Are Han Solo and Luke best friends?

But from the moment that Han truly joined the Rebellion and showed his true colors by saving Luke from Darth Vader, they were immediate and permanent friends, as Luke went down a more complicated path. From there, at least in the Legends canon, the two had plenty of adventures together as brothers-in-law.
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Are Luke and Han Solo friends?

During the Battle of Yavin, however, Vader almost succeeds in killing Luke and Han saves him - after this Luke's opinion of Han changes - and they become close friends. Sometime after the Battle of Endor, Han married Leia, becoming Luke's brother-in-law.
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Who is Han Solo's best friend?

Han also became rivals and close friends with fellow smuggler Lando Calrissian and the Wookiee Chewbacca, the latter who became his best friend. Calrissian owned the Millennium Falcon, a fast ship with which Han made the Kessel Run in just twelve parsecs and won from Lando in a game of sabacc.
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Who was Luke Skywalker's best friend and first mate?

Biggs Darklighter was a human male ace pilot who fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the early days of the Galactic Civil War. He grew up on the desert world of Tatooine, where he became a close boyhood friend of Luke Skywalker. The two became pilots and dreamed of leaving Tatooine.
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Why does Han Solo call Luke Kid?

Vader could of killed Luke in "A New Hope", but Han changed his mind and saved Luke from being killed by his own father. The smuggler affectionately calls Luke "Kid", becoming his nickname for his friend. They care much for each other as the trilogy progressed.
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Han and Luke - Bonds of Friendship | Luke mourns Han Solo, a DELETED SCENE that should have been

Did Han Solo kiss Luke?

Mark Hamill Confirms Luke And Han Kissed In Star Wars Deleted Scene - IMDb.
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Why was Han Solo killed off?

Han Solo's death in The Force Awakens (2015) came about when writer/director J. J. Abrams felt the character was not evolving or contributing to the story's development; he believed that Kylo Ren killing his own father would give him a chance to develop into a worthy successor for Darth Vader.
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Who is Rey's best friend?

Finn is Rey's best friend. They first met on the planet Jakku, after he rescued Poe Dameron from the First Order, but the pilot had apparently died during the rescue attempt.
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How many kids did Han and Leia have?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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Who is Chewbacca's best friend?

Han Solo. Chewbacca with Han Solo. In 10 BBY, Chewbacca met Han, the latter who saved him from imprisonment. Chewbacca was so grateful for Han's intervention that he proclaimed a life debt to him; the two have been best friends since then, as Han gave him the nickname "Chewie".
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Who killed Kylo Ren?

Kylo Ren dies on Kef Bir (the ocean moon of Endor) shortly after Rey deals a mortal wound during a lightsaber duel on the wreckage of the second Death Star. Though Rey Force-heals him, saving his life physically, this blow, coupled with the memory of his mother and father, destroys the man known as “Kylo Ren” forever.
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Who is Han Solo's most loyal friend?

He is a Wookiee—a tall, hairy, highly intelligent species originating from the fictional planet Kashyyyk. He first appears in the original film trilogy as the loyal friend of the smuggler Han Solo. He is also the co-pilot of Han's starship, the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca is portrayed by Peter Mayhew in five films.
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Who is Luke Skywalker's lover?

The Wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade took place in 19 ABY on Coruscant, shortly after the end of the Galactic Civil War.
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Does Leia love Luke or Han?

Han becomes jealous when he notices Leia having a private conversation with Luke and thinks they might have romantic feelings for one another. She assures him the conversation was about Luke learning that she is his sister, but the jealousy alone is enough for Leia to know that her love for Han is reciprocated.
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Is Rey really Luke Skywalker's Daughter?

Born on the planet Hyperkarn in 15 ABY, Rey Palpatine was the daughter of Dathan and Miramir. While their names were lost to history, Rey's father was the cloned son—an artificial genetic strandcast—of the resurrected Darth Sidious, making her the granddaughter of the fallen Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith.
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Who did Luke Skywalker have a baby with?

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker's son. Named after Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, Jedi Knight. Former student of Jacen Solo, his cousin. He inherits his mother's red hair and his father's blue eyes.
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Are Rey and Kylo in love?

Kylo develops a close relationship with Rey and starts feeling genuine affection towards her, so when Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond and tortures her in front of Ren, he looks furious at his master. Thus, when Snoke orders Ren to kill Rey, he chooses to save her and kill his master instead.
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Who has a crush on Rey?

That Finn was going to confess his love for Rey based on a longstanding crush he's had on her pretty much since the first moment they met in The Force Awakens.
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Who is Yoda's best friend?

10 Yoda & Mace Windu

Despite their varying approaches, Windu and Yoda were still close friends who often conversed with one another respectfully. Each acknowledged the other as wise and powerful, together making the council one of the most respected powerhouses in all the galaxy.
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Did KYLO regret killing Han?

But this is actually a very sad reason because it actually had the opposite effect, and he deeply regretted his decision to kill his father and it haunted him for the rest of the trilogy. Also, Han was telling him that Snoke was using him, but one of the reasons he killed him was to impress Snoke.
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What is Han Solo's full name?

If you are talking about in universe, his original name was just “Han”, before being given the surname “Solo” by an Imperial recruitment officer. If you mean outside of the movie universe, and are talking about his development as a character as George Lucas wrote him, his name was always Han Solo.
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Is Kylo Ren dead?

Its central villain, Kylo Ren, dies after he literally gives his life to Rey, who perished during the final fight against Emperor Palpatine. In a remarkable display, Kylo uses the Force to bring her back from the dead; however, it costs him his life.
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