How did Wolverine survive drowning?

After the big fight, his healing factor was strong enough to keep him alive despite being thrown in the river and being impaled.
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How did Wolverine survive drowning Days of Future Past?

Completely unable to free himself, Wolverine drowned. However, Logan is rescued by Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), who was disguised as Major William Stryker (Josh Helman), and his mutant healing factor revived him at the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past.
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Can Wolverine come back from drowning?

If this happens, then Wolverine would sink to the bottom of the ocean thanks to his extremely heavy adamantium skeleton. There he would drown, and because of his healing factor, Wolverine would heal—but just long enough for him to drown all over again.
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Can Wolverine drown or suffocate?

Wolverine's main weakness is drowning, but that was only something that he used to kill his son, Daken. While that is his main weakness, Logan has died by having all his flesh melted off his body, by suffocating in adamantium, and he even killed himself once to end a threat to the world.
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How did Wolverine survive being ripped in half?

Wolverine has a healing factor that allows him to recover from wounds fairly quickly. Wolverine's healing factor makes him capable of surviving without his legs or even his head attached to his body.
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The HORRIFYING Last Minutes of Gloria Serge EATEN ALIVE By Alligator!

Can Wolverine survive being blown up?

Wolverine has survived everything from disembowelment to nuclear explosions, but does that mean the X-Man can't be killed? His history shows he can. In the Marvel Universe, Wolverine is one of the most resilient superheroes ever, and also one of the deadliest mutants alive as a member of the X-Men.
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How did Logan get his adamantium claws back after they were cut off?

How Did Wolverine Get His Claws Back? In X-Men: Days of Future Past, Magneto helps Wolverine restore his Adamantium claws, giving him a tactical advantage against the Sentinels. The Adamantium claws are a lifeline for Wolverine, allowing him to live up to his full heroic potential and protect the ones he loves.
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What's the worst things Wolverine has survived?

Wolverine has survived numerous traumatic experiences, including drowning, being shot with dozens of arrows, and being shot in the head with an adamantium bullet.
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Can the Hulk drown?


The Hulk has a rather unknown ability in breathing underwater, which he's able to accomplish due to a gland in his body that creates oxygen to fill his lungs with.
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What would happen if Deadpool drowned?

If you held Deadpool underwater, he would struggle, die, and then shortly regenerate enough to replace what died off and "wake" back up.
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Can Wolverine heal from a skeleton?

Among the more extreme depictions of his accelerated healing factor involves him having his skin, muscles, and internal organs incinerated from his skeleton only to fully regenerate the tissue within minutes.
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Can Wolverine get drunk?

Famously, Wolverine is rarely able to get drunk - and can at the most manage it for seconds at a time with the strongest alcohol available - since his healing factor neutralizes all poisons that enter his body, including alcohol.
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What happens if Wolverine gets his arm cut off?

His indestructible adamantium skeleton makes him immune to most forms of decapitation or amputation, despite suffering several grotesque injuries.
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How does Mystique survive being stabbed by Wolverine?

Superhuman Healing - Mystique is able to heal herself but in slow pace. When Wolverine stabbed her with his claws in X-Men (film), she went unconscious but the open wounds were seen healing themselves.
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Can Wolverine regrow limbs?

Wolverine's healing factor is said to be among the most powerful of its kind in comics. He regularly endures massive explosions, hundreds of bullet wounds, and Hulk-level beatings knowing that he can fully regenerate any lost limbs or damaged organs.
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Why did Stryker's eyes turn yellow?

Stryker led the Weapon X program that bonded adamantium to Wolverine's bones and took away his memories. However, Stryker's eyes flash yellow before the scene ends. This is the telltale sign that someone has been replaced by the shapeshifting mutant Mystique.
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Who is Hulk afraid of?

So, seeing Sentry transform into The Void and become his greatest nightmare made Hulk afraid, as he knew the greatness the hero was capable of and what the opposite of that could mean for the Marvel Universe. Ultimately, Sentry becoming The Void is one of the Hulk's darkest memories.
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Despite his immense power, the Hulk has been defeated by heroes like Wolverine, Iron Man, Puck, and the Punisher. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Thing have also managed to take down the Hulk using their intelligence, teamwork, and unique abilities.
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Can Hulk defeat Thanos?

Hulk goes up against Thanos in a fight but is defeated by the Mad Titan. Though it ultimately wasn't surprising that Thanos would beat Hulk, it was shocking to see the easy fashion that he did it in. It could even be assumed that Thanos used the Power Stone that he had.
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Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Deadpool can survive a nuclear bomb -- how hard could it be, right? The merc has been known for being indestructible, but you would have never guessed that he could survive his very atoms being blown to bits.
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Can Wolverine survive a nuclear bomb?

In the pages of Marvel Comics, Wolverine's healing factor has helped him survive impossible situations, from being ripped apart from Magneto, getting torn in half by the Hulk, and taking on a nuclear bomb head-on and making it out alive.
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Who is the strongest person Wolverine has killed?

Who is the strongest person Wolverine has killed?
  • Daken. ...
  • Omega Red. ...
  • Sabretooth. ...
  • Magneto. ...
  • Himself. ...
  • Jean Grey. ...
  • The Hulk. There isn't a being on Earth more powerful than the Hulk. ...
  • All Of The X-Men. The start of Old Man Logan was tragic in every way.
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Why can't Sabretooth get adamantium?

Wolverine received his adamantium at Weapon X, though the team did not give it to Sabretooth because his body violently rejected it. But in a miniseries introduced in 1993, Sabretooth was finally given adamantium lacing to his skeleton, thanks to Graydon Creed, his son.
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Can Magneto break adamantium?

Magneto can manipulate adamantium. Magneto has always been able to affect adamantium. This happens in many of different stories, including when Magneto slowly pulls Wolverine's adamantium-coated skeleton straight out of his body.
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What is more stronger adamantium or Vibranium?

Vibranium is Stronger Than Adamantium

Nevertheless, when comparing the films, Vibranium has proven far more durable and adaptable than Adamantium. While Adamantium is denser, it can still succumb to extreme heat, while Vibranium's only true weakness is sonic waves and itself.
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