How did Quirrell become a horcrux?

It was only after Quirrell failed to procure the Philosopher's Stone from Gringotts that he latched onto his body (making him a Horcrux) so he could “keep a closer watch”. With Voldemort's face now sticking out of the back of his head, Quirrell donned a purple turban to hide him.
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Why is Professor Quirrell not a Horcrux?

Professor Quirrell was a temporary type of Horcrux while Voldemort inhabited his body, which is confirmed in the Wizarding World. It is possible that Voldemort created more temporary Horcruxes, such as the animals he possessed while in ghostly form.
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How did Quirrell get possessed?

His journey proved successful as he did indeed find Voldemort, though he was no match for the Dark Lord (even in such a weakened state) and when he realised that Quirinus had a position at Hogwarts, Voldemort latched onto Quirrell's body, intending to go back to Hogwarts with him.
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Why did Harry get the stone and not Quirrell?

He explains also that Quirrell could not touch Harry because Harry was protected by his mother's love. Dumbledore also reveals that it was he who left the invisibility cloak for Harry and explains that there was enmity between Snape and Harry's father, much like the enmity between Malfoy and Harry.
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How was Quirrell kept from doing a curse on Harry?

He saw it on the back of Quirrell's head, under his turban. How was Quirrell kept from doing a curse on Harry? Harry kept Quirrell in contact with harry's skin, keeping him in constant pain.
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Harry Potter Theory: Was Professor Quirrell a Horcrux?

How did Quirrell turn into Voldemort?

Quirrell never lost his soul to Lord Voldemort, but he lost his body and ended up completely subjugated by Voldemort, with his head mutilated and Voldemort able to see out of the back of his head, forcing him to wear a turban.
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Why is Voldemort on the back of Quirrell's head?

Following this failed attempt, Voldemort began a parasitic relationship with Quirrell, in which he attached himself to the back of Quirrell's head, to ensure his plans were being followed precisely; throughout the year, Quirrell attempted to resist the possession, feeble and futile though his efforts were.
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How did Voldemort survive after Quirrell died?

He remained alive because of his Horcruxes, but existed in a spectral form as his soul had been driven from his body. In this form, he went into hiding in Albania.
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Did Snape know about Quirrell?

Snape's explanation to the Death Eaters was that he knew nothing of Voldemort's involvement, but "saw only greedy and unworthy Quirrell attempting to steal the stone." It was confirmed in Deathly Hallows that Snape had been "keeping an eye" on Quirrell on Dumbledore's orders.
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Why did Quirrell turn to Ash when Harry touched him?

That worked because when Lily was killed, she had tried to protect Harry and therefore gave him the most powerful weapon against Voldemort; Love. Love is the one thing that Voldemort is unable to handle and therefore when Quirrell was touched by Harry he burnt him with love.
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How did Quirrel get past fluffy?

Fluffy (Rubeus Hagrid's obstacle)

Quirrell found out how to get past Fluffy earlier that year by enticing Hagrid into a card game, offering a dragon egg as the stake, and getting him drunk enough to disclose the secret of how to pacify the otherwise vicious dog.
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How did Voldemort lose his nose?

The prevailing theory has been that Voldemort gradually lost his nose (and humanity) throughout his life due to his exclusive use of Dark Magic. The more Dark Magic he tapped into, the less human he became both figuratively and literally. This was only amplified as he split his soul to create the Horcruxes.
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How many years did Quirrell teach at Hogwarts?

Quirrell Was A Muggle Studies Teacher Before He Taught Defense Against The Dark Arts. Photo: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/Warner Bros. From Redditor u/amyosaurus: According to J.K. Rowling: He was teaching at Hogwarts for more than a year, but NOT in the post of D.A.D.A.
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Why didn't Tom Riddle make the basilisk a Horcrux?

Why didn't Voldemort make Basilisk a horcrux? Only he could call it, thus keeping it safe forever. The Basilisk was a giant creature, longer and bigger than two adult Anacondas combined. Voldemort couldn't have it around all the time like Nagini (his snake Horcrux.)
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What house was Umbridge in?

Under the influence of her father, Dolores grew up despising her mother and brother for their lack of magical abilities. She was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and hated her time at the school due to never being given any positions of power.
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What were the 8 Horcruxes?

There were 8 horcruxes. 7 were made by Voldemort intentionally ( Nagini, goblet, diary, locket, ring, diadem and the part of his soul in Voldemort himself) and 1 was made accidentally which was Harry.
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Did Snape know Harry was under the invisibility cloak?

Dumbledore was doing James a favour by helping him pass down the Invisibility Cloak to his son Harry. Snape definitely knew because in book 4 when Harry sees crouch in Snapes office, he's in his invisibility cloak. As soon as snape sees the golden egg and the map he says 'potters here' to mad eye. Potters here.
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Who did Dumbledore trust the most?

With the return of his Death Eaters at the end of Book Four, Voldemort declared that Snape had left their ranks forever. Conversely, Dumbledore went on declaring his undying trust in Snape. So Dumbledore was no more wrong than was Voldemort.
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Was Snape really jinxing Harry's broom?

This jinx was used by Quirinus Quirrell on Harry Potter's Nimbus 2000 in early November 1991, during a Quidditch match. It was an attempt to murder Harry for Lord Voldemort. No one in the stands detected Quirrell of using this jinx, except Professor Severus Snape, who attempted to save Harry with a counter-curse.
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Why did Tom Riddle turn evil?

With no one to claim him as their own, Tom lived in a Muggle-run orphanage where he felt abandoned and unloved. He slowly realized he was different from others and became obsessed with his powers, believing he was unique and elite.
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How did Voldemort get his baby body?

Pettigrew mixed up a potion for Voldemort using unicorn blood and the venom of Nagini. With this potion, they were able to create a new body for Lord Voldemort to finally return to. However, this body was not what Voldemort needed to return to his fearful leadership form. Instead, it was that of a scaly, hairless baby.
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Did Voldemort know Harry was a horcrux?

Notably, Voldemort appeared to be entirely unaware of this split, as he later created a seventh Horcrux in his quest to have six, and continued to target Harry Potter despite him now holding part of Voldemort's own soul.
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Who gave Hagrid the dragon egg?

Hagrid later becomes friends with Ron and Hermione as well. Later in the book, a hooded person (Quirinus Quirrell in disguise) gives him a dragon egg to elicit details about Fluffy.
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Why did Quirrell pretend to stutter?

The most obvious mention of stuttering was the character Professor Quirrell. In the end we discover that Professor Quirrell faked stuttering as to seem aloof and not draw attention to his plotting with the evil Voldemort.
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How did the stone end up in Harry's pocket?

Harry gets the stone in his pocket through the Mirror of Erised because he wanted it but did not want to use it (a little spell by Prof Dumbledore). Voldemort is a parasite on the back of Quirrell's head, because he is not yet strong enough to exist independently.
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