How does Katniss become injured and what help does she receive?

A fireball brushes her calf, scalding her. She manages to put the fire out, but her hands and calf are seriously injured. Eventually the attack ends and Katniss walks until she finds a small pool. The water soothes the burns.
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How does Katniss get injured?

She outruns the fire but ends up in a section of the arena in which the Gamemakers shoot fireballs at her, and one catches her calf as she runs. She puts the fire out with her hands, leaving them mildly burned and her right calf much more severely injured.
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How does Katniss get injured in Chapter 17?

After Foxface leaves, Katniss sees a bag of apples on the pyramid and has an idea. She moves into the open, and with three arrows, she tears the bag open. The apples detonate the mines, and Katniss is blown off her feet in the ensuing explosion.
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What injury does Katniss receive from the blast?

Katniss destroys the supplies by shooting arrows at the bag of apples and they land on the mines and cause them to blow up. This also blows up their food. After the explosion, Katniss lost hearing in her left ear and the Careers lost all of their supplies.
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How is Katniss injured at the feast?

Wishing she had done the same, Katniss sprints to the table, and just as she gets to her backpack, a knife clips her forehead, spilling blood down her face. Clove, the girl tribute from District 2, slams into her, knocking her down.
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Katniss Finds an Injured Peeta | The Hunger Games

How is Katniss injured in Chapter 21?

She takes off, hears a knife approaching from her right, and knocks it away with her bow. She turns and hits Clove with an arrow in the arm. A second knife slices Katniss across the forehead, and as the blood runs down her face, Clove knocks Katniss to the ground, pinning her.
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What is Katniss suffering from?

Katniss Everdeen, heroine of The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, is said to have PTSD, demonstrated by the psychological effects of her traumatic journey through life.
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Is Katniss a real name?

Katniss is a girl's name of Greek origin. It means "aquatic plant," which is fitting for your little water baby, who's bound to bloom and blossom like a beautiful plant.
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Why can't Katniss cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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Who does Katniss blame for Rue death?

Rue dies and Katniss realizes just how much she hates the Capitol for doing this to Rue, for doing this to all of the tributes. She wants revenge on the Capitol and wonders if there's a way for her to do it.
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How does Katniss injure herself and where are her injuries Chapter 11?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 11

Instead, she climbs a tree and jumps down over the fence. She injures her heel and tailbone, and she has to hide her limp as she walks home.
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How does Katniss get a knife Chapter 11?

She runs a bit of the way in and grabs a piece of plastic and some bread and fights with a boy over an orange pack. The boy is hit with a knife and dies, and Katniss takes off running. She lifts the pack behind her, protecting her head, and feels a knife embed itself there. Now she has a weapon.
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How does Katniss physically hurt Peeta?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 10. Katniss is at first so angry with Peeta for his comments, believing that he made her look weak, that when they get off on floor 12, she shoves him. He knocks an urn over, shattering it, and then falls and cuts his hands on the shards.
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Did Peeta actually tell Katniss to run?

Their roles as star-crossed lovers help them gain sponsors and survive the games. Once the games begin, Peeta forms alliances with the Careers, which Katniss does not initially realize is part of his plot to protect her. After Peeta tells Katniss to run from Cato, Cato stabs Peeta in the thigh and leaves him for dead.
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How is Katniss injured Why does this injury especially scare her?

Her right ear is ringing. How is Katniss injured? She relies on her hearing to hunt, and now she cannot hear as well. She also will not be able to hear the other tributes if they are planning to attack her.
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How old is Prim when she dies?

She was only 13 years old when she was killed in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, and her youth only makes the tragedy that much harder for Katniss to bear after everything else she had suffered. Prim's death is a truly heartbreaking moment.
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Why doesn t Katniss marry Gale?

In the end, Katniss and Gale grew apart, as many childhood friends and young loves do. She needed something different in her life, and with Gale's link to Primrose's death, Katniss found a reason to cut ties. If Katniss ever wanted to find comfort again, she knew she had to return to Peeta for the long term.
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Is Katniss in love with Peeta?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Who is Katniss first boyfriend?

Character List and Analysis Gale Hawthorne. Gale, Katniss' 18-year-old hunting partner, is well-liked by many girls in the District 12. When he first meets Katniss in the woods, he believes that her name is Catnip, and so this becomes his permanent nickname for her.
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What did Katniss name her kids?

( willow and rye ). They seem right, I don't think Katniss would ever name her kids after any of those other people because it would just make her remember how they passed away. ᏒIᎪ Suzanne Collins said they're names are Willow and Rye Mellark.
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Is Katniss older than Peeta?

Peeta is the same age as Katniss, making him 16 years old in The Hunger Games and 17-18 in Catching Fire and Mockingjay.
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Did Katniss get PTSD?

All this is amidst a constant battle to procure food and water, and indeed she nearly dies of thirst in one of the Games. While she manages to escape both Games with her life, she is left suffering significant psychological distress and displays symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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Did Haymitch have PTSD?

Haymitch suffers from PTSD ever since he was in the games. Because of the way he won his games he was punished by The Capitol leaving Haymitch with no loved ones. Haymitch drinks to cope with this and the fact he has to mentor tributes year after year like pigs to the slaughter.
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What mental illness does Peeta have?

People who suffer from PTSD can also experience trouble sleeping, which both Katniss and Peeta deal with, exhibit self-destructive or reckless behavior or can be aggressive and irritable. Both tributes also have trouble controlling themselves and often react aggressively to situations that upset them.
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