How do I get copyright permission to show a movie?

By renting the movie directly from a distributor that is authorized to grant such licenses, such as Swank Motion Pictures, Inc., rather than from a video store. By contacting the copyright holder (generally the studio) directly.
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Do you need copyright permission to show a movie?

In most other cases, especially when the film, video, or TV program is being shown as part of an event, you need permission--often in the form of a public performance rights (PPR) license--to perform or show the copyrighted work.
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What license is needed to show movies at church?

The Church Video License® provides legal coverage for churches and organizations to publicly show motion pictures and movie scenes. ScreenVue® provides instant access to thousands of movies, ranging from cutting-edge independent filmmakers to the top-grossing major Hollywood studios.
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What movies can be shown without a license?

Free to Use and Reuse: Public Domain Films from the National Film Registry
  • St. Louis Blues.
  • Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor.
  • The House I Live In.
  • The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair.
  • Modesta.
  • Master Hands.
  • The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress.
  • All my babies...a midwife's own story.
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Can I show a movie in my restaurant?

It's simple. With the Umbrella License you can show unlimited movies, TV and other audiovisual content with the assurance of copyright compliance. Obtain content on your own in any legal format including, but not limited to, broadcast, cable or satellite television, DVD, Blu-ray, download, or streaming services.
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Copyright Permissions - Copyright on YouTube

How much of a movie can you use legally?

You cannot change or alter the work. You may use up to 10%, but no more than 3 minutes, of a single movie, TV show or video. You may use up to 10%, but no more than 30 seconds, of music and lyrics from a single musical work. You must purchase performance rights to hold a live performance of a copyrighted work.
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Can I show Netflix in public?

Any public performance of a video from personal video subscription services such as Netflix, Crave, etc. -- even in an educational institution -- is a violation of those services' Terms of Use.
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Can you publicly show a movie for free?

You certainly are free to watch the movie yourself, but, beyond that, your rights are very limited by law. In particular, you do not have the right to show the movie to "the public." In most cases, doing that requires a separate "public performance" license from the copyright owner.
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How do I show Disney movies in public?

A performance license is needed whenever a show is presented in front of an audience (no matter how many people). Even if you don't plan on charging admission, a performance license is still required.
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How long do movie copyrights last?

Copyright registration makes copyright more valuable because a registered copyright is much more enforceable. The lifetime of copyrights is no different if the creator records a song, shoots a film, or throws a pot: The copyright is enforceable for the life of the creator plus another 70 years.
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Can a church show a Disney movie?

It may seem like a simple thing, and "no big deal" to take a copy of your favorite new Disney movie to the church building to show for Mutual activity, but you still have to have permission. You can read more about these laws at the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation's website (
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How does movie licensing work?

The simple answer is that it depends on which studio owns the non-theatrical rights for the particular movie you want to show. Studios covered by the Annual Site License allow any of their titles to be shown as part of the Annual Site License's coverage.
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Can churches use movie clips?

Movies in churches are not generally “fair use” and need a license. Use in a sermon of a trademarked image may be for “criticism or comment.” This is generally “fair use” and acceptable.
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Can I show a movie to my class?

The Federal Copyright Act specifies that copyrighted materials like movies can be used in your schools if properly licensed. It's important to know that neither the rental nor purchase of a movie carries the right to exhibit it outside of someone's home.
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How do you avoid copyright on movies?

Obtain written permission from the movie's copyright owner before uploading. If you have legal authorisation to share the content, you can confidently upload it without any copyright concerns.
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How old does a movie have to be to be copyright free?

All motion pictures made and exhibited before 1928 are indisputably in the public domain in the United States.
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How much is Disney licensing?

Disney and other licensors usually receive a licensing fee of 5%-15% of total retail sales of product associated with their brands, according to experts.
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How do I get copyright permission for Disney?

Who do I contact to request permission to use Disney intellectual property for non-commercial uses such as hand-made artwork, clothing, themed private parties, student projects, stage shows, etc.? These requests are handled by the Disney Legal Department on behalf of Disney Enterprises, Inc.
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What Disney films are out of copyright?

50 Disney Movies Based On The Public Domain
  • Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) based on Mark Twain's book (1885) ...
  • Tom and Huck (1995) based on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (1876) ...
  • Aladdin (1992) from a folk tale in One Thousand and One Nights (1706) ...
  • Alice in Wonderland (1951) based on Lewis Carroll's book (1865)
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How to do movie screening?

Film Screening Checklist
  1. Set a Budget. First things first, you will want to set your budget. ...
  2. Make Sure You Have Proper Licenses. You will also want to look into and research proper licenses you will need. ...
  3. Choose a Location and Venue. ...
  4. Create Accessibility. ...
  5. Make it Memorable.
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Can you show a movie to a group at school?

Generally, yes, this is permissible under fair use. Apply the four factors of fair use to determine whether the film in question may be used for this purpose and how much of the film may be shown.
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Who holds the rights to movies?

Ownership. Copyright in films is generally owned by the person who arranged for the film to be made, (i.e. the producer, the production company, or the person or company who commissioned the film) unless there is an agreement to the contrary.
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How much is it to show a film?

Costs. If you are charging for attendance then the cost is 35% of ticket sales with a minimum charge of £75+VAT per screening. If you are not charging for attendance but you just want to advertise the screening then the cost depends on the number of screenings and the size of your possible audience.
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Can I play movies in my business?

Movies are copyrighted works. This means that a public performance license is required when movies are shown in your business. Annual movie licenses for unlimited exhibitions can be as little as a few hundred dollars a year, which in many cases is comparable to or less than business cable or satellite services.
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Can I stream Netflix to a crowd?

Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party) is a new way to watch TV with your friends online. Teleparty synchronizes video playback and adds group chat to Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime. Get Teleparty for free!
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