How did Loki survive in Infinity War?

From his first MCU appearance in 2011's Thor, Loki revealed his ability to create duplicates of himself and fake his death. At the end of the film, Loki was seen careening through space to his apparent death, only to resurface during the end credits scene.
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How Loki survived in Infinity War?

This is the most accurate answer for just the movies. (Loki from Infinity War) he was never there. Loki got away with the Tesseract after being defeated at the end of the original Avengers and went on to do all the stuff we see in Loki.
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How did Loki escape in endgame?

During Avengers: Endgame, the team time traveled back to the day of his capture, hoping to grab both the Tesseract and the Mind Stone. The plan went awry and the Tesseract landed at the feet of the shackled Loki, who grabbed it and teleported out of there.
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Did Loki sacrifice himself in Infinity War?

SUMMARY. Asgardian rituals suggest that death strengthens family members, suggesting Loki sacrificed himself in Infinity War to strengthen Thor against Thanos. When the God of Mischief died, Thor found more strength to be called equal to Thanos.
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How did Loki survive falling into space?

With Odin disapproving of his actions, Loki allowed himself to fall through the deep abyss of space, entering a wormhole created by the sudden termination of the Bifrost Bridge. Transported by the wormhole to Sanctuary, Loki encountered The Other who offered to serve under Thanos' command and gave him the Scepter.
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How Loki Can Still Survive INFINITY WAR - Episode 5 Confirms It

How did Loki survive after falling off the bridge?

Loki did not expect to survive the fall. After he let go of gungnir and fell into the void, he was found by “The Mad Titan” A.K.A. Thanos. Thanos and the his children, that is the Black Order rescued him from void and held him captive in the Sanctuary.
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Why didn't the radiation affect Loki?

The short answer is that he's a God. There's more to it, some of it was that Loki's “Time Slipping” actually was the temporal energies of the Loom trying (and failing) to “spaghettify” him. So he was already as unstuck from time as he was going to get.
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What were Loki's last words in Infinity War?

god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity. Thanos : [Uses the Gauntlet to stop Loki attempting to stab him in the neck] Undying?
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Does Loki come back to life after Infinity War?

Technically speaking, the real Loki — or rather, the Loki that fans have watched since 2011 — is still dead. The version in the series is from a different timeline, and he is at a distinct point in his character growth.
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What were Thor's last words to Loki?

The sun shined on Thor while he was making Stormbreaker so he was half right.
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Is Loki now the god of time?

By saving and organizing every existing timeline, Loki has become the God of Time — a higher being who keeps the past, present, and future of every universe from being erased by outside forces. However, Loki has also become the God of Stories, as he has placed everybody's personal journey above his own.
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Is Loki stuck forever?

Loki, as it turns out, was the only one who could save the TVA—and so from the moment Sylvie killed He Who Remains, he was destined to need to hold the timelines in place. He's now Loki Who Remains, possibly for the rest of time.
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Is there Iron Man 4 coming?

"Tony Stark's story is far from over," Downey said. "Iron Man 4 will explore new dimensions of the character and his legacy through the eyes of Morgan. It's an honor to continue this journey and see where it leads." Feel free to express your thoughts on this exciting project by leaving a comment below.
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What did Thanos say when he killed Loki?

Thanos : [chokes Loki] No resurrections this time.
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Who is more powerful, Thanos or Loki?

By far, Loki is now the strongest MCU character. It was shown in season 1 of Loki that Timelines=the universe. Loki held infinity of them with his strength.
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Why did Thanos let Thor live?

So while he essentially killed half of life in the universe with the snap, he saw those deaths as necessary for the galaxy to thrive. This is ultimately the reason why he didn't go out of his way to kill Thor (or any other character) at the beginning of Infinity War.
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How is Loki alive if Thanos killed him?

Creation of a branched reality: When Loki escapes with the Tesseract, he creates a branched reality, according to the Russo Brothers, the directors of Avengers: Endgame. This means that a new timeline is created where Loki is still alive [3].
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Can Loki survive in space?

Superhuman Durability: Classic Loki was able to survive in the vacuum of space after the Statesman explosion. Superhuman Speed: Classic Loki could run and move at great superhuman speed despite his age.
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Who killed Loki in Norse mythology?

The chaos the deities face, such as the destabilization of the world-tree and Fenrir's escape, leads to Loki freeing himself. During the battle, Loki eventually begins to fight Heimdall, who guards the entrance to Asgard. The two ultimately engage in a battle to the death, killing each other during the conflict.
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Is Loki still alive after Endgame?

Avengers:Endgame Sets Things Up for Loki. The God of Mischief has 'died' a number of times—but will be back for his own time-traveling Disney+ series. The following story contains spoilers for the Marvel Cinematic Universe through Avengers: Endgame and leading up to Disney+'s Loki.
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What is Loki's final punishment?

Loki was bound to a rock (by the entrails of one or more of his sons, according to some sources) as punishment, thus in many ways resembling the Greek figures Prometheus and Tantalus. Also like Prometheus, Loki is considered a god of fire.
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What is Thanos last word?

Indeed, during the time heist, 2014 Thanos witnesses the death of his 2019 self and proclaims, “And that is destiny”, choosing to embrace this vision when 2014 Thanos travels into 2019, where his last words are: “I am inevitable.” In some ways, Thanos dies what we might call a very good death.
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Why does no one remember Loki?

When Sylvie kicked Loki through the Time Door he went to the same TVA's own past. That's why Mobius and B-15 didn't recognize him at the end of season one. That's also why Loki saw those massive statues. Earlier in the TVA's history He Who Remains did not hide his identity behind robot Time-Keepers.
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Why does Loki never turn blue again?

This means that Odin must have used a formal spell on Loki, which did not require constant magical upkeep. The spell was permanent, making it so Loki only reverted to having blue skin when touching a Frost Giant or one of their artifacts.
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Why is Loki immune to bullets?

Yes, he's bulletproof. Loki's physiology is similar to Thor's, even though Loki isn't “technically” Asgardian and is a Frost Giant. Frost Giant's physiology is still different from humans, allowing, specifically Loki in this case, not to get injured as easily as a human does.
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