How does Alice's sister react to the dream?

She “sat on, with closed eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland, though she knew she had but to open them again, and all would change to dull reality.” Alice's sister's is envious of Alice's ability to see the world in such perpetually interesting terms, within an augmented reality.
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What does Alice tell her sister about the dream she was having?

Alice felt someone touch her shoulder, “Wake up. You've been sleeping for too long, ” said her sister softly. “I had a strange dream, ” said Alice. She told her sister about the White Rabbit, the mad tea party, the Queen of Hearts and the trial.
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What does the sister think Alice will do with her life?

Alice traipses off, while her sister remains by the riverbank daydreaming. She envisions the characters from Alice's adventures, but knows that when she opens her eyes the images will dissipate. She imagines that Alice will one day grow older but retain her childlike spirit and recount her adventures to other children.
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Who is with Alice when she wakes up from her dream?

Alice wakes up on the lap of her sister filled with the images of Wonderland from her "curious dream." Thus, fantasy is transformed into memory; and any memory can seem real, and it will seem real, in its own way, to Alice, always.
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What was Alice doing with her sister?

Theory: Alice and her sister were sitting on the bank of a river and were idling. Her sister was reading a book, so Alice tried to read it, once or twice, whatever she was reading. The book did not have any pictures or dialogues.
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Eret REACTS To Dear Drista (Dream SMP Animatic)

Why did Alice feel tired sitting by her sister?

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it.
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What does Alice's sister imagine about Alice?

Carroll then ends the novel with the older sister's vision of a grown up Alice instilling her child-like wonder into the eyes of little children, enjoying "simple sorrows," "simple joys," and "remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days" (118).
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Was Alice dreaming or was it real?

Alice then recounts her dream about Wonderland to her sister. In Through the Looking-Glass, Alice imagines she has reentered Wonderland through a mirror. However, once again her adventures turn out to be a dream, as she wakes safely at home after her exploits in Wonderland.
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Did Alice actually go to Wonderland or was it a dream?

On one hand, the 1951 film makes it clear that Alice was, indeed, dreaming throughout the whole story. We see her sleeping, and Wonderland fades away when she wakes up.
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Is Alice through the looking glass a dream?

Alice's adventure in Through the Looking-Glass is a dream, even though it dramatizes her journey to young womanhood. Even as she wakes, Alice finds that the order of her room seems just as arbitrary and tenuous as the dream world from which she has emerged.
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How does Alice lose her innocence?

The loss of childhood innocence, so to speak, is shown in the absurd physical changes Alice undergoes by eating and drinking what Wonderland offers her. Alice is upset during these changes, however, and finds them to be saddening and uncomfortable, much like a child during puberty does.
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Why does Alice not like the look of her sister's book?

Why does Alice not like the look of her sister's book? She does not like it because it has no pictures or conversations in it.
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Why was Alice unhappy about the book her sister was reading?

The story begins with bored, seven-year-old Alice sitting on a riverbank with her older sister. Alice doesn't care for the book her sister is reading because it doesn't have pictures. She falls asleep and follows a dapper but flustered rabbit down a rabbit hole and into Wonderland.
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What is the most famous quote from Alice in Wonderland?

Here are 10 quotes from "Alice in Wonderland" that have stood the test of time:
  • "Off with their heads!"
  • "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
  • "It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
  • "We're all mad here."
  • "Curiouser and curiouser!"
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How is Alice's experience similar to a dream?

As in a dream, the narrative follows the dreamer as she encounters various episodes in which she attempts to interpret her experiences in relationship to herself and her world. Though Alice's experiences lend themselves to meaningful observations, they resist a singular and coherent interpretation.
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What does Alice's sister imagine about Alice in the final paragraph?

Then she thought, (in a dream within the dream, as it were,) how this same little Alice would, in the after-time, be herself a grown woman: and how she would keep, through her riper years, the simple and loving heart of her childhood: and how she would gather around her other little children, and make their eyes bright ...
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Is Alice in Wonderland just her imagination?

Not everything in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' was conjured from Lewis Carroll's imagination. Stubborn, precocious and curious, the character of Alice was based on a real little girl named Alice Liddell, with a brunette bob and short fringe.
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Who is the real version of Alice in Wonderland?

Alice Pleasance Liddell (1852 – 1934) was the little girl who inspired Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Under her married name of Alice Hargreaves, she came to live in Lyndhurst and was a society hostess.
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Was Alice in Wonderland a drug trip?

And there are many other parallels between Alice's trip to Wonderland and a psychedelic “trip,” causing many critics and readers to search for evidence that Carroll put it there on purpose. However, even after much searching, there really is no evidence that Carroll ever used hallucinogenic drugs (Fensch 424).
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Was Alice dreaming the whole time?

Then again, at the end, she defies the King and Queen &c (“You're nothing but a pack of cards!”) and wakes to find leaves falling on her face, with her sister beside her. So she was dreaming for over 99% of the book. She's awake for a bit longer in Through the Looking-Glass, but not a lot.
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Is the original Alice in Wonderland book dark?

Alice in Wonderland definitely has a dark side. Carroll sees childhood as a dangerous place, shadowed by the threat of death. The Queen of Hearts ritually demands everyone's head, especially Alice's – “Off with her head!” The adults in Wonderland are powerful, but often absurd.
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What is the rule 42 all persons?

King of Hearts : Rule 42: All persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately.
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What did Alice dream about?

It is mentioned in the passage - Alice fell asleep and dreamt that she was running across the field after a white, beautiful rabbit. Thus, we can conclude that Alice saw in her dream that she is running with a white rabbit.
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Why does Alice hallucinate?

Currently, there is no known specific cause of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. However, theories point to infections such as the Epstein-Barr virus, medications such as topiramate and associated migraines.
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