How do the Martian Chronicles end?

So, we've got kind of a three-part ending here. We start with (1) people abandon Mars and then hit (2) the Earth is a wasteland, and then finally comes to (3) a few people escape back to Mars.
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What happens at the end of Martian Chronicles?

Finally, atomic war breaks out on Earth, and so all the humans go home. A few humans flee the war and head to Mars; when they get there, they don't make the mistake of trying to recreate American civilization.
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What happens at the end of The Martian?

Watney pierces his pressure suit, using the escaping air to propel himself to Lewis, ending his 561 sols alone on Mars. After returning to Earth, Watney becomes a survival instructor for astronaut candidates.
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What is the last line of The Martian Chronicles?

Closing Line: “The Martians stared back up at them for a long, long silent time from the rippling water…” (Whited out.)
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What happened to the martians in The Martian Chronicles?

A year later, a fourth expedition lands, and it is successful. The crew's physician, Hathaway, reports that almost all Martians have died of chicken pox, apparently acquired from one of the previous expeditions.
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Best Movie Minutes - The Martian Chronicles - Chat with a Tirin

Why was the Martian Chronicles banned?

The Martian Chronicles too, a collection of short stories about clashes between Martians and Earthlings, was challenged and banned over objections to profanity in the book. Others of Bradbury's short stories were challenged because good did not always triumph over evil.
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What caused the death of the Martians?

Ultimately, their lack of knowledge or preparation against any bacteria indigenous to Earth, causes their destruction here (though the epilogue states they may have successfully invaded Venus) by what Wells described as "putrefactive bacteria," which digests organic materials upon death.
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How many times is the F word used in The Martian book?

Great Book.

I loved almost everything about this book, but it's definitely not appropriate for 14 year olds like Common Sense recommends. There are at least 100 "F" words and numerous other profanities.
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What is the message of The Martian Chronicles?

Bradbury shows humankind cannot simply rocket off to another planet to escape this destructive nature, because it is something inherent in society. To avoid an apocalyptic fate, Bradbury seems to propose humanity needs a complete reboot, or at least more individuals who are willing to resist the pressure to conform.
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Does The Martian have an alternate ending?

In the original e-book, it had another ending scene than the one that was published. Watney finished his two slices of pizza and a coke. He had another half-hour to kill before going back to Johnson Space Center. Leaving the pizzeria, he sat on a public bench just outside.
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What is the biggest error in the movie The Martian?

Factual errors

Due to Mars' low atmospheric pressure, the effective wind pressure in martian wind storms is much lower than shown in the movie, very unlikely to be sufficient to tip a spacecraft. Also, the wind on Mars is much too weak to carry large rocks.
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Does Watney get saved?

In a final log entry, Watney expresses his joy at being rescued, reflecting on the human instinct to help those in need.
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Has any human been to Mars?

Long-term proposals have included sending settlers and terraforming the planet. Currently, only robotic landers and rovers have been on Mars. The farthest humans have been beyond Earth is the Moon, under the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA's) Apollo program which ended in 1972.
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Is the Martian Chronicles dystopian?

Set in a future where humanity's technological advancements yield both wonder and peril, the book intertwines tales of exploration with some dystopian undercurrents, including themes of unchecked progress, societal concerns, and the unintended consequences of human actions.
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What are the aliens in the Martian Chronicles?

Martians have fair, brownish skin, thin and slender wrists and necks, and six fingers. They also have large yellow coin eyes and soft musical voices. These Martians live on Mars, but call their planet Tyrr. They have adjusted to an atmosphere with thin oxygen.
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What age is the Martian Chronicles for?

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury (ages 12+)

After leaving troubled Earth, humans make their way to Mars, inhabited by a mysterious native race.
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What is the plot of the Martian Chronicles?

The Martian Chronicles (1950), a series of short stories, depicts Earth's colonization of Mars, which leads to the extinction of an idyllic Martian civilization. However, in the face of an oncoming nuclear war, many of the settlers return to Earth, and after Earth's destruction, a…
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What is the American dream in the Martian Chronicles?

The existence of a frontier is tied up in the impulse to fill it up with civilization, with rugged individualism, and with the "American Dream." That is, the man who goes to the frontier finds not only rugged adventure, but also a chance to improve his socio-economic standing.
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Why you should read the Martian Chronicles?

Throughout the book, gives the reader so much to think about in relation to the current issues of the day. Science fiction is best when an author can tell an engaging story while prompting readers to think. In The Martian Chronicles, Bradbury provides exactly that.
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Which book do the Martians never read?

Answer. Explanation: The Mother Goose - an old book of nursery rhymes saved the earth. The Martian invaders could not understand its fun and imagination.
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What does Mark Watney dip his potatoes in?

After NASA orders him to cut his rations, Mark decides to "dip his potato" in Vicodin, by opening a capsule and dumping the powder on his plate.
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Why can't Mark Watney grow more potatoes?

Airlock Breach

When Airlock 1 breached, causing a gaping hole in The Hab, the potatoes were freeze dried and the bacteria in the soil assumed dead. Because of this Mark was unable to grow any more potatoes and could only eat the ones he still had with him.
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What are Martians afraid of?

Martians are afraid of fire, the fire phobia was planted by Guardians of the Universe because they were afraid of the Martian race, if they eventually invented space travel they could take over or destroy the entire Universe.
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Did NASA find life on Mars?

To date, no proof of past or present life has been found on Mars. Cumulative evidence suggests that during the ancient Noachian time period, the surface environment of Mars had liquid water and may have been habitable for microorganisms, but habitable conditions do not necessarily indicate life.
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What do Martians look like?

Martian anatomy is outwardly humanoid, but there are clear distinctions between them and Humans, such as green skin, bright red eyes and elongated heads in their true form. Inwardly, there are even more differences, with the Martians having many more great abilities than humans do.
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