How does Jack Harkness survive?

After he was shot and killed by a Dalek, Jack was revived by Rose Tyler, who at the time was transformed into a nearly omnipotent being. Unable to control her powers, she accidentally turned him into an immortal being.
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How does Jack Harkness live forever?

Jack was shot by a Dalek and then brought back to life by Rose, Rose couldn't control what she was doing so she brought him back to life forever, Jack is now immortal. The Doctor wasn't comfortable with what had happened so he ran from the scene leaving Jack behind on Satellite 5.
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How did Jack Harkness survive the bomb?

After the Doctor cures the plague, Jack redeems himself by taking an unexploded bomb into his ship; the Doctor and Rose rescue him moments before it explodes. He subsequently travels with the Doctor and Rose in the Doctor's time-travelling spacecraft, the TARDIS.
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Who made Jack Harkness immortal?

Over his (very) long life, Captain Jack Harkness has been many things. Revived and made immortal by Rose Tyler after she'd absorbed the power of the Time Vortex, Jack travelled back to 1869, where his vortex manipulator burned out.
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How did Jack Harkness get back to Earth?

After an unclear amount of time, Jack eventually used his vortex manipulator to travel back to 21st century Cardiff to return to the Doctor.
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Doctor Who: The Complete Story of 'Captain Jack Harkness'

How did Rose bring Jack back to life?

Minutes after his death, however, Jack was brought back to life after the Doctor's companion, Rose Tyler, absorbed the power of the Time Vortex. With that power, Rose destroyed the Dalek fleet and returned Jack to life, but she had no control over the power and unknowingly brought him back forever.
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Why is Captain Jack Sparrow immortal?

Right before the film's climactic battle with the pirates at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow swipes a cursed coin from the treasure chest, making himself immortal and capable of dueling Barbossa. He shoots his nemesis with the pistol he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa.
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Was Captain Jack the Face of Boe?

Captain Jack Harkness becomes the Face of Boe in Doctor Who, revealed in season 3 as a nickname he used. The show never officially confirms how Jack transforms, but it can be traced back to the season 1 finale when Rose Tyler saves him from death.
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Does the 11th Doctor meet Jack Harkness?

Captain Jack Harkness was one of the Doctor's foremost allies, but the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors never met him.
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What is the secret of the face of Bo?

The Face remained a mystery until the conclusion to Doctor Who season 3, when Harkness casually mentioned that "The Face of Boe" was an old nickname he used to go by. Upon hearing this, the Doctor and Martha mentally join the dots and realize that their giant head friend is actually Captain Jack in the far future.
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Can Jack Harkness regenerate?

Jack doesn't exactly regenerate; he became something 'fixed' in time; he's not regenerating, so much as returning to a previous state. Essentially, Bad Wolf created the Head of Bo. Ergo, there's a consciousness guarding his perpetual existence, in a manner of speaking.
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Was the Doctor in love with Rose?

Each, in their own way, was affected by their travels and became bigger than themselves. They all helped the Doctor survive, across space and time. But Rose Tyler did it first. She fell in love with the Doctor, and he loved her.
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How old is Captain Jack Harkness in the empty child?

When we first meet the man calling himself 'Captain Jack Harkness' in S01(27)E09 'The Empty Child' he had already quit being a time Agent and had become a con man. So given your numbers he would be 35+.
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Did the Doctor know Jack was alive?

Jack's alive!" when TARDIS left Satellite Five, but then The Doctor reveals in "Utopia" that he knew all along.
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Was Jack Harkness in love with the Doctor?

Discussing whether his character could ever find a soulmate, John Barrowman refutes that Jack "likes everybody, and his love for each person is different". He believes that Jack does harbour romantic feelings toward the Doctor, but "would never take that beyond infatuation" and "would never let the Doctor know".
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Does the Doctor ever become ginger?

And yet, in all of his different incarnations, there is still one look that the Doctor has yet to explore. Thus far, much to his dismay, the Doctor has yet to be a redhead. We can still hear his exclamation of dismay when he realized that he was still “not a ginger” as he regenerated into his Eleventh incarnation.
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Who does the 13th Doctor turn into?

In the 2022 special "The Power of the Doctor", the Thirteenth Doctor completes her regeneration into the Fourteenth Doctor.
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Who becomes the 14th doctor?

The Fourteenth Doctor is the current incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who. He is portrayed by Scottish actor David Tennant, who previously portrayed the Tenth Doctor and was last seen in the programme in that role in 2013.
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How does Clara become immortal?

Clara was forced to face the Raven, killed by the touch of a Quantum Shade. However, death would not be the end for the impossible girl, and using Time Lord technology, the Doctor was able to extract Clara a second before her death, between one heartbeat and the next.
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Who does Captain Jack owe a debt to?

Jack is approached by a reincarnated Bootstrap Bill Turner, Will's long-deceased father, who reveals he is now part of the crew of The Flying Dutchman captained by Davy Jones, and Jack must pay his debt to him - Jack asking Jones to raise his ship from the depths and make him captain for thirteen years.
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Who betrayed Captain Jack?

Three days into the voyage, the first mate of the Pearl, Hector Barbossa, tricked Captain Jack Sparrow into giving up the bearings to Isla de Muerta. That night, mutineers led by Barbossa overtook the Black Pearl and marooned their former captain to die on a deserted island.
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Why did Jack turn into a skeleton?

Jack and Barbossa fought a fierce battle around the treasure cave until Jack stabbed Barbossa, who then pulled the sword out and stabbed Jack with it. However, once Jack stepped into the moonlight, he turned into a skeleton, revealing that he was cursed; having secretly palmed a piece of the Aztec gold.
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Who is the best swordsman in Pirates of the Caribbean?

Notable swordsmen/swordswomen shown to be extremely proficient in this skill include Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, James Norrington, Davy Jones, Angelica, Blackbeard, and Armando Salazar.
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What is Jack Sparrow's most famous quote?

Without further ado, here are the 15 most iconic Jack Sparrow quotes.
  1. 1 "The only rules that matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do."
  2. 2 "I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it." ...
  3. 3 "Bring me that horizon." ...
  4. 4 "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." ...
  5. 5 "No survivors? ...
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