How did Leia come back?

Leia was nearly killed when Kylo Ren led an attack on her flagship, the Raddus, drawing herself back to safety through the Force. She sought refuge on Crait with the surviving Resistance members – and faced a showdown with her vengeful son.
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How did Leia come back from space?

In the movie, Leia is sent hurtling into space after an attack on her ship. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, Leia is able to use the Force to pull herself through space and back to the safety of the ship.
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How did they bring back Princess Leia?

Leia Has Been Digitally Recreated Before

The final scene from Rogue One featured a CGI recreation of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia from A New Hope. While this appearance was brief, it applies the techniques of using a body double, CG, and recycled dialogue.
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How was Leia in Rise of Skywalker?

Maybe this is new information for you, but Carrie Fisher did die before filming Rise of Skywalker. That's why Leia was so stiff and had such a small role in the movie. They were working off of some excess footage filmed for the previous two movies, with heavy editing to place her in the new scene.
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How did Leia stay alive?

Leia was exposed to the cold, inhospitable vacuum of space for 1 minute 50 seconds (you can time it in the movie) giving her a scientifically confirmed survival chance of 100%. She used her innate force powers. It was called the Mary Poppins force power.
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Why This Luke & Leia Scene Was Cut From The Empire Strikes Back

Why did Leia only disappear when Ben died?

For all we know, Leia specifically channeled her own life force into Ben, helping Rey along and sacrificing herself in the process. That may be why Leia finally dies and fades away at the moment Ben revives Rey and fades away himself. When Ben dies, any tether Leia still had to the living world went with him.
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What was Leia holding when she died?

Leia kept Han's medal as a treasured memento of her dead husband. She held it before reaching out to her son, perhaps somehow connecting to Ben and Han's presence in the not-so-living Force.
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Did Anakin know Leia was his daughter?

Darth Vader may have never known Princess Leia was his daughter in Star Wars and never cultivated a relationship with her, even when he was a Force ghost. Anakin Skywalker never knew Padmé was pregnant with twins, and he believed his child had died with his wife.
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Why did Rey and KYLO Ren kiss?

Ridley felt that the kiss was earned and represented a farewell moment, as the pair had been through so many trials together, and Kylo Ren had returned to the light side. The scene felt emotional and Ridley felt like she was saying goodbye to her role in the Star Wars franchise.
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Does Leia know she's a Skywalker?

While in the Ewok village, Luke revealed his true lineage to Leia. She was shocked to discover they were brother and sister, though deep down, she always knew this to be true.
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Is Rey Princess Leia's daughter?

Did Luke Skywalker know that Rey was the daughter of Leia and Han Solo? No he didn't. That is because she wasn't. Rey's father was a clone of Darth Sidious, created to host Sidious's spirit, for his resurrection.
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How many children did Leia have?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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What did Finn want to tell Rey?

confirmed that what Finn wanted to tell Rey was that he's force sensitive!" Abrams apparently revealed Finn's Force sensitivity after the Q&A, when fans "wanted to talk and take pics," ren clarified in a follow-up tweet. When "one person asked about what Finn wanted to say," the Force-sensitivity answer "is what J.J.
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Does Leia not remember Obi-Wan?

She also knows Obi-Wan, and she knows him well. Her holographic plea for help, already iconic, will never be the same. She knows Obi-Wan's real name as well as his alias of “Ben.” When Luke comes barging into her cell and says, “I'm here with Ben Kenobi,” Leia jumps off the bunk in an instant.
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Who betrayed Han and Leia?

Anticipating Solo's arrival, Darth Vader and Boba Fett had already forced Lando to betray Han and Princess Leia. Lando agreed to turn Han over in return for a guarantee that the Empire would leave Cloud City alone.
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Did Obi-Wan save Leia?

For other uses, see Rescue of Leia Organa (disambiguation). The rescue of Princess Leia was a mission undertaken by Hidden Path and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Imperial Era to rescue Princess Leia Organa the Path from Nur, home to the Fortress Inquisitorius after she had been captured by the Third Sister.
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Did Kylo fall in love with Rey?

Kylo develops a close relationship with Rey and starts feeling genuine affection towards her, so when Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond and tortures her in front of Ren, he looks furious at his master. Thus, when Snoke orders Ren to kill Rey, he chooses to save her and kill his master instead.
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Do Rey and Kylo fall in love?

Through their interactions they also show signs of a growing attraction towards each other. Kylo became very fond of Rey, and at one point she even begins to refer to him as Ben, and he lets her do it.
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Was Ben in love with Rey?

Yes! They were always in love with each other even when people denied Reylo was canon. Rey WILL resurrect her husband, Ben Solo!
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Why can't Vader sense Leia?

Leia's Force abilities and her lack of awareness of her true identity also contributed to Vader's inability to sense their familial connection. Vader's denial of Anakin Skywalker's legacy and his fear of getting hurt again prevented him from realizing the truth about his children until later in the original trilogy.
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How did Darth Vader not recognize R2D2?

Darth Vader acts like he doesn't even know C-3PO or R2D2. They were with him since he was a child. He did everything he could to forget his past. Also, his plating had been replaced many times, and protocol droids all look very similar.
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Why does Rey bury the lightsabers?

Why Did Rey Bury the Lightsabers? Since Luke and Leia, her masters, have become one with the Force, this is her way of honoring them by putting their weapons to rest. It also shows that Rey is burying the past while carrying it with her — both in her spirit and in the lightsaber she now wields.
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Why is Rey's lightsaber yellow?

Traditionally, yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Sentinels, who balance their combat skills with a strong focus on exploration and practical application of the Force. This choice reflects Rey's well-rounded training and her determination to maintain balance in the Force.
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Whose lightsaber does Rey have at the end?

At the end of Rise of Skywalker, Rey has in her possession Luke's original lightsaber (which itself was originally Anakin's), Leia's lightsaber from her days of training with Luke, and her own newly constructed lightsaber (the yellow one with a design reminsicent of the staff she fought with in prior films).
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