How did Nick Fury hold the Tesseract?

Fury grabs the Tessaract out of its holding mechanism and places it into a special briefcase, also while he was wearing leather gloves. He does this to protect the universe by keeping the Tessaract out of the hands of someone as evil as Loki.
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How did Nick Fury touch the Tesseract in Avengers?

The best reason I can think of that Nick Fury was able to hold the Tessaract is that his Jacket and gloves are most likely lined with some sort of state of the art armor. He is a super spy with access to the worlds greatest technology.
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How did Nick Fury end up with the Tesseract?

The Tesseract is passed onto Mar-Vell who uses it to create a Light Speed Engine for Project PEGASUS and later stores it on her satellite labratory. Goose the Flerken devours the Tesseract on the satellite. The Tesseract is returned to Nick Fury by Goose.
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What happened to the Tesseract after the Flerken?

She learned the truth of her own past, discovered Mar-Vell's identity, and even located the Tesseract. It was swallowed by Goose, an alien Flerken, and sometime later was vomited back up on Nick Fury's desk at SHIELD in Captain Marvel's end-credits scene.
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Why did the Flerken eat the Tesseract?

Other Equipment. Goose regurgitating the Tesseract Goose swallowed the Tesseract during Captain Marvel's journey to space to defend the Earth from Ronan the Accuser's Kree forces, thus protecting the Tesseract from falling into the hands of Starforce.
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Explaining the Confusing Tesseract Timeline

Could a Flerken eat Thanos?

While Flerkens are pretty cool, and can eat anything, Thanos isn't going to be taken out like that. Comic Thanos is an absolute beast, and would easily defeat a Flerken because of all of his abilities.
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Can Goose eat Thanos?

Goose Can Beat Thanos, or Save The Avengers

If the Avengers time travel in Endgame to a point before Thanos gains all the Infinity Stones, having Goose swallow him whole would be akin to stranding him in a temporal/spatial limbo.
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Are there two Tesseracts?

As far as we know, there is only one tesseract in existence, and this is that tesseract. If there are two, doesn't that kind of throw of Thanos' grand plan to collect 'em all? There's never been mention of a second, which means the one Mar-Vel is using is the same one that's been around the galaxy multiple times.
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What is Flerken weakness?

Weaknesses. Alien aspects are accessed through their oral cavity. If somehow muzzled, a Flerken is as helpless as an Earth cat.
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Is there a Flerken in Guardians of the Galaxy?

The Guardians of the Galaxy member Rocket Raccoon, AKA Rocket, initially attacks Chewie on account of its Flerken heritage. Even though Rocket tries to sell Chewie on the intergalactic market, he ultimately promises not to harm the creature and grows to respect her.
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Why are Kree blue?

The original Kree had blue-colored skin, but a second racial group with pink skin resembling that of human Caucasians emerged over the millennia. The blue-skinned "purebred" Kree have become a small, but powerful, minority. Pink Kree are much more durable than their blue racial brethren.
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Was Nick Fury a Skrull in endgame?

The answer to this conundrum comes in an end-credits scene that reveals Fury is a Skrull. As the end-credits scene of Far From Home reveals, the real Fury is off-planet overseeing the construction of a massive space station.
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What happened to the real Nick Fury in MCU?

Jackson) has been gone from Earth in the MCU. Revealed at the very end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, the former director of SHIELD was actually the shape-shifting Skrull Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), Fury's ally first seen in Captain Marvel. Instead, the real Fury was confirmed to be off-world.
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What secret did Nick Fury whisper to Thor?

What did Nick Fury say to Thor UnWorthy of Mjolnir? With the release of Unworthy Thor #5 came the long-awaited answer to this question. All Fury said was “Gorr was right.” Gorr's belief was that no god was worthy, that gods were vain and deceitful, and that mortals were better without them.
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Why didn t Nick Fury call Captain Marvel in Ultron?

Simply put, Jackson said Fury never contacted Captain Marvel because the threat against Earth was never big enough to warrant the call. Fury's mentality was that if the current superheroes on Earth were capable of handling a threat themselves, then Captain Marvel wasn't needed.
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How is Nick Fury alive in Age of Ultron?

Following the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and his near fatal encounter with the Winter Soldier, Fury fakes his death and hunts down Hydra cells before assisting the Avengers in their battle against Ultron. Fury falls victim to the Blip, and upon his resurrection dedicates his time to developing the S.A.B.E.R.
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What is the lifespan of a Flerken?

As we know Goose was around in 1989 before Mar-Vell's death and Iron Man takes place in 2008 that would make Goose at least 19 but he would be a bit older because Mar-Vell was familiar with him. So flerkens appear to be able to live up to at least 19 years.
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What does the Flerken scratch do to fury?

Related Stories. At the end of it all, when the battle is over, we finally learn how Nick Fury lost his eye. He's playing with the very good kitty Goose, when the cat/Flerken scratches the eye right out of his head.
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When did the Flerken throw up the Tesseract?

In a more humorous end-credits scene, Goose the cat (who turns out to be an alien called a Flerken, not an actual cat), walks onto Nick Fury's desk. Goose spits up the Tesseract that he was storing in his belly. This explains how Fury got his hands on the Tesseract in the first place.
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What Stone is in Loki's scepter?

The Mind Stone (Loki's scepter)

The Mind Stone allows the user to control the minds of others. We first see it as a blue orb in Loki's scepter in 2012's The Avengers. Whenever Loki touches someone with the scepter, he can control what they do.
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Did Captain America get frozen with the Tesseract?

Captain America crash-lands a plane with the Tesseract onboard to save the world and becomes frozen—both literally and in time. Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, recovers the Tesseract and eventually hands it over to S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Why did Captain America crash the plane?

The autopilot was already set by red skull and the button was broken during their fight. So cap had to manually override the autopilot by forcing the steering wheel down. If he jumped out the plane most likely would have corrected its course and continued heading for the city with the bombs on board.
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Who did Thanos fear?

Because of the Hulk's incredible strength which seemingly has no limit, Thanos was afraid to fight him without the help of the Infinity Stones. While Thanos had been afraid to fight the Hulk as revealed in The Thanos Quest, it didn't seem like he needed to be, as proven in that very same comic.
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Is Thanos Hulk's pet?

When Thanos wins in Marvel's comic universe, he keeps the Hulk as his dog until the end of time - feeding him a truly 'heroic' diet. When Thanos conquers the Marvel Universe, he makes Hulk his attack dog - and feeds him Captain America, among other..
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Can Wolverine hurt Thanos?

While wolverine has a healing factor, adamantium skeleton, and badass claws, Thanos has some very strong shields and gadgets that could prevent wolverine from doing anything at all to hurt him.
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