How does Wade go from Wolverine to Deadpool?

With Creed's help, Stryker gathered the DNA of several mutants, including Wraith, Bradley, Scott Summers, and Logan, with Wade being the host body. Stryker dubbed him as the "mutant killer" known as "The Deadpool".
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How does Wade from Wolverine become Deadpool?

Rather than a Wolverine blood transfusion, Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool is pumped full of an unnamed serum that awakens any latent mutant genes present in the victim's body. It turns out, Wade was born with a healing factor that never manifested itself. After the serum, Ajax tortures Wade until his mutation shows itself.
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How Deadpool is connected to Wolverine?

Wolverine Recruited Deadpool To Join His X-Force

Wilson became one of the first Logan recruited to join his Uncanny X-Force roster. After Cyclops disbanded his original X-Force squad, Wolverine decided to form his own to take out potential threats to the X-Men before it was too late.
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Is Deadpool actually Wade Wilson?

Deadpool is the alter ego of Wade Wilson, a disfigured Canadian mercenary with superhuman regenerative healing abilities. He is known for his tendency to joke incessantly and break the fourth wall for humorous effect.
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How did Wade come back to life?

Wade comes back to life after evaporating when Ember realizes that his leftover moisture is still capable of crying. The movie makes a point of showing how easy it is for Water people to cry, but Elemental's ending allows their emotions to help save Wade.
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How Deadpool 2 Fixed X-Men Origins: Wolverine

What happened to Wade after Wolverine?

Brainwashed by Stryker

Six years later, Wilson was captured and taken to Stryker's base at Three Mile Island where he is experimented on for the Weapon XI project. He was killed by Creed, and his body was used as a catalyst for the Weapon XI project.
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Why did Deadpool's skin change?

While Deadpool operated without scars for a short time, his healing factor began to react to his cancer, causing scarring akin to his live-action adaptations.
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Why was Deadpool different in Wolverine Origins?

He Has An Adamantium Skeleton

The Merc with the Mouth has an advanced healing factor derived from Wolverine's powers, but that's where those similarities end. When William Stryker pooled a bunch of mutants' powers into Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he went ahead and gave Deadpool an adamantium skeleton.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Behind the jokes and the usual insanity, Deadpool ain't just depressive, but also very bitter. He has a grudge against the world, and has a grudge against himself. But he also has a grudge against Wolverine, and that's where his “hatred" of him comes from, if and when it's shown; It's jealousy.
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Does Deadpool have Wolverine's DNA?

Although Deadpool got his powers when Department K infused him with Wolverine's mutant DNA, his healing factor was ultimately superior to Logan's. Wolverine's healing factor can't regrow lost limbs, for example. Deadpool's healing factor allowed him to regrow any limb that was lost or severed. Including his head.
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Does Wolverine respect Deadpool?

Wolverine's best allies and friends include Spider-Man, Deadpool, and Captain America. They have grown to tolerate each other, developed respect, and fought side by side, forming unbreakable bonds. Wolverine forms close mentor-mentee relationships with Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, and Colossus.
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Do Deadpool and Wolverine ever fight?

Deadpool vs. Wolverine is quite the fight to promote in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans have already seen the outcome of the clash when the superheroes first collided in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
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Why are there two Deadpool's?

In Deadpool Annual 2013, Deadpool is ripped apart by Luke Cage and Thor. He's split straight down the middle, but he had been melded together with Madcap for the duration of the issue, so the two halves simply become each of them. Since there was no technical injury, the two guys come out unscathed and fully formed.
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How is Wade killed in Wolverine?

After a battle against Logan and Creed atop a cooling tower at Stryker's plant, Weapon XI was beheaded and seemingly defeated by Logan. However, he survived decapitation. Like his Earth-616 counterpart who breaks the fourth wall, he shushed to the viewers that his survival must remain secret.
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Why is Deadpool's mouth sewn shut?

Deadpool's new powers as Apocalypse's Famine manifest through the antihero's mouth, from which Deadpool can conjure a deadly cloud of locusts. In order to control this ability, Deadpool has his mouth sewn shut, and only breaks the stitching when he needs to unleash his disgusting yet incredibly effective new ability.
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Is Wade from Wolverine the same Wade from Deadpool?

Both characters are played by Ryan Reynolds but the 2016 Deadpool movie rebooted the character, so they're not meant to be the same person. The Wade Wilson Deadpool that made his cinematic debut in 2009's.
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Who is immortal Deadpool or Wolverine?

While Deadpool and Wolverine are both practically immortal because of their respective healing factors, the way the two abilities work within their bodies are very different.
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Who does Wolverine hate the most?

The hilarious scene revealed that Wolverine's constant annoyance with Spider-Man is very much a real thing. Wolverine and Spider-Man have battled alongside each other on multiple occasions, and while they've done some great work together, Logan has never been a big fan of the web-slinger.
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Why is Deadpool stronger than Wolverine?

Deadpool's strength lies in his incredible healing factor and combat skills, as well as his unpredictable and fourth-wall breaking nature. Wolverine possesses an impressive healing factor, adamantium skeleton, and keen senses, but is vulnerable to certain attacks and has weaknesses like the Muramasa Blade.
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Who wins Deadpool or Wolverine?

Wolverine definitely can beat Deadpool, and is stronger than him, but Deadpool's speed and healing factor have allowed him to get the drop on Wolverine and do a lot of damage.
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Why is Deadpool obsessed with Spiderman?

Deadpool is obsessed with Spider-Man because he admires him immensely. Deadpool thinks that Spider-Man and him work really well together and thinks that Spidey's morals are amazing and where he wants to be.
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Why is Wolverine called Logan?

During the confrontation, Wolverine is reminded about the real meaning behind his Logan name. In the pages of Marvel Comics, Wolverine's origin has been changed and updated occasionally, but in most continuities, his biological father was Thomas Logan.
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What is the weakness of Deadpool?

Cows, Clowns and Other Phobias

The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Is Deadpool's healing better than Wolverines?

Ultimately, the Merc with the Mouth became a fan-favorite hero, and in modern stories, his healing outshines even that of Wolverine, with Wade able to survive incredible injury, from decapitation to incineration.
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Does Deadpool ever go back to looking normal?

But unlike the films, Deadpool does eventually receive his old face back in the Marvel Comics... and it's absolutely stunning. In the first Deadpool film - shortly after Deadpool escapes the Weapon X program and Ajax's grasp, he meets with his buddy Weasel and reveals his scarred face.
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