How does Scarlet Witch have children?

In 1975, she married her android teammate Vision, later using borrowed magical forces to make herself pregnant, resulting in twin sons William ("Billy") and Thomas ("Tommy").
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How can Wanda have a baby?

By using her hex powers. Wanda has the ability to create matter out of nothing. She use her hex powers to create her own children as well as her version of the Vision in Westview.
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How did Wanda have children in other universes?

And when Wanda created her kids in the Hex she, likely unknowingly, pulled the design of those kids from those other universes which is why “her and Vision's” kids look like her real kids. Vision was never their biological father, they weren't even biological. They were all products of the hex and Wanda's powers.
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Who is the father of Scarlet Witch son?

The Last Avengers Story

In a one-shot story about the final Avengers story, Billy and Tommy grew up as the children of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch.
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Does Wanda ever get to be with her children?

He's ultimately defeated, but the kids are now gone, as Agatha Harkness explains that Wanda essentially stole souls to create the kids and thus they no longer exist... She then erases their memories from Wanda's mind...
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The Story of Wanda and Vision's Kids and why they are Important - Marvel Comics Explained

Why can't Wanda get pregnant?

She realizes she wants to have children with her husband, Vision, but due to him being a synthezoid, they can not conceive naturally. Instead, she uses her powers, powers that, at the time, she neither fully understood or knew how to control, to create two children: Billy and Tommy, the future Young Avengers.
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Can Wanda reproduce?

Because Vision is an artificial being known as a Synthezoid, he's not actually capable of fathering biological children of his own. In response, Wanda magically creates two twin sons to complete their nuclear family. They were born in 1986's The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol.
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Do Scarlet Witch and Vision have a child?

In 1975, she married her android teammate Vision, later using borrowed magical forces to make herself pregnant, resulting in twin sons William ("Billy") and Thomas ("Tommy").
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How did Wanda create her twins?

This is supported by the Marvel Comics origins of the twins, whom Wanda creates by unwittingly summoning two pieces of Mephisto's soul. The ancient demon Mephisto later reabsorbs the twins, driving Wanda insane, which loosely resembles Wanda's arc from WandaVision to Doctor Strange 2.
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Who is the father of Wanda's 838 children?

The two children in WandaVision are creations of Wanda's reality-altering magic, as is the Vision in that series. As such the WandaVision are not real 'children' have no 'father'.
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What is Scarlet Witch's weakness?

Scarlet witch's biggest weakness is her durability. The only mode of defence was her powers. So her durability depended on her powers. She had two different stages in her power: before Infinity war and after Endgame.
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Why can't Wanda remake her kids?

As said in comment by Paulie_D: Wanda could have never really recreated her children in that universe. She could have recreated the hex but then her children would never be "real" but always a construct of her magic as per her time in Westview.
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Why did Doctor Strange grow a third eye?

The Third Eye Represents The Wisdom Of Agamotto

In the comics, Doctor Strange's third eye is an organic manifestation of the Eye of Agamotto. It represents the wisdom of the sorcerer Agamotto and his fellow Vishanti, allowing Strange to see his enemies' true intentions and break magical illusions.
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Why did Wanda get pregnant so fast?

Obviously, Wanda couldn't naturally have become pregnant that quickly, so it seems likely that it's not a “real” pregnancy after all – instead, it could be part of the illusion she and Vision are currently living in. With that said, it's also slightly unclear how “real” this fake reality is.
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How did Wanda 838 have kids?

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' ending indicates that Scarlet Witch is a single mother. While she could've physically given birth to the boys in this universe, it might also mean that Earth-838's Wanda peacefully created her children.
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How could Vision impregnate Wanda?

In the comics, Wanda and Vision get pregnant through magic — since Vision is a robot, that's seemingly their only option. They have twins named Thomas and William. However, it's eventually revealed that Tommy and Billy were actually created using fragments of the soul of a demon lord named Mephisto.
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Do any of the Avengers have kids?

In all of its incarnations, this team includes James Rogers, the son of Captain America and Black Widow; Azari T'Challa, the son of Storm and Black Panther; Francis Barton, the son of Hawkeye and Mockingbird; Henry Pym Jr., the son of Ant-Man and the Wasp; and Torunn, the daughter of Thor and Sif.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.
  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.
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What is the most powerful form of Scarlet Witch?

Scarlet Witch has unlocked a new 'ultimate form' called Unending Chaos, making her the most powerful Avenger in Marvel Comics history.
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Who is Scarlet Witch daughter of?

The powerful mutant known as Magneto subverted Wanda at an early age to not only believe herself to be a mutant, but also his daughter. Wanda eventually rebelled against the villain's manipulations to ultimately confront him whenever encountered and act as a bulwark to his schemes.
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Why Scarlet Witch doesn t have third eye?

Scarlet Witch's power goes beyond what Doctor Strange or any other character in the MCU could imagine, so with that in mind, she might have been more resistant to other physical consequences of the Darkhold, as is the third eye.
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Do Wanda's kids have powers?

Tommy, who went by the name "Speed" had the power of super speed (duh) while Billy (aka, "Wiccan") had psychic and magical abilities like flight, astral projection, force field generation, and more. You might notice that their powers mirror Wanda and her brother Pietro/Quicksilver. Well, there's a reason for that.
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Is the scarlet witch immortal?

Summary. Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch may be immortal in the MCU, despite her apparent death in Phase 4's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
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How did Wanda have a baby?

How did Wanda Maximoff have kids with an Android robot Vision…? By using her hex powers. Wanda has the ability to create matter out of nothing. She use her hex powers to create her own children as well as her version of the Vision in Westview.
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How many babies does Wanda have?

In the comics, Wanda and Vision had twin sons - Billy and Tommy; who were then erased from existence, which eventually made Wanda go insane and rewrite reality twice.
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