How did ww2 save Disney?

Oddly enough, the entry of the United States into World War II in 1941 helped rescue Disney's company from financial ruin. The day after Pearl Harbor, Walt Disney allowed the U.S. Army to “invade” his Burbank, California studios, making it the only Hollywood studio to ever be occupied by the military.
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What happened to Disney during ww2?

During World War II, Disney made films for every branch of the United States Armed Forces and government. This was accomplished through the use of animated graphics by means of expediting the intelligent mobilization of servicemen and civilians for the cause of the war.
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Did Walt Disney fight in WWII?

“Tomorrow will be better for as long as America keeps alive the ideals of freedom and a better life,” Walt stated during World War II, and while Walt never served in the armed services, he was always one of the strongest supporters of Americans in uniform, even as a teenager in Kansas City, Missouri.
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What was the most important contribution that the Disney Studios made to America during ww2?

For example: The most important contribution that the Disney Studios made to America during World War II was designing insignia that "appeared on planes, trucks, flight jackets, and other military equipment." The insignia was "morale-boosting," lifting the spirits of American troops.
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What did Disney do in the 1940s?

In the 1940s, Disney famously released a series of movies that were either shorter features or a collection of separate segments with or without a vaguely-defined overarching theme, known as “package films.” While they never received the commercial success of the 1950 golden age or the 1990 Renaissance-era releases, ...
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The Two Sides of Walt Disney

What happened in 1939 for Disney?

1939 Walt wins an honorary Academy Award with a unique casting: one full-‐sized Oscar and seven miniatures for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. 1940 Disney releases Pinocchio and Fantasia. Fantasia is released with a new technology, Fantasound, which precedes stereo and surround sound by 20 years.
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What movie helped Disney?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

This movie served as a template for so many other animated films from both Disney and its rivals.
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What war did Disney serve in?

Disney's relationship with the military dates back to 1917, when Walt Disney's older brother Roy joined the Navy. Walt himself served a year later during World War I as a Red Cross ambulance driver when he was only 16 years old.
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How did World War II impact the movie industry in theme and purpose?

Hollywood's greatest contribution to the war effort was morale. Many of the movies produced during the war were patriotic rallying cries that affirmed a sense of national purpose. Combat films of the war years emphasized patriotism, group effort, and the value of individual sacrifices for a larger cause.
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Where was Walt Disney during ww2?

The United States Army also requisitioned half of Walt Disney Studios' lot in Burbank, California, for the war effort. Physical space was allocated for the troops, and the animators and artists employed by Walt Disney himself worked tirelessly to include iconic characters such as Donald Duck in the war effort.
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How old was Walt Disney when he died?

Illness, death and aftermath

In early November 1966, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and was treated with cobalt therapy. On November 30, he felt unwell and was taken by ambulance from his home to St. Joseph Hospital where, on December 15, 1966, aged 65, he died of circulatory collapse caused by the cancer.
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Was Mickey Mouse in the military?

Back in the 1920s, when it all started with a mouse, the last thing Mickey could have been thinking was that he would be on the front lines of battle. But Walt Disney, creator of Mickey and founder of Walt Disney Pictures, changed his plans when the US was drawn into the Second World War.
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What happened to Disney in 1983?

By September 1983, The Disney Channel was available on cable providers in all 50 U.S. states. In October 1983, the channel debuted its first made-for-cable movie, Tiger Town, which earned the channel a CableACE Award.
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Did Mickey Mouse serve in ww2?

The Disney Studio and WWII

Artists, animators, and Walt Disney himself pitched in, enlisting Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other beloved Disney characters in the war effort. Disney partnered with several government programs to educate citizens and encourage them to do their part on the home front.
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Who took over Disney World after Walt Disney died?

Roy O. Disney, who after Walt's death oversaw the building and financing of Walt Disney World, died in late 1971, and for the next decade the Company was led by a team including Card Walker, Donn Tatum, and Ron Miller—all originally trained by the Disney brothers.
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Did Disney World open after Walt died?

The resort was the brainchild of Walt Disney himself, but he died four years before the park opened. His brother, Roy Disney, came out of retirement to oversee the construction of the park and presided over the official opening.
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Was there TV during ww2?

World War II, with its freeze on commercial television and general technology shortages, delayed the rise of the medium. Before 1947, only a few thousand American homes owned television sets. Just five years later, that number jumped to 12 million.
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Why do people like ww2 movies?

"It reached a tipping point at some time. The war has become a metaphor, not just history. You can map on to it any way you want." Boyce ascribes its resonance to the perceived simplicity of the second world war's gladiatorial conflict. "We're attracted to it because of its moral certainties.
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What did people do for fun in ww2?

The most popular forms of entertainment were radio, film, and music. Together these aimed to keep citizens entertained, informed about the war effort, and motivated. Broadcast radio was an especially powerful communication tool.
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Did Disney fight in ww1?

Disney, born in 1901, was too old to be drafted. He was, however, eager to serve his country. During World War I, he dropped out of school at the age of 16 and tried to enlist, but he was rejected for being too young.
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What happened to Disney in 1941?

Three days after Disney brazenly fired Babbitt, the Disney strike began on May 29, 1941. The strike lasted for five weeks, forever tearing the social fabric of the studio. FDR sent a Federal mediator, who found in the Guild's favor on every issue. Walt left on a Latin American tour to ease tensions.
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What happened to Disney in 1928?

Early in 1928, Walt Disney was disheartened. He had gone to New York to negotiate with his distributor, only to discover that the distributor had taken over the rights to his Oswald cartoons. Walt began thinking of a possible successor to Oswald while riding on the train on his way back to California.
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What was Disney's Dark Age?

There is one era of Disney's output (1970-1988) that is often overlooked and described as 'the dark age,' referring to when Walt Disney Pictures was trying to follow in Walt Disney's footsteps after his death.
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What movie bankrupted Disney?

1985's The Black Cauldron was at the time the most expensive animated movie ever made, a dark fantasy designed to showcase new talent and appeal to an older audience. It ended up being a box-office failure that almost doomed the company. Disney ended up shifting its priorities away from animation and had Roy E.
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What is Disney's golden age?

The golden era (1937 to 1942)
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