How did they rebuild the Death Star so quickly?

Essentially, the Empire was able to build the second Death Star so quickly because they'd already built one before. Furthermore, Darth Sidious expedited the construction of the second Death Star so that it was functional far sooner than the first.
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Did it take 20 years to build the Death Star?

The Death Star was a moon-sized, deep-space mobile battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire over the course of 20 years.
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Why did the second Death Star take less time to build?

The planning for the second Death Star began before the first one was even finished. The Empire had all the resources and labor necessary to quickly construct the second Death Star much faster than the first.
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Why does the second Death Star look unfinished?

It was two-three times larger than DS1 and took far more materials to build it. Sid also wanted it to look unfinished so he could lure the Rebels in: “it's a trap!” But he ensured the planet killer gun was operational by sending Vader in to oversee it.
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How many times did they build the Death Star?

One Death Star was completely built by the Empire, with a second and third one never reaching full completion, as well as a prototype being in existence. In addition, a scaled-down version, the Tarkin, and a Hutt knockoff, the Darksaber, would be created by the Empire and Durga the Hutt, respectively.
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Why Sidious Was Able to Build the Second Death Star So Quickly

Why did it take 20 years to build Death Star?

The Death Star's construction took much longer than portrayed in the Star Wars films, with over 20 years spent on perfecting the superlaser. The development of the superlaser, built using kyber crystals, was the most complicated and time-consuming aspect of the Death Star's completion.
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Was there a third Death Star?

In the original Star Tours, a Death Star III is seen and destroyed during the ride sequence by the New Republic. Leland Chee originally created the third Death Star to explain why a Death Star is present on the Star Tours ride when both of the stations in the movies were destroyed.
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How many died on alderaan?

Out of the 2 billion inhabitants on Alderaan - with the modern-day populations of China and India having about 2.8 billion people combined - about 60,000 survived the destruction of the planet due to being outside of its star system at the time.
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Why was the Death Star so weak?

The Death Star's most famous weakness was its thermal exhaust port, but Star Wars has hinted the battle-station had another critical weakness that would have become clear over years. Emperor Palpatine intended the Death Star to be almost invincible, but he had not factored in Galen Erso's sabotage.
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Is the Death Star more powerful than Starkiller Base?

The answer to this question will come down to each person's individual preference for the functionality of a sci-fi super weapon. If one considers the sheer might of the Starkiller Base and nothing else, then it is clear that the Starkiller Base is the better of the two.
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Was there a fourth Death Star?

Death Star IV was the fourth Death Star, a type of space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet.
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Can the Death Star go into hyperspace?

But what made the Death Star particularly menacing was its ability to travel through hyperspace. Not only was it equipped with destructive armaments, it could pursue its prey with those armaments.
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Could we ever build a Death Star?

And how long would it even take to build? On to the subject of materials, it's estimated that it would take 830,000 years at current global output levels to produce the amount of steel needed for just the superstructure of the Death Star.
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Could the Death Star be built?

Firstly, we cannot build structures that big. The nascent Death Star would warp and deform before it reached any appreciable fraction of its projected size. We do not have the orbital lifting capability to get sufficient mass into space. We don't have the logistical capability to build something of that size.
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Did the Empire use slaves to build the Death Star?

Non-Humans and Human critics of the New Order alike were rounded up and enslaved en-masse for work on such projects as the Death Star. In addition, early into the Empire's formation, the 501st Legion had been ordered by Emperor Palpatine to sell Nosaurian women and children into a slave market at Orvax IV.
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What is more powerful than the Death Star?

The World Devastator

Far more lethal than the Death Star.” The World Devastators would land on the surface of a planet and systematically tear the planet apart from beneath. Deconstructing all-natural and man-made resources and converting them into machinery and ships for the risen Palpatine's renewed Empire.
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What is the most saddest death in Star Wars?

Star Wars: 10 Saddest Deaths In The Movies, Ranked
  • 8 Shmi Skywalker.
  • 7 Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • 6 Mace Windu.
  • 5 Qui-Gon Jinn.
  • 4 Rogue One's Ending.
  • 3 Padme Amidala.
  • 2 Han Solo.
  • 1 Order 66.
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What is the most painful death in Star Wars?

Kanan had the most heroic and heartbreaking death in Star Wars and it's sad that it's not even close.
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Did Bail Organa survive the destruction of Alderaan?

Though the Alliance won its first major victory of the Galactic Civil War at Scarif, Organa and his wife were killed when the Death Star, an Imperial planet-killing superweapon, destroyed Alderaan just days later.
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Did Naboo get destroyed?

Naboo was among the first worlds to be attacked. Despite the planet sustaining heavy losses, Operation: Cinder was foiled before Naboo could be destroyed. After that, however, little is known about Naboo, other than it was saved from the First Order after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
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Did Vader know Leia was his daughter?

Darth Vader didn't learn he had a daughter until Return of the Jedi, when he stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's power probed Luke's mind, attempting to goad him to fall to the dark side, and he discovered Leia's existence. "Sister," the Emperor taunted.
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Why did the second Death Star have a hole?

Star Wars: Rogue One revealed that the exhaust port weakness in the original Death Star was deliberately placed there by Galen Erso. But the second Death Star's weakness was that it was incomplete and not properly sealed up.
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How many died in Death Star 2?

But taking all these sources into account, the death toll of the first Death Star can be left as around 1.1 million and the one of the second Death Star as over two million, which is still a lot even for Star Wars – more so considering that this happened in the first three films of the franchise.
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Why is the battle of Yavin so important?

The Battle of Yavin, also known as the Battle of the Death Star or the Miracle of Yavin, was a major and decisive battle of the Galactic Civil War, in which the Rebel Alliance was able to destroy the Death Star and was seen as one of the first major victories over the Galactic Empire.
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