How did Pinhead become Pinhead?

Upon solving the box in the early 1920s, Spencer was given both the pain and pleasure he was looking for, and subsequently transformed into Pinhead, as depicted briefly in the opening of Hellraiser 2.
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What is the lore behind Pinhead?

The character's past, which is alluded to in Hellbound, is expanded upon in the third film Hell on Earth. It is revealed that Pinhead originated as Elliott Spencer, a captain in the British Expeditionary Force suffering from PTSD and survivor guilt.
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Why does Pinhead have so many pins in his head?

The use of nails and pins evolved out of one of Barker's short stories called The Forbidden, which featured a board hammered with nails at specific intersections of laid out squares. This aesthetic would resurface for the Pinhead character years later.
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Who was Pinhead when he was human?

The Cenobite known as Pinhead was once a human known as Elliot Spencer who was born in England during the Victorian Era in 1887. As a young adult, he would join the British Army and later serve in France during World War I.
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Why did they make Pinhead a woman?

“We were never afraid of it. We always knew that [a female Pinhead] made sense given the history of the franchise and the kinds of fans that have embraced it,” Bruckner says. “It was also a way for us to not replicate Doug Bradley's incredible, iconic performance. There had been a lot of precedent in the franchise.
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Pinhead Origins (Hellraiser)

Is Freddy Krueger A Cenobite?

Freddy is a member of the Cenobite council and the rival of Laughing Jack. He is also the most feared and dreaded enforcer of Zalgo, even more so than Pinhead. Freddy is played by Robert Englund.
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Was Pinhead once a human?

Pinhead is one of the leaders of the Cenobites, formerly humans but transformed into creatures which reside in an extradimensional realm, who travel to Earth through a puzzle box called the Lament Configuration in order to harvest human souls.
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How did the Cenobites become?

Cenobites were once human, having transformed to their current state in their pursuit of gratification. Cenobites are so removed from their former humanity and so dedicated to exploring physical experience that they no longer distinguish between sensations of pleasure and pain.
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Are the Cenobites good or evil?

Usual Personality of A Cenobite

Within the first film, a Cenobite was portrayed as a neutral being that was neither good nor evil—as they had quoted themselves they were "demons to some, angels to others" and they were immensely intelligent and brainy creatures who (while repulsive) also displayed an unsettling grace.
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Who is the god in Hellraiser?

According to Hellraiser lore, the Leviathan is a god who is responsible for creating Pinhead and his pain-loving colleagues. It is likely this deity who is responsible for Voight's transformation and it is also likely that they are turning him into a new Cenobite.
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What is pinheads weakness?

The most straightforward is to reverse the Lament Configuration. In doing so, it will send him back to his world. Pinhead also abides by a strict code, and if a person summons him because they were forced, he won't go after the victim.
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How did Pinhead become evil?

He was dragged into the Labyrinth and then transformed into the Cenobite Pinhead. In the decades that followed he obediently served the dark entity Leviathan as the new leader of the Cenobites, losing all memory of his past life as a human being in the process.
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Is Pinhead the most powerful Cenobite?

1 Pinhead, AKA The Hell Priest

Even now, Pinhead is undoubtedly the strongest Cenobite.
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Is Pinhead pure evil or broken?

Is Pinhead pure evil or broken? Broken because of his human past. Pinhead is not pure evil at all lmfao and anyone who watched Hellraiser once or read the comics would know. Pinhead & the Cenobites are a neutral force that are open to interpretation as to what they actually are.
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Is the new Pinhead a woman?

The Hellraiser reboot movie includes a female version of Pinhead, but this change to Hellraiser movie tradition actually closer to the character's original depiction.
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What is the point of Hellraiser?

Its plot involves a mystical puzzle box that summons the Cenobites, a group of extra-dimensional, sadomasochistic beings who cannot differentiate between pain and pleasure. The leader of the Cenobites is portrayed by Doug Bradley, and identified in the sequels as "Pinhead". Hellraiser was filmed in late 1986.
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Is Candyman a Cenobite?

Candyman is a Cenobite. Both stories which Hellraiser and Candyman are based off of are by Clive Barker. Each character only causes mayhem when they are summoned. To top it off all they know after their deaths are pain and pleasure.
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What is the purpose of the Cenobites in Hellraiser?

The original Hellraiser, written and directed by Clive Barker as an adaptation of his novella The Hellbound Heart, introduces audiences to the Cenobites: a group of interdimensional beings devoted to performing sadomasochistic acts on themselves and anybody who summons them.
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Were all Cenobites once human?

The Cenobites are extra-dimensional beings who are mutilated and brainwashed into torturing humans for all eternity in the Labyrinth. All Cenobites were once human, with the exception of Angelique, the daughter of the demon god Leviathan.
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Is there a heaven in Hellraiser?

Judgment is the first Hellraiser film to include heaven in its mythology. According to Tunnicliffe, he took influence from The Scarlet Gospels, stating "I am in no way religious, but if you are writing a story that acknowledges the existence of Hell, then you have to acknowledge the existence of Heaven.
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Who turns into a Cenobite?

In the mythos, only those who are so obsessed with solving a puzzle that can open a gateway (or 'Schism') can be considered. Those who have a taste for the outermost reaches of human experience and have no moral limitations for what they will do to achieve those desires would even be considered to become a Cenobite.
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What does Pinhead want?

Bored by the mundanity of his existence, having solved the mysteries of the flesh, the iconic killer hatches a plan to claw his way free from Hell. Pinhead decides that he wants to permanently return to his human form and seek spiritual salvation.
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Is Edward Scissorhands a Cenobite?

Edward, then, is a Cenobite, which is why he has scissors instead of hands, he's so pale, and he wears black leather clothes that look very similar to the ones the Cenobites usually wear.
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Are the Cenobites asexual?

In in the original text, the Cenobites are unnamed and are described as asexual beings who have been marred and modified so horribly, they bear little resemblance to the human form. Barker is surprisingly vague in describing the Cenobites in great detail.
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