How did Rose give Jack immortality?

In the finale of the first season of the revamped Dr. Who, we see Rose absorb the Time Vortex of the TARDIS and uses this power to not only evaporate the Daleks, but revive Jack. Due to this process, Jack becomes immortal.
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How did Rose make Jack immortal?

Over his (very) long life, Captain Jack Harkness has been many things. Revived and made immortal by Rose Tyler after she'd absorbed the power of the Time Vortex, Jack travelled back to 1869, where his vortex manipulator burned out.
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How does Jack Harkness become immortal?

After he was shot and killed by a Dalek, Jack was revived by Rose Tyler, who at the time was transformed into a nearly omnipotent being. Unable to control her powers, she accidentally turned him into an immortal being.
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Does Jack ever become immortal?

As a consequence of his death and resurrection in the Series 1 finale, "The Parting of the Ways", Jack becomes immortal and is stranded on 19th-century Earth.
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Did the Doctor know Jack was alive?

Jack's alive!" when TARDIS left Satellite Five, but then The Doctor reveals in "Utopia" that he knew all along.
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Captain Jack mentions Rose | Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks

Is Jack actually the Face of Boe?

Captain Jack Harkness becomes the Face of Boe in Doctor Who, revealed in season 3 as a nickname he used. The show never officially confirms how Jack transforms, but it can be traced back to the season 1 finale when Rose Tyler saves him from death.
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Why is Captain Jack Sparrow immortal?

Right before the film's climactic battle with the pirates at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow swipes a cursed coin from the treasure chest, making himself immortal and capable of dueling Barbossa. He shoots his nemesis with the pistol he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa.
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Is Jack more powerful than God?

In The End, Jack Became A “Hands-Off” Deity

Jack became a power vacuum and his plan with Michael, Sam, and Dean led to a resurrected Lucifer trying to kill Chuck himself. Jack sucked up all their power and he was the one to kill Chuck, and take all his power too. He was more powerful than God and Amara together.
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Does God give Jack his soul back?

Initially resurrected soulless, Jack's soul is restored by the Garden of Eden after he visits through the Occultum. Jack later reveals that he is being turned into a bomb that will cause God and the Darkness to cease to exist, but which will also be fatal to Jack himself.
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Does Jack come back to life after God kills him?

Billie resurrected Jack and sent him to Earth to feed on Grigori hearts in an effort to make him stronger so that eventually he'll be able to fight Chuck. He would have checked in with Cas and the Winchesters sooner, but he needed to lay low so that Chuck, who fears him, wouldn't find him and kill him again.
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Can Jack Harkness regrow limbs?

He can regenerate fully destroyed limbs or body parts, recover his life-force. Each time Jack came back to life, he would awaken with a very deep gasp of breath as his respiratory system resumed its functions.
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Why is Rose called Bad Wolf?

After looking into the Heart of the TARDIS, the Time Vortex itself filled Rose Tyler, who then temporarily became the Bad Wolf entity. She scattered the two words throughout time as a sign to herself that she was linked to The Doctor, creating a looped ontological paradox.
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Was Jack Harkness in love with the Doctor?

Discussing whether his character could ever find a soulmate, John Barrowman refutes that Jack "likes everybody, and his love for each person is different". He believes that Jack does harbour romantic feelings toward the Doctor, but "would never take that beyond infatuation" and "would never let the Doctor know".
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Was Jack dead when Rose let him go?

This means that if Jack was dead when Rose pushed him under water, then he would have immediately floated back to the surface. But if he was unconscious, he would have breathed water into lungs and eventually sink, which is the case. This shows that Jack was in Stage 3, unconscious, and very much alive.
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Would Jack have survived without Rose?

“Yes, he could have held on until the lifeboat arrived. Jack could have survived, but there are so many variables. I think Jack's logic was, 'I'm not going to do anything that would put Rose in danger. ' And that's totally in keeping with the character,” concludes James Cameron.
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Could Rose have saved Jack?

Co-hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman conducted their own experiment and concluded that both Jack and Rose could have shared the raft and survived, provided they propped their upper bodies upright and figured out how to attach Rose's life jacket underneath it to increase the buoyancy.
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Does Dean forgive Jack for killing Mary?

Redemption: Understanding Jack

Taking him for a spin in the Impala and showing him the basics of living life for a day are all sensible things Dean does to help Jack acclimate. Also, when Dean listens to Jack's soul-rejuvenating revelation of unintentionally killing Mary, he actually listens and forgives "the kid."
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Why is Jack stronger than God?

After Jack survived his explosion and became a power vacuum, from absorbing the power from Michael and Lucifer's fight, their deaths and when God fought the brothers, his power was not only restored but also magnified to levels where he was able to easily overpower and strip God of his power.
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Why is Jack coughing up blood?

At the end, Jack coughs up blood in front of Dean before suddenly collapsing, bleeding from his nose and mouth. Rowena determines that Jack's condition is a result of his human and angel sides attacking each other without his grace maintaining a balance.
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Who is the most powerful demon in Supernatural?

Called the “runt of the litter” by Lucifer, you might be surprised to see Asmodeus in first place, but we're considering the supreme version of the demon here. After he managed to apprehend Gabriel, Asmodeus became the most powerful demon by injecting himself with Archangel grace.
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Who is the weakest archangel in Supernatural?

Archangels are shown to be considerably more powerful than the Princes of Hell. While at full power, Lucifer was greatly feared by Asmodeus and Dagon and the weakest archangel, Gabriel, was more than a match for Asmodeus in combat and easily killed him.
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Is Jack stronger than archangels?

Also, due to being spawned by the second oldest Archangel, Jack's power is so great that he has shown the ability to defeat and kill even archangels, as shown by how he was easily able to overpower and then kill Alternate Michael, who was connected to the Angel Tablet.
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Why did Jack turn into a skeleton?

Jack and Barbossa fought a fierce battle around the treasure cave until Jack stabbed Barbossa, who then pulled the sword out and stabbed Jack with it. However, once Jack stepped into the moonlight, he turned into a skeleton, revealing that he was cursed; having secretly palmed a piece of the Aztec gold.
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What is Jack Sparrow's most famous quote?

Without further ado, here are the 15 most iconic Jack Sparrow quotes.
  1. 1 "The only rules that matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do."
  2. 2 "I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it." ...
  3. 3 "Bring me that horizon." ...
  4. 4 "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." ...
  5. 5 "No survivors? ...
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