How did Logan lose his immortality?

Yashida succeeds in draining some of Logan's healing ability before he's killed. So it could be that Logan never fully recovered from the effects of that drain. Yashida was able to steal enough of Logan's healing power that he lost his immortality after all.
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Why did Wolverine lose his immortality?

Meanwhile, the Adamantium was constantly poisoning his insides; Logan's healing factor initially kept the metal's toxicity in check but, as it gradually failed, the poison began overwhelming his system and killing him. Adamantium poisoning may also have turned into the cause of his healing factor's increasing failure.
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Why did Logan start aging in Logan?

In a dystopian, seemingly alternative timeline that mixes elements of history from previous timelines, with no new mutants known to have been born in nearly four decades, Logan's healing factor began to suffer severe deterioration, causing him to finally begin showing his age.
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How long would Logan live without adamantium?

Wolverine's max-age would be 466.32 years. Meaning having been born in 1832, in a perfect world without Transigen and the Adamantium skeleton, Wolverine would have lived to the year 2298 at the age of 466.
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Did the corn syrup affect Logan?

In Logan (2017) it is mentioned that the mutant cure is now present in everyday corn syrup, implying that Logan's healing factor is depleting now of all times because he has unknowingly consumed the cure through food products. It's also why he is aging significantly faster than he ever has.
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Why Is Wolverine Losing His Healing Powers In The Film Logan?

Why are there no mutants born in Logan?

As Pierce holds Rictor at gunpoint, Rice tells Logan, who killed Rice's father years ago at the Weapon X facility, that no new mutants have been born due to genetically engineered crops created by Transigen and distributed through the world's food supply. Logan, having found a gun, shoots Rice dead and injures Pierce.
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How slow does Logan age?

His body's mutant powers heal him almost instantly, and his skeleton is coated in a nearly indestructible fictional alloy, adamantium. What's more, because his healing ability also affects the aging process, Logan has looked the same age (early 30s at most) for more than 100 years.
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Can Logan regrow his adamantium claws?

Director James Mangold's 2013 film The Wolverine set a new precedent for the fan-favorite X-Man when the Silver Samurai cut off his Adamantium claws. Although Logan regrew bone claws, the Adamantium ones wouldn't be restored until X-Men: Days of Future Past was released the following year.
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Does Wolverine heal faster without adamantium?

Adamantium plays a crucial role in the speed of Wolverine's healing as well because of the fact that it produces a poison that his immune system fights off regularly. It is said that without the adamantium, his healing rate increases.
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Why is Wolverine so weak in Logan?

Like having a skeleton coated in lead, the metal leeches into Logan's body over time. It takes years to have a major effect, but by 2029, the year “Logan” is set, the adamantium has so weakened Logan that he's aging at a normal rate and struggling to heal himself after injuries.
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How is Logan alive in Deadpool 3?

Jackman said on the Jess Cagle Show on SiriusXM that Wolverine will appear in Deadpool 3 through a different timeline, one in which he is still alive. "It's all because of this device they have in the Marvel world of moving around timelines," Jackman said.
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What happened to Magneto in Logan?

Since Magneto isn't an X-Men it's unlikely he was present in the X-Mansion during Charles' seizure. That said, his whereabouts in Logan is never stated, with the most likely answer being that he's dead.
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Did Logan ever regain his memories?

Not everything was horrible, though. After this, he regained all of his memories in 2005's “House of M.”
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Why is Deadpool immortal but not Wolverine?

His superpowers are the result of being experimented on by the Weapon X program, the same program that gave Wolverine his healing factor. But the difference is that while Wolverine was already a mutant before the experiments, Deadpool was... just some guy with cancer.
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Is adamantium stronger than Vibranium?

Vibranium is Stronger Than Adamantium

Nevertheless, when comparing the films, Vibranium has proven far more durable and adaptable than Adamantium. While Adamantium is denser, it can still succumb to extreme heat, while Vibranium's only true weakness is sonic waves and itself.
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Is Wolverine as Immortal as Deadpool?

Obviously, neither are truly immortal in the sense they cannot die at all as The Death of Wolverine has shown. Deadpool was once “cursed” with immortality by Thanos but that was removed and, though still hard to kill, he can actually be killed. They do both definitely have greatly expanded lifespans regardless, though…
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Who heals faster Wolverine or Flash?

Because the Flash's body got rid of a tattoo in seconds and Wolverine said it takes a few hours before his body “rubs 'em out”, it is proven that the Flash heals faster than Wolverine, no matter how hilarious that proof may be.
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Can Sabretooth regrow limbs?

Similarly in the 616 universe, Sabretooth can regrow limbs too as shown in the character's origin story, which proves his healing factor is superior to Age of Apocalypse Wolverine.
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How did the Silver Samurai cut Wolverine's claws?

In The Wolverine, Silver Samurai uses his tachyon sword to cut through Wolverine's claws.
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How did Magneto get his powers back?

During the destruction, Colossus places Magneto in an escape pod sending him back to Earth. This pod is intercepted by Astra, a former ally who now desires his death. After cloning Magneto, Astra restores Magneto's memories and powers before attempting to kill him.
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Why did Logan's claws turn to bone?

However, it was revealed that the claws were originally bone after the Adamantium was ripped from Logan's body during a fight with Magneto. In the time shortly thereafter--and on a few other brief occasions in the comics--Wolverine was indeed portrayed with bone claws.
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What if Logan had Vibranium skeleton?

Wolverine would be much lighter on his feet, more mobile, healthier, and have prolonged longevity (perhaps to the point of immortality) without the Adamantium poisoning. Wolverine's bones would not be as physically indestructible if they were coated with Vibran.
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Why is Logan a 16?

Logan (2017) 94%

Rating: R, for strong brutal violence and language throughout, and for brief nudity.
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Could Logan have survived?

It is not possible that Logan did not die in Logan; however, it is entirely possible for him to come back to life. In the comics, Steve Rogers (Captain America) found a bloodied knife and Logan´s body.
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