How did Vision get a human body?

Originally, Thomas considered the Vision to be an android entirely created by Ultron. Later, Ultron had built the Vision from the body of the original Human Torch, who had been described in his Golden Age stories as a perfect, synthetic replica of a human being.
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How did Vision get a body?

Ultron began creating the body that would become Vision for himself using Dr. Helen Cho's regeneration Cradle, as well as stolen Vibranium and the gem from Loki's scepter – which was in fact the Infinity Stone known as the Mind Stone.
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How was Vision able to be human?

In light of this, Bettany has now stated that Vision's ability to resemble a human is because of nano-technology. In an interview with Cinemablend, Bettany detailed certain aspects of his character, such as how possessing the Mind Stone will make him a target of Thanos and the Black Order.
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How did the government get Visions Body?

As it turns out, SWORD took possession of Vision's body after the synthetic hero was destroyed by Thanos. When Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) tries to argue that Wanda isn't a terrorist threat, SWORD Director Tyler Hayward (Josh Stamberg) is quick to counter that assertion.
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When did Vis become human?

The Mind Stone makes Vision a victim of Thanos and his Black Order. We see in Infinity War a shot of the Black Order trying to pluck the Stone from Vision's head. The threat of Thanos forces Vision to make himself look human.
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Vision's Birth | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Best scenes

Is Vision a robot or human?

The character is an android (sometimes called a "synthezoid") built by the villainous robot Ultron created by Hank Pym. Originally intended to act as Ultron's "son" and destroy the Avengers, Vision instead turned on his creator and joined the Avengers to fight for the forces of good.
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Why is Vision a human in Infinity War?

However, Vision found a purpose in living a peaceful life with Wanda Maximoff far away from the Avengers' battles. Vision adopted a human form and kept a low profile with Wanda in Scotland, where both felt a connection between Vision's Mind Stone and Scarlet Witch's powers.
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Who created Vision's body?

The Avengers capture a synthetic vibranium body created by Ultron for himself, powered by the Mind Stone, and bring it to Avengers Tower, where Stark and Bruce Banner upload J.A.R.V.I.S. as the core software for the body.
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Did Wanda steal Visions' body?

While SWORD Acting Director Tyler Hayward previously suggested that Wanda Maximoff broke into SWORD headquarters to steal and eventually reanimated Vision's deceased body, Episode 8 proved this to be a lie.
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Why did S.W.O.R.D. have Visions Body?

However, Thanos then used the Time Stone to reverse time and resurrect Vision, removing the Mind Stone and tossing aside his lifeless body. Thanos then used all five Infinity Stones to kill half of all life in the universe, including Maximoff. Vision's body was then taken into S.W.O.R.D.
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Why can Vision lift Thor's hammer?

Thor essentially 'gives birth' to Vision, which means there's part of him – or more specifically part of Mjölnir – in Vision, which gives him the ability.
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Is Vision technically alive?

Vision's corpse was taken by S.W.O.R.D. and disassembled in an attempt to weaponize his remains. Vision's body was then reassembled in a white form and reactivated through a sample of Maximoff's Chaos Magic, and was employed by S.W.O.R.D. as their sentient weapon.
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Could Vision have survived?

Ultimately, it was Thanos who did so, effectively killing him in the process. However, had it been removed properly, as Shuri was going to, Vision could have lived, though his powers would have been different.
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Why did they make Vision so weak?

This is because Vision's potential is similar to Scarlet Witch, Strange, America Chavez, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Thor, and Monica Rambeau - it's predicated on self-belief. This is how Marvel keeps characters in Phase 4 of the MCU from being too overpowered and uninteresting.
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Why did Vision become white?

White Vision had been created as a weapon to be used to destroy both Wanda Maximoff and the Vision she had created inside the Westview Anomaly. In order to make him more susceptible to Tyler Hayward's programming, he was blocked from accessing the original Vision's memories.
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Did Vision have a soul?

But the events of A.X.E: Judgment Day #4 reveal Vision's true nature: he may be self-aware, but he lacks a soul.
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Can Vision impregnate Wanda?

Because Vision is an artificial being known as a Synthezoid, he's not actually capable of fathering biological children of his own. In response, Wanda magically creates two twin sons to complete their nuclear family. They were born in 1986's The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol.
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Could Vision get Wanda pregnant?

Scarlet Witch Lost Her Children In The Comics

She realizes she wants to have children with her husband, Vision, but due to him being a synthezoid, they can not conceive naturally.
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How did Wanda get pregnant?

In 1975, she married her android teammate Vision, later using borrowed magical forces to make herself pregnant, resulting in twin sons William ("Billy") and Thomas ("Tommy").
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Can Vision cry?

Having been accepted, the Vision experienced his emotions well up and materialize in the form of tears-–a testament that even an android could cry. As a dedicated member of the Avengers, the Vision proved his worth by playing a pivotal role in the outcome of numerous missions against formidable adversaries.
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Who kills Vision?

Thanos Kills Vision - Thanos Uses Time Stone.
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Will white Vision return?

During a panel at MegaCon 2024 (via The Direct), Bettany revealed that he will be back as Vision. WandaVision's ending set up the actor to explore how White Vision finds his place in the world, knowing that he is not the original version of the MCU character and having to grapple with his memories.
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Can Vision live without the Mind Stone?

He will lose every power he has, but he won't die because it is working on JARVIS computer coding. Mind stone helped him startup his body and giving him powers. If he lose his mind stone(which will most probably happen in Infity war) then he will lose all his powers.
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Why is Vision called Vision?

In the MCU, his face came in the visions of Thor while in that mysterious pond and right when Thor returned and lightened and pulsed the body of vision, he claimed that this is exactly what he saw in his visions so right from then everyone started calling him by that name.
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Why did the Blade stop Vision from phasing?

It can absorb and block energy attacks as well as penetrate vibranium—which Corvus does when he stabs Vision, twice, in the chest. Though neither blow kills Vision, the subsequent wound severely incapacitates the living android, taking away his ability to phase or recover easily.
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