts of alcohol without getting drunk.
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Can Deadpool beat Thanos?

There's not really much one can do when facing an opponent whose prime ability is to never perish. Hence, Thanos would have no chance against Deadpool if he was facing him without the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos can eradicate entire civilizations and wipe out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.
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What disease does Deadpool have?

In Deadpool (2016), set in a revised timeline created by the X-Men. This version is a mercenary who is diagnosed with late-stage cancer and turns to Weapon X after he is offered a cure.
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Why is Deadpool immortal but not Wolverine?

Deadpool's healing factor rapidly creates dead cells to replace other cells that are perpetually dying, as opposed to healthy ones like Wolverine, as his healing factor was artificially linked to his terminal cancer during his Weapon X experimentation.
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Who would win in a fight between Deadpool and Wolverine?

Deadpool ability is just a little behind, with exceptional agility and reflexes. Durability-wise, Wolverine's adamantium skeleton gives him a clear edge. Advantage: Wolverine. His adamantium skeleton makes him a walking tank, even without his healing factor.
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Who is Deadpool's biggest enemy?

A mercenary for hire, he played an important role in the series Deadpool; T-Ray served to remind Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, what a failure he was. He is Deadpool's archenemy for many issues and almost everything that happened to Deadpool was a part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by him.
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Why does Deadpool talk to himself?

While these voices were initially implied to be another manifestation of Deadpool's mental illness, Deadpool Annual #1 revealed that they were the result of Wade's unintentional fusion with one of Captain America's lesser-known villains, Madcap.
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Who mutated Deadpool?

Ajax injects Wade with a special serum that activates any dormant mutant genes in him, the mutations being meant to turn him into a superhuman to heal him from his cancer, but says that for it to work and because adrenaline is the serums catalyst, they have to subject him to extreme stress for the mutation to occur.
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