How did Gamora survive but not natasha?

Both Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) died on Vormir to unlock the Soul [...] Both Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) died on Vormir to unlock the Soul Stone, but the Gamora still alive by the close of Avengers: Endgame is a past version displaced from 2014.
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Why did Gamora come back but not Black Widow?

It's a different Soul Stone. They're using the Soul Stone that Hawkeye collected when Black Widow sacrificed herself. Because that is not the dead Natasha they are bringing back.
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How come Gamora is still alive?

Gamora dies in Avengers: Infinity War after Thanos sacrifices her on Vormir to obtain the Soul Stone. In Avengers: Endgame, a Variant Gamora from a different timeline is brought to Earth-616 by Variant Thanos, and this Gamora remains in the MCU. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
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How did Gamora survive the snap in endgame?

Summary. Gamora survived Iron Man's snap in Avengers: Endgame because she had changed allegiances and was no longer a threat, according to the interpretation of the Soul Stone.
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Who is stronger Natasha or Gamora?

Should be Gamora. It's kinda inconsistent, but she does (sometimes) have super human strength, which puts her far beyond Natasha. Gamora, obviously, and is not quite a fair fight as she demonstrated some superhuman feats too iirc, that put her well above Black Widow.
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Clayster Already Breaking GA and he is Snaking! (he doesn't give a f**k) 🤣

What is the weakness of Natasha?

Weakness: The Winter Soldier

One we know for sure that can easily overpower her is Bucky Barnes AKA the Winter Soldier. He once shot right through Natasha on a mission to get to a target, leaving her with one of the only visible scars she has in the movies.
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Why Yelena is better than Natasha?

Given that Yelena Belova hasn't been domesticated by the Avengers and has gotten used to a more easy life in the United States, she still seems to favor more brutal methods. While Natasha wasn't averse to taking someone out as needed, Yelena seems to go for lethal methods far more quickly.
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Why didn t Iron Man snap Gamora?

Gamora survived Iron Man's snap in Avengers: Endgame because she had changed allegiances and was no longer a threat, according to the interpretation of the Soul Stone. The Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
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Why doesn t Gamora remember peter?

The threequel revealed that 2014-Gamora had gone on to join the Ravagers since the events of Endgame. She acts as though she doesn't know Peter and the Guardians because she really doesn't – this Gamora isn't the Gamora we watched in the first two Guardians movies.
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Why doesn t Gamora remember quill?

She of all people would know that it's not the Gamora that became a Guardian, and it's really a version from the past. She says “she doesn't remember” as if she just had amnesia. Gamora can't remember something she never forgot because she never experienced it. Quill was actually valid in saying that Gamora was dead.
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Why didn t Gamora get dusted?

This means it is plausible that the Infinity Stones stepped in to spare the 2014 Gamora. The stones could realize that she is not part of Thanos' army (if Tony Stark had not come to that realization himself) and made it so she would not need to be erased from existence.
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Does Gamora fall back in love with Quill?

3, Peter Quill and Gamora do not end up in a relationship with each other. Gamora says she bets the other Gamora and Peter Quill were great together, and he agrees. Gamora goes back to her life with the Ravagers, who are her family, with a whole new understanding of what it means to be a galactic hero.
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How is Mantis Peter's sister?

Star-Lord and Mantis are siblings because they were both fathered by Ego. Star-Lord and Mantis have different mothers, but they both had romantic relationships with Ego in the past. This was the result of Ego's Expansion plan, which was his mission to terraform planets across the galaxy so they were controlled by him.
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Why can t Natasha be brought back?

Hulk couldn't bring her back because you can't use the power of the stones to resurrect her as the exchange is permanent, but when Cap goes back to return the stone he could exchange the stone back for her soul.
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Why didn t the snap bring back black widow?

However, Red Skull told Hawkeye that Black Widow's death is permanent. Later, the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) says that he tried to wish Black Widow back into existence when he held the Infinity Stones, but that it wasn't possible because, as Red Skull confirmed, the magic of the Soul Stone requires a permanent sacrifice.
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Why wasn t gamora at the funeral in endgame?

The Gamora we saw in Avengers:Endgame was 2014 Gamora. So after Thanos was defeated she went back to 2014. Only the stones, shield and Mjolnir were returned by Captain America in the end. Also, Gamora has never had any encounter with Iron Man and hence Gamora was not at Iron Man's funeral.
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Why didn t Gamora love quill?

Possibility as to why Gamora didn't orginally want to commit into a relationship with Peter Quill is be cause they are constantly saving the galaxy and because her father might hurt someone Gamora is close to.
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What was the secret Gamora knew?

Probing Nebula's cybernetic memory banks, Thanos' suspicions were confirmed, that Gamora knew of the Soul Stone's location and had secretly admitted it to Nebula. Having decided to move further in his quest, Thanos lured the Guardians of the Galaxy to Knowhere where he took the Reality Stone, and ambushed them.
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Do Peter and Nebula get together?

A quick, comedic scene in Vol. 3's Orgocorp heist teases some potential romance between Peter Quill and Nebula, but James Gunn claims that it was never going to become anything more (per The New York Times).
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Who did Tony Stark see when he snapped his fingers?

After Tony snaps his fingers while wearing the Iron Gauntlet, he's transported to a mysterious place. As he tries to gather what's going on, he hears a voice call out to him. Tony turns around to see a grown-up version of Morgan, played by Langford. Tony quickly realizes the young woman is his daughter.
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Why did Thanos see Gamora after he snapped?

It is likely because Gamora was sacrificed for the Soul Stone. The Soul Stone gives the yield various powers to connect and communicate with souls. I am not sure if that is Gamora's soul true form, or a projection, but that is likely some kind of communication with Gamora on that level.
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Could Tony Stark have survived the Snap?

Tony could have survived the sideffects of the Snap if he still had the arc reactor along with a real heart.
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Is Yelena asexual?

Yelena Belova in Marvel Comics is asexual.
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How many years older is Natasha than Yelena?

Captain America: The Winter Soldier established that Romanoff was born in 1984 and Black Widow's prologue introduced young Natasha (Ever Anderson) in 1995 when she was 11 years old. Meanwhile, young Yelena (Violet McGraw) was 6 years old in Black Widow's prologue, so she was born in 1989.
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Why didn't Natasha save Yelena?

In a world where emotion is used for exploitation and manipulation, Natasha's love for her sister makes her especially vulnerable. By looking for Yelena or sharing the truth about her past, Natasha would put herself in a bad tactical position.
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