How does Nick end his relationship with Jordan?

Sick of the East and its empty values, Nick decides to move back to the Midwest. He breaks off his relationship with Jordan, who suddenly claims that she has become engaged to another man. Just before he leaves, Nick encounters Tom on Fifth Avenue in New York City.
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What makes Nick break up with Jordan?

Quick answer: Nick's relationship with Jordan in The Great Gatsby is complicated and fraught with tension. They end up dating for much of the novel, but Nick brings their relationship to an end following Jordan's callous treatment of Myrtle's death.
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Why does Nick lose interest in Jordan?

This inner conflict is symbolized throughout the book by Nick's romantic affair with Jordan Baker. He is attracted to her vivacity and her sophistication just as he is repelled by her dishonesty and her lack of consideration for other people.
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How does Nick's relationship with Jordan change in chapter 3?

Nick is intrigued with her and occasionally thinks he's in love, but they aren't in love. Although he is attracted to her, Nick has a relationship to end back home before he can become involved with her because he is an honest individual (which is different from Jordan's ethics and her dishonesty).
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What is Nick's relationship with Jordan in The Great Gatsby?

At first, Nick describes his relationship with Jordan as curiosity instead of love. After the party, he doesn't see her again until later in the summer. They then start going to parties together and develop a friendship. Even though he realizes that she is a habitual liar, he still starts to like her more and more.
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The Purpose of Jordan and Nick's Relationship in the Great Gatsby

What happens to Nick and Jordan's relationship in chapter 8?

While in the city, Nick talks to Jordan Baker. She tells him she had left Daisy's house, and they have a choppy, difficult conversation in which Nick ends their relationship.
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How does Nick and Jordan's relationship end in chapter 8?

Nick and Jordan have a big fight. Jordan claims Nick was rude to her in the past and they are unable to set up a time too met up and end the argument. Nick gives up on their relationship. George Wilson is interrogated and claims, “He has his ways” of finding out who murdered Myrtle and acts mentally insane.
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What chapter does Nick break up with Jordan?

The next day, she calls Nick at work, telling him she's moved out of the Buchanans' house and wants to see him, but they end up arguing over the phone and breaking up. Finally, in Chapter 9, Nick seeks her out to more formally break things off, and she tells him she's engaged.
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How does Nick describe Jordan at the end of the chapter?

Nick says that Jordan is fundamentally a dishonest person; he even knows that she cheated in her first golf tournament. Nick feels attracted to her despite her dishonesty, even though he himself claims to be one of the few honest people he has ever known.
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Why does Nick change his feelings toward Jordan at the end of the chapter?

Nick changes his feelings toward Jordan because after the hit and run of Myrtle,she becomes the same as Tom and Daisy. He sees her, whether it is true or not, as just another over-privileged woman who destroys those around her. Simply, she becomes a part of a world that Nick has become disillusioned about.
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How did Nick really feel about Jordan?

Nick is interested in getting to know and date Jordan. However, his feelings towards her are superficial, and this infatuation comes to an end when he discovers who Jordan really is - she's 'incurably dishonest' and incapable of commitment.
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Why does Nick kiss Jordan?

He bought the house there, hoping she'd wander in to one of his parties. Hoping Daisy would come to one of them. Why does Nick kiss Jordan on their carriage ride at the end of the chapter? Because she's there and he has no one else.
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Is Nick Carraway autistic?

Without giving too much of the story away—in part because it describes almost any budding author, with that slight touch of autism that never quite connects with the world except through imagination and writing—Carraway eventually winds up back in New York.
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What happened to Daisy after Gatsby died?

A distraught George traveled to Gatsby's mansion in West Egg and shot Gatsby dead before turning the weapon on himself. Soon after Gatsby's murder, Daisy, Tom, and their daughter departed East Egg, leaving no forwarding address.
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What is ironic about Gatsby's funeral?

Gatsby's funeral is ironic because only three people attend, while enormous crowds attended his parties. Despite being a popular figure in the social scene, once Gatsby passes, neither Daisy, his business partner Henry Wolfsheim, nor any of his partygoers seem to remember him or care.
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What were Nick's final words to Gatsby?

Nick's final significant words to Gatsby are, "They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." This is a fitting goodbye because it reflects Nick's recognition of Gatsby's exceptional qualities and his condemnation of the shallow and morally bankrupt society that surrounds him.
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How has Jordan and Nick's relationship changed by the end of the novel?

After the tragic events surrounding Gatsby's death, Nick calls Jordan to break off their relationship because of his disappointment in the morally careless behavior shown by the people in his life, including Jordan. She, in return, tells Nick that she has become engaged to another man.
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What chapter does Nick kiss Jordan?

Chapter 4 Summary The Great Gatsby: Advanced.
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What does Jordan reveal to Nick at the end of Chapter 4?

What is revealed about Gatsby in Chapter 4? Jordan tells Nick that Gatsby and Daisy had been in love before she married Tom Buchanan. Gatsby wants Nick to get Daisy to come to Nick's house, presumably to continue their interrupted love affair.
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Was Nick attracted to Jordan?

Nick is therefore attracted to Jordan's realistic and skeptical attitude and likes the fact that she does not haunt him like Daisy does to Tom and Gatsby. He likes that he is not obsessed by her.
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How does Jordan react when Nick breaks up with her?

How does Jordan react to Nick breaking up with her? She becomes hysterical.
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Why is Nick disgusted with Jordan at the end of Chapter 7?

Nick is disgusted with Jordan in the end of chapter 7 because, he finds out that Jordan was dating another man. Nick did not see Jordan for a long time. Nick is disgusted by the fact that Jordan is spoiled, dishonest, and careless.
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What has changed about Nick's feelings for Jordan?

Why does Nick change his feelings toward Jordan? He is not impressed with her anymore because she is self- centered and spoiled just like the people she hangs around. What is Nick's attitude toward Gatsby? He feels the same way about Gatsby, he thinks they are fake, self-centered, and spoiled.
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What did Nick do in Chapter 8?

Nick hurries back to West Egg and finds Gatsby floating dead in his pool. Nick imagines Gatsby's final thoughts, and pictures him disillusioned by the meaninglessness and emptiness of life without Daisy, without his dream.
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What does Nick find out about Jordan in Chapter 9?

Nick goes to Jordan Baker's house to set things straight with her. She tells him she is engaged to another man, though Nick doesn't really believe her. Then she accuses Nick of being dishonest with her. Nick leaves, feeling angry and sorry.
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