How does Logan's daughter have metal claws?

Adamantium Claws: At some point during her training under Transigen Project, she was put through a similar adamantium infusion as her father had to his entire skeleton. Unlike him however, she received this infusion only to her claws, refining them into sleek blades.
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Why does Laura only have two claws?

In Laura's case, her front claws are for hunting while her foot claws are for defense. When an assailant is over a cat, they often use their hind claws to scratch at the attacker's abdomen.
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Does Laura Kinney have adamantium claws?

Sabretooth also had adamantium bonded to his claws and skeleton, while Logan's foes Cyber and Solem have adamantium-coated skin. Logan's children, Laura Kinney and Daken, both wield adamantium claws, and villains like Lady Deathstrike, Bullseye, Doctor Octopus, and Hammerhead all have adamantium fused into their bodies ...
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How does Logan have metal claws in Apocalypse?

After X-Men's Wolverine had all of the adamantium removed from his body by Magneto, it was the nearly omnipotent Apocalypse who was able to re-graft the signature metal to Logan's skeleton... but it came at a price.
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How does Wolverine have metal claws in Days of Future Past?

In a 2014 interview with Empire, director Brian Singer explained that the formerly villainous mutant Magneto had grafted the metal back onto Wolverine's claws prior to the events of Days of Future Past.
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How Do Wolverine's Claws Work?

Is adamantium stronger than vibranium?

In Marvel Comics, adamantium and vibranium weapons have gone toe-to-toe on several occasions, and the former usually comes out on top. However, in Marvel's live-action projects in the MCU and Fox's X-Men Universe, vibranium is clearly the stronger substance, and the more versatile.
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Who gave Logan metal claws?

Wolverine was born with a healing factor and retractable bone claws and some other features However many years later and years before joining the X-Men, a man named Striker (with help) convinced Logan to undergo a excruciating and off the books experiment infusing liquid adamantium to the body bonding all of Logans ...
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Was mystique Stryker the whole time?

Wolverine gets plucked out of the Potomac by William Stryker. Stryker turns to the camera…and his eyes glow yellow, revealing that Stryker is actually Mystique. The closing narration clearly establishes that the past is now as mysterious as the future.
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How did Logan lose his hand in Age of Apocalypse?

Magneto refused to send the X-Men into Apocalypse's citadel to rescue her. Unwilling to accept that, Weapon X went after her alone. In a battle against Cyclops, Logan lost his left hand, but not before he cut out one of the Prelate's eyes. Logan capped the stump of his lost hand with a metal band.
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Is Laura actually Logan's daughter?

When the pair first meet, Logan offers to help her start over at the Xavier Institute and says that he knows better than anyone what she is going through. Iron Man's recent research confirmed that Logan is actually Laura's biological father, rather than just being a female clone of Logan.
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Who is the female version of Wolverine?

Laura Kinney is X-23, the perfect killing machine created from stolen DNA of Wolverine himself. Now free from The Facility that valued her only as a killer, Laura has become a hero and sometimes member of the X-Men. Currently, she has taken up the mantle from Logan as the All-New Wolverine!
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What is Laura Kinney's weakness?

He doesn't let regret stop him from doing what needs to be done or pause long enough to lose a fight. For Laura, on the other hand, guilt proves to be her biggest weakness here.
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Is Laura more powerful than Wolverine?

Logan Doesn't Mind Laura Being As Strong (or Stronger) As Him. However, if nothing else, there is no denying that Laura most definitely is just as strong as Logan.
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Does Laura have a full adamantium skeleton?

Laura was presumed to have died and was therefore resurrected with her pre-Vault backup, without the memories of her experiences with Synch. Due to Proteus' mistake, she was given a full adamantium skeleton, which she previously lacked.
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Does Laura have the same powers as Logan?

She is also the biological daughter of Wolverine, with similar powers, including regeneration and adamantium claws.
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Why did Stryker's eyes turn yellow?

Stryker led the Weapon X program that bonded adamantium to Wolverine's bones and took away his memories. However, Stryker's eyes flash yellow before the scene ends. This is the telltale sign that someone has been replaced by the shapeshifting mutant Mystique.
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What was wrong with Stryker's son?

Stryker learned from articles by Charles Xavier that his son was a mutant. He became convinced that Satan had a plot to corrupt humankind by taking over their souls while still in the womb, resulting in their mutations.
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Is Mystique Nightcrawler's dad?

Mystique and Destiny have been revealed as Nightcrawler's parents, as originally intended, finally giving Nightcrawler a concrete origin.
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Can Magneto control Wolverine?

By manipulating the electromagnetic fields within Wolverine's body and the surrounding environment, Magneto can exert control over metallic objects, including Wolverine's skeleton and lead bullets.
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Why is Wolverine called Logan?

His healing abilities drove trauma from his memories, leaving him partially amnesiac. He and Rose found refuge at a British Columbia stone quarry, where Rose, claiming James was her cousin, gave his name as “Logan.” Within months, Logan's powers were heightening due to the environment around him.
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Can Wolverine regrow his claws?

The bone claws have the ability to grow back when broken. He goes on many adventures in this state, before supervillain Apocalypse kidnaps him and adds the adamantium back to his skeleton. Another detail about Wolverine's claws, are that when he extends them, they rip through his skin every time.
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How is Charles Xavier alive in The Wolverine?

In a post-credits scene, Xavier speaks to Moira McTaggert (Olivia Williams) through the body of a comatose man, implying that the Phoenix had not entirely killed him. Xavier was able to survive by transferring his consciousness into the body of a comatose patient.
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Why did Wolverine lose his nose?

That time Wolverine lost his nose

After a failed attempt to put the adamantium back in him, he started to physically transform as well, most notably losing his nose. Eventually he stopped talking almost entirely and was just... kind of a weird dog man?
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How did Xavier come back to life?

How Did Professor X Come Back to Life? In 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand, Professor X is killed by Jean Grey, but his story doesn't end there. Xavier survives by transferring his consciousness into the mind of a comatose man, a high-concept superpower.
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