How does Darth Vader's suit keep him alive?

At the same time, Emperor Palpatine's™ droids designed it to act as an advanced life support system. His armor was wired with complex equipment to monitor his respiratory, pulmonary, and neural systems, together with a separate heartbeat regulator and special breathing apparatus to keep him alive.
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Does Darth Vader's suit keep him in pain?

In addition to causing content pain and itchiness, the suit is so constricting that it causes him to suffer from claustrophobia. He can only find relief by meditating in specially-constructed pressurized chambers where he can temporarily take off his suit and survive.
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Does Darth Vader's suit breathe for him?

The helmet is the most important part of his suit. The most apparent purpose it serves is to help Vader breathe, but it's far more complex than that. The helmet is made up of three parts; a protective neck gaiter, the primary mask, and the outer shell.
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How did Darth Vader's suit work?

The apparatus of Vader's mask was designed to support his breathing. The armor's boots featured magnetic clamps, which could magnetically adhere the suit to a metallic surface, while the legs were heavily armored and able to withstand at least glancing blows from a lightsaber.
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Can Darth Vader survive without his suit?

While the suit was necessary to save Vader's life after Mustafar, Lucas makes it clear that, in his mind, after a brief period, he could have survived without it. Of course, he wouldn't be the physical presence he is in the suit, which doesn't work for someone so enthralled and held captive by the Dark Side.
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Why Darth Vader's Suit Was Designed to Cause Him Pain - Star Wars Explained

What happens if Darth Vader takes off his helmet?

Darth Vader Would Suffocate Without His Mask

Above all, Darth Vader's mask enables him to breathe through a series of devices. If he took his mask off, Vader would rapidly suffocate and die. Additionally, all its other enhancements would fail, compromising many if not all his primary senses.
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Why is Vader's suit weak to lightning?

Could be any number of reasons ranging from faulty surge protection anodes, to Starkiller and Palpatine having vastly different current frequencies and voltages in their force lightening.
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Why did Palpatine make Vader's suit painful?

This served to do 2 things. One, it kept Vader in a constant state of pain, which fueled his anger and made him stronger, and 2 it served as a persistent reminder of his failure.
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How painful was Darth Vader's suit?

Vader constantly experiences excruciating pain due to the suit's design. Though he once perceived it as one of the suit's major downfalls, he later came to embrace it as it fueled his rage, allowing him to strengthen his connection to the Dark Side.
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Is Vader's suit lightsaber proof?

Darth Vader's Armor Can Resist Enemy Attacks - And Even Lightsabers.
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What if Vader never had the suit?

If he hadn't been placed in his new armour and had been left on Mustafar by the Emperor who was disappointed with his failure to kill Obi-wan then he would have died. If he had won the battle then his force powers would only grow and it is estimated that he would be about twice as powerful as Palpatine.
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How strong is Darth Vader without suit?

Overall, Suitless Darth Vader would be very powerful and would likely out-scale most Sith from legends and canon but with him not being balanced in the force and lacking mental clarity (which he would lack both of) then he'd still fall short of being the most powerful Sith lord.
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Did Darth Vader's suit limit his power?

And while the suit did keep him alive, it also hindered Vader's abilities and potential as a Force-user. But unknown to Palpatine, this decision would result in his demise. Darth Vader was still undoubtedly powerful, and the suit made him more intimidating than Anakin could ever be. But the suit also limited his power.
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What is Darth Vader's biggest weakness?

Darth Vader's loss of limbs prevents him from using force lightning, a common ability among Sith, making him weaker in comparison. Vader's reliance on his mechanical suit weakens him in battle, reducing his agility and mobility from his days as Anakin Skywalker.
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Did Palpatine make Vader's suit weak?

But Palpatine also knew that, like any good Sith, Vader may one day try to usurp him. This informs his decision to give Vader obsolete tech for his suit. A cheap move perhaps, considering the technology keeping Vader alive is technically older than anything used during the Clone Wars by a decade, but an effective one.
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Why did Palpatine hate Vader's lightsaber?

Palpatine Always Hated Lightsabers

He believed that the Jedi's lightsabers, created as the order's primary weapon, clouded their vision and blinded them to the fact that everything around them is a weapon through the Force, and that the Jedi put too much stock in lightsabers.
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What were the worst things Palpatine did to Vader?

5 Putting Vader Through Agonising Life-Saving Procedures

Darth Vader is horrifically wounded after his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith, having three of his limbs removed and being burned after his clothes catch fire.
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How did KYLO Ren get Darth Vader's helmet?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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How old was Vader when he died?

The Star Wars timeline revolves around the Battle of Yavin, which serves as a reference point for the events and origins of all characters. Darth Vader spent half of his life as Anakin Skywalker before turning to the Dark Side and dying in Return of the Jedi at the age of 45.
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Why does Luke see himself as Darth Vader?

This occurred because Vader was not Luke's enemy in the Cave of Evil. Instead, Luke was fighting himself and his own fears, which Luke discovered when he saw his own face in Vader's helmet.
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