How does Jack react to what happens to Piggy?

Jack is not remorseful. Instead, he is further excited, and he says that he "meant that," and he tells Ralph that he no longer has a tribe. Piggy's death symbolizes Jack's completed descent into violent savagery, and the breaking of the conch symbolizes the end of civility and order on the island.
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What is Jack's reaction to Piggy's death?

Piggy's skull breaks open, and the waves quickly carry his body away. Jack begins yelling, telling Ralph that there is no tribe left for him, the conch is gone, and that he is chief. Jack cuts Ralph with his spear, and Ralph barely escapes into the forest.
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What does Jack do after Piggy's death?

While Piggy admonishes the boys for becoming savages, Roger releases a huge boulder in Piggy's direction, knocking him off the cliff to his death on the rocks below. A large wave quickly carries off his body. Jack screams in victory at Ralph and then throws his spear at him.
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How does Jack react to the piglet?

Although all three boys are hungry, when they find the trapped piglet, Jack hesitates to kill it. It is squealing in terror, and they all feel the "enormity" of killing a helpless creature and watching its blood flow. Jack's hesitation is long enough for the piglet to escape.
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What is Jack's reaction when Simon gives Piggy the meat?

What is Jack's reaction when Simon gives Piggy the meat? He became angry at Simon and cut off a piece of meat and threw it at Simon's feet.
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How does Jack react to Piggy's death?

How does Jack act towards Piggy?

Once Jack starts hunting, he starts to become more savage, a trait which intensifies over the course of Lord of the Flies. For a time, he is savage only towards the pigs, but he completely loses his civilized behavior once he attacks Piggy, hitting him and knocking him down.
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What happened when Jack hit Piggy?

With provocation, Jack reacts violently by punching Piggy and shattering his glasses- the first physical altercation in the novel so far. The event signals a turning point in the relationship of the characters.
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How does Jack treat Piggy?

Once Jack and the hunters return with a dead pig, Ralph blames Jack for the fire going out. Jack becomes defensive and takes out his anger by punching, slapping, and mocking Piggy. This violence does not bother anyone in the group, though Simon shows some sympathy towards Piggy.
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How does Jack feel after killing the pig?

Golding explicitly connects Jack's exhilaration with the feelings of power and superiority he experienced in killing the pig. Jack's excitement stems not from pride at having found food and helped the group but from having “outwitted” another creature and “imposed” his will upon it.
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Was Jack jealous of Piggy?

Jack's jealousy and anger toward Piggy culminates in Piggy's murder in Chapter 11. Now you done it. You been rude about his hunters.
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Is Piggy murdered by Jack?

In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy. He has gradually deteriorated and begun to show his sadism by throwing rocks at the littluns but not really trying to hit them.
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Why does Jack hate Ralph?

Why does Jack hate Ralph? From the beginning, Jack, who is the head choir boy back home, thinks he should be the chief, but the other boys choose Ralph. The tension between Ralph and Jack grows because Jack has different priorities—to hunt and have fun—than Ralph, who wants to hold onto civilization and get rescued.
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How does Piggy feel about Jack leaving?

Enraged, Jack storms away from the group, saying that he is leaving and that anyone who likes is welcome to join him. Deeply troubled, Ralph does not know what to do. Piggy, meanwhile, is thrilled to see Jack go, and Simon suggests that they all return to the mountain to search for the beast.
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Why is Piggy so afraid of Jack?

"He can't hurt you: but if you stand out of the way he'd hurt the next thing. And that's me.” Piggy knows that he is vulnerable to Jack - he can't physically stand up to him, and he isn't confident enough to challenge him outside of a meeting with the conch in his hands.
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Who is to blame for Piggy's death?

“Roger leaned all of his weight on the lever. He did not call out to warn Piggy when the boulder fell. Roger is fully responsible for the actions leading up to the death of Piggy. He had a thirst for blood,” says Ralph.
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Why is Piggy not afraid of Jack?

Piggy is not afraid of Jack because he knows that SamnEric will protect him. Ralph and Jack initially had a mutual respect for each other that diminished by the end of the book.
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What does Jack say after Piggy dies?

Roger sends a rock topping over the cliffs and onto Piggy, which kills Piggy and destroys the conch. Jack is not remorseful. Instead, he is further excited, and he says that he "meant that," and he tells Ralph that he no longer has a tribe.
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What does Jack say when he kills the pig?

One of ways Golding shows conflict between savagery and civilisation is when Jack and some of the other boys are killing the first pig. Jack chants “kill the pig, cut her throat, spill the blood”. This suggests savagery as the boys are being violent and aggressive when killing the pig and they don't care about it.
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What is Jack's main obsession?

The first time he encounters a pig, he is unable to kill it. But Jack soon becomes obsessed with hunting and devotes himself to the task, painting his face like a barbarian and giving himself over to bloodlust. The more savage Jack becomes, the more he is able to control the rest of the group.
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Why does Jack target Piggy?

Piggy is different, so it's easy for Jack to target him and isolate him as an object of contempt. Piggy is also Ralph's biggest supporter because he can see that Ralph is obviously a more responsible leader than Jack, but being different, Piggy's support has the effect of adding to Ralph's isolation."
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Why does Piggy still try to reason with Jack?

After all that has happened, why does Piggy still try to reason with Jack to get his glasses back? Piggy feels totally helpless without his glasses. He is desperate and believes that Jack can't do anything worse to him.
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Why do the boys not respect Piggy?

It is also easy to see why the other boys would find him annoying as Piggy always seems to want to spoil their fun. He is also physically different from them as he is fat, has asthma and wears glasses. All these things go towards making him an outsider to the rest of the group. Piggy's real name is never revealed.
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How did Jack treat Piggy?

When Piggy shrilly complains about the hunters' immaturity, Jack slaps him hard, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses. Jack taunts Piggy by mimicking his whining voice.
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Is Jack jealous of Piggy?

Jack and Piggy hate each other.

Jack is jealous of Piggy's relationship with Ralph, and he makes fun of Piggy for wearing glasses, being heavy, and having asthma. Jack punches Piggy in the stomach, breaks one lens of his glasses, and later steals his glasses.
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What does Piggy tell Jack?

Give me my glasses, I'm going to say—you got to!” Piggy makes an appeal to Jack to return his stolen glasses.
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